FOI: 19003123 RubyLake Investment Limited
Please provide copies or records of all correspondence (written or verbal) between
RubyLake Investment Limited and Tower Hamlets Council.
Please narrow my request to include only correspondence with Tower Hamlet Council's
department of Planning and building control, in regards to the specific property 2-12
Cambridge Heath Road, London (E1 5QH), covering the time frame of 2008 to the
Present. Please include all correspondence up to the date of this FOI request.
Rublylake Ltd is recorded as the applicant in both of the planning applications referenced
below. In both cases the planning applications have been managed by ADA Architects
(the acting agent). Relevant correspondence between LBTH and ADA Architects has
been shared with you in response to FOI request 18377089.
Application under s.73 of the Town and Country Planning Act for a variation of
condition 2 of planning permission PA/11/00101 dated 15/03/2011 to seek minor
material amendments to the approved development for the "Erection of second
and third floor extension over existing office building to provide five residential
accommodation comprising 2 x 1 bed, 2 x 2 bed and 1 x 3 beds flats".
Variation sought: comprising the "Internal alteration to the floor layout consisting of
removal and relocation of the staircase and lift, creation of staircase from ground
to first floor office and alteration to the residential floor layout at second and third
floor level and change to the housing mix to 1 x 1 bed, 3 x 2 bed and 1 x 3 bed
Application for the following works
Three storey upward extension (including plant room) above original building
Three storey rear extension above existing ground floor single storey rear
Creation of mezzanine floor between ground and first floors
Part change of use from office (Class B1) to residential (Class C3) at ground and
first floors of original building
Extension and change of use of basement from office (Class B1) to gym (Class
Insertion of windows to the side and rear elevations
Creation of 15 dwellings (8x1bed, 5x2bed and 2 x 3 bed units)
Associated refuse and cycle storage to the rear of the site
You can also use the above planning application reference numbers to view further
documentation associated with each application on the online planning register. The
Tower Hamlets online planning register provides a repository of information where
interested parties can search for and view details of particular individual planning
applications including submitted forms, delegated reports, drawings and, where available,
decision notices and appeals.
The online planning register is accessible from the Tower Hamlets website, or directly
using the following link: