Royal College of Music Solar and Wind Research

The request was successful.

Dear Royal College of Music,

I would like to formally request the following information regarding Wind Energy (also wind turbines, wind power, wind farms, wind power systems, wind turbine generators, turbine blades,
wind development zones, wind parks, wind energy generation, wind energy installations, wind turbine sites, wind turbine foundations, wind turbine operation):

1) The total value of successful research grants received by the university in the area of Wind Energy, between Jan 1st 2001 and 31st July 2015, broken down by each year?

2) The value of each individual research grant received in the area of Wind Energy, between Jan 1st 2001 and 31st July 2015, as well as. the year they were received and who funded the grant?

3) The value of any donations or partnerships received for research in the area of Wind Energy, between Jan 1st 2001 and 31st July 2015, as well as. the year they were received and who funded the grant?

I would also like to formally request the following information regarding Solar Energy (also photovoltaic, artificial photosynthesis, solar thermal, crystalline silicon, solar cells, perovskite, light harvesting, biomimetic’ absorbers, alternative conducting oxides used in solar energy, concentrated Solar Power, polymer blended solar cells and any other materials based research relating to solar power).

4) The total value of successful research grants received by the university in the area of Solar Energy, between Jan 1st 2001 and 31st July 2015, broken down by each year?

5) The value of each individual research grant received in the area of Solar Energy, between Jan 1st 2001 and 31st July 2015, as well as. the year they were received and who funded the grant?

6) The value of any donations or partnerships received for research in the area of Solar Energy, between Jan 1st 2001 and 31st July 2015, as well as. the year they were received and who funded the grant?

Please could you confirm you have received this request.

Yours faithfully,

Ellie Appleton

Nicholas Seager, Royal College of Music

Dear Miss Appleton,
Please see below for the answers to your questions.
Nicholas Seager
Information & Systems Manager
Royal College of Music
Prince Consort Road
+44 (0)20 7591 4752

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