Rules and Procedures for accepting proof of residence for Residents' Parking Schemes

This request has been withdrawn by the person who made it. There may be an explanation in the correspondence below.

Dear Oxford City Council,

Please provide copies of all rules and procedures you have relating to proof of residence for residents' parking schemes in Oxford.

In particular, I am interested in what does and what does not count as proof of residence, so please also include any minutes of meetings or correspondence which sheds light on this.

Yours faithfully,

Duncan Parkes

DAVIES Merilyn, Oxford City Council

Dear Duncan,

Thank you for your email. May I just clarify something with you, please? Oxford City Council only issue permits to residents occupying homes owned by the Council. Oxfordshire County Council operate the more general resident parking schemes. Do you wish to receive information on properties owned by the Council where a resident parking scheme is in place, or would you prefer to re-direct your enquiry to Oxfordshire County Council?

I look forward to hearing from you,

Best wishes


Merilyn Davies | Freedom of Information and Complaints Officer| Law and Governance | Oxford City Council – Normal working hours Monday to Friday 09:30 – 14:30

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Dear Oxford City Council,

I'd like to withdraw this request. I intended to send it to the County Council, so have made another request to them.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

Yours faithfully,

Duncan Parkes

Dear Merilyn,

Thanks for your reply - you were so fast you crossed with my trying to withdraw this request, as I've now made one to the County Council.

Sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks for getting back to me so fast.

Yours sincerely,

Duncan Parkes

DAVIES Merilyn, Oxford City Council

Hi Duncan,

That's fine, we are often confused! Thanks for letting me know and I hope they are of help.

Best wishes


Merilyn Davies | Freedom of Information and Complaints Officer| Law and Governance | Oxford City Council – Normal working hours Monday to Friday 09:30 – 14:30

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