S106 Funding for North Swindon
Dear Swindon Borough Council,
What was the total amount of S106 paid by the developers for Haydon 1, Haydon 2 and Haydon 3 (under individual legal agreements including revisions)?
How much of the Haydon 1, Haydon 2 and Haydon 3 has been spent (individual legal agreements including revisions)?
Can I have a copy of each of the original legal agreements and any revisions?
Can you show what categories all the monies were paid into for Haydon 1, Haydon 2, Haydon 3 (under individual legal agreements including revisions)?
What was the money spent on, by category, Council department and individual items (individual legal agreements and revisions)?
What were the respective dates of expenditure for each item listed above?
Who signed the authority to spend the money in such a way (each item)?
Were Ward Councillors consulted on all of the above questions?
Yours faithfully,
Steph Exell
Thank you for your email which has been forwarded to the FoI office for response.
Kind regards
Customer Services
Swindon Borough Council
Wat Tyler House
Swindon SN1 2JG
Phone: 01793 445500
E-mail: [Swindon Borough Council request email]
Website: www.swindon.gov.uk
Dear Ms Exell,
Ref FOI101000249244 Freedom of Information Request
Thank you for your attached request.
Under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the Council has a
duty to respond `promptly' or no later than 20 working days, which in this
case is 15 December 2010.
I apologise in the delay for not responding to your request sooner but due
to an administrative error your request was not properly logged within our
Please find the attached information:
Haydon 1
Haydon 1 does not exist. Haydon I was the original name given to the
master planning for the entire NDA area. This was never translated into a
planning application for the entire land area, but broken up in to
separate areas for master planning.
Haydon 2
Haydon II was the name given to the outline planning permissions T91/1688
and T91/1690 that covered all the land east of Lady Lane (now Abbey Meads,
Ash Break, St. Andrews Ridge) and the area known as Taw Hill.
The model legal agreement signed to accompany these permissions reflects
what is now known as the 'Haydon II' agreement.
Haydon 3
The outline planning application was T98/0472 planning permission dated
16th June 2000.
Original Agreement
The agreement signed to accompany this permission now known as the 'Haydon
III' agreement is also dated 16th June 2000.
The original agreement is accompanied by Deeds of Variation, that make
amendments to the original draft and three available to view publicly
through the Council's Website at the following link:
The 2000 legal agreement can be found at the above link broken down into
sections including the 'Main Agreement' Schedules 1-10, Schedule 11
Schedules 12-14 and schedules 15-20.
The agreement with all its schedules and appendices is just over 500 pages
in size with the main agreement being 105 pages.
If you require hard copies of these documents it is the Council policy to
charge for documents over 100 pages at 10 pence per copy.
Can you please confirm if you will require hard copies?
The Programme of Works that can be found in Schedule 9 set out in
tabulated form an overview of the obligations of the parties involved (17
Deed of Variation 2002
Is available at the weblink.
Deed of Variation 2009
The Deed of Variation dated 16th July 2009 (that has an insert dated 24th
July 2009), reflects the remaining payments that are due to the Council as
Local Planning Authority in relation to Haydon 3. This is also available
at the weblink in its complete amended form. This is to be read in
conjunction with the detail contained in the original agreement.
I can confirm that under the Deed of Variation Instalment 1 and Instalment
2 of the payments have been made by the Development Consortium.
Instalment 1 Paid in two parts on 17th November and 19th November 2009
Transport Contribution 1 £5,060,000.00
Open Space Maintenance 1 £266,671.00
Social Contribution 1 £513,600.00
Total £ 5,840,271.00
Instalment 2 Paid on 16th November 2010
Transport Contribution 2 £3,795,000.00
Open Space Maintenance 2 £ 200,000.00
Social Contribution 2 £ 385,200.00
Total £4,380,200.00
Instalment 3 will not be due until November 2011.
Due to the scale of the rest of your request it is possible that to
accumulate the additional information for the rest of the enquiry may tip
the enquiry over the appropriate limit, however it is difficult to
determine if this will be the case.
The appropriate limit is specified in regulations and for Local Government
is set at £450.00. This represents the estimated cost of one person
spending 18 hours in determining whether the Council holds the
information, and locating, retrieving and extracting the information.
Consequently, the Council is not obliged by the Freedom of Information Act
2000 to respond to your request. However, we are still happy to continue
but we may require you to narrow the scope of your request, so the Council
may be able to provide the information free of charge because it would
cost less than the appropriate limit to do so.
We have estimated however due to the initial delay it is unlikely that
further information could be accumulated and made available before the new
year. We will need to liaise with Corporate Finance and Project
Management in this respect as the responsibility of extracting this
information will involve a number of Council officers. Until we have
completed this search we will not be able to answer your question about
whether ward councillors were consulted.
I hope the information we have been able to make available to you at this
stage is of use to you in the interim.
If you have any queries about this letter please contact me as detailed,
quoting the above reference number.
Yours sincerely,
Sharon Druett
Sharon Druett ([email address])
Freedom of Information Officer
Law and Democratic Services
Swindon Borough Council
Tel: 01793 463377
Fax: 01793 463405
Web: [2]www.swindon.gov.uk
Please consider the environment before printing this email.
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Geoff Reid left an annotation ()
Could we have an explanation of what 's106' monies are please?