Rugby Free Secondary School Section 10 Consultation

The request was successful.

Dear New Schools Network,

The Knowledge Schools Trust recently undertook a section 10 consultation for a new free school in Rugby. They consulted in CV21 and CV23 the areas where there is published deficit in secondary school places and a lack of options.
Six months later the trust have announced their new school within Cv22 an area that already contains six secondary schools. From reviewing your guidelines we understood that this consultation should be reopened as this was a substantial change to the plans. How much weight do your guidelines carry as the Academy Act only states that persons need to consult those persons they think are appropriate which is open to misue.

Yours faithfully,

Julian Woolley

Dear New Schools Network,
I have an outstanding FOI with you. By law, the authority should normally have responded promptly by the 18th July.

Yours faithfully,

Julian Woolley

New Schools Network

3 Attachments

Dear Julian


Thank you for your email and apologies for the delay in our reply.  New
Schools Network is not subject to the Freedom of Information Act so we
would not provide information on that basis but happy to provide some
information in response to your enquiry.


New Schools Network’s guidance on carrying out a public consultation,
which you refer to, is only advisory. It was written based on our
understanding and in the section you highlight, we refer to the fact that,
in some cases, it may be appropriate for an academy trust to reopen its
consultation where it is forced to change its plans (on its location
etc.), but this will not always be necessary.


Ultimately, an academy trust has to satisfy the Secretary of State that
they have carried out an adequate consultation and consulted the
appropriate persons. After considering the scope of the consultation and
the responses to it, he or she will then decide whether to move ahead with
the opening of the school.


I hope this has helped to answer your question.



NSN team


NSN Team

[1]New Schools Network

[New Schools Network request email]

020 7537 9208





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