Rostering Software System
Dear Barts Health NHS Trust,
Under FOI please provide the following information relating to how the organisation rosters its staff.
• Does the trust currently use rostering software?
• Please state the name(s) of all rostering provider(s) used, split by the following staffing groups. Where no third parties are used, please explain how these staff are rostered: a. Medical & Dental, b. Nursing & Midwifery, c. AHPs, d. Other (please specify)
• Does the trust store its rostering data on its own servers or in the Cloud? Again please provide this information for each of the following staffing groups: a. Medical & Dental, b. Nursing & Midwifery, c. AHPs, d. Other (please specify)
• What other rostering systems are used by the trust? Please state the names of any providers used and what they are used for
• Please provide details of contract duration and when they expire
Thank you for the time spent in dealing with this request.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Yours faithfully,
Amie Gardner
Dear Amie,
Your Request for Information [FOI-682-17]
Thank you for your recent request for information. This will be processed in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and you will receive a response within the stipulated timescale.
The FOI Act defines a number of exemptions which may prevent the release of the information you have requested. We will assess the material and if any of the exemption categories apply, then the information may not be released. We will tell you if that is so. If the information you request refers to a third party then they may be consulted prior to a decision being taken on whether or not to release the information to you. We will let you know if that is the case and give you an indication of the timescale for providing the information. There may be a fee payable for the information you have requested. The fee must be paid before the information is released. We will inform you if this is the case.
Information that we may provide in response to the Freedom of Information Act request will be subject to copyright protection. You may ask if you can re-use the information, perhaps for commercial purposes. Without the necessary permission you can breach our copyright. To enquire about re-using Trust information, please write to us at the above address or e-mail [Barts Health NHS Trust request email]
If you have any queries then please contact us at [Barts Health NHS Trust request email]
If you are dissatisfied on how your request has been handled, you can complain in writing to The Information Governance Manager, Barts Health NHS Trust: E-mail [Barts Health NHS Trust request email]
Postal address:
The Information Governance Manager,
c/o Archives and Records Centre,
Barts Health NHS Trust,
Lower Ground Floor,
9 Prescot Street,
Aldgate, London E1 8PR
If, after we have addressed your complaint, you remain dissatisfied with how we have responded, you are entitled to appeal to the Information Commissioner (Tel: 01625 545 745). Details are shown at
Yours sincerely,
Samir Kamil
Freedom of Information (FOI) Lead
Barts Health NHS Trust
9 Prescot Street
London E1 8PR
Dear Amie Gardner
Your Request for Information [FOI-682-17]
Thank you for your request for information and the available information
is attached below.
• Does the trust currently use rostering software?
Our response: Yes
• Please state the name(s) of all rostering provider(s) used, split by the
following staffing groups.
Where no third parties are used, please explain how these staff are
rostered: a. Medical & Dental, b. Nursing & Midwifery, c. AHPs, d. Other
(please specify)
Our response: Allocate Software for all staff groups
• Does the trust store its rostering data on its own servers or in the
Cloud? Again please provide this information for each of the following
staffing groups: a. Medical & Dental, b. Nursing & Midwifery, c. AHPs, d.
Other (please specify)
Our response: Cloud
• What other rostering systems are used by the trust? Please state the
names of any providers used and what they are used for
Our response: Medirota – currently used by Anaesthetics Unit and Trauma &
Orthopaedic unit at Whipps Cross Hospital to roster.
• Please provide details of contract duration and when they expire
Our response: 5 years ending 2018
I hope that the information that we have been able to provide will be of
value to you but please let us know if we can be of further assistance.
([1][Barts Health NHS Trust request email]). We would be grateful if you would take a
minute to fill out our FOI Feedback Questionnaire at
[2] If you require any further
information about the services provided by Barts Health NHS Trust please
contact the press office on 020 7480 4893 (Monday to Friday 9am-5pm) or
out of hours call Switchboard on 020 7377 7000 and ask to contact the duty
press officer.
If you are dissatisfied on how your request has been handled, you can
complain in writing to: The Information Governance Manager, Barts Health
NHS Trust,
Email: [3][Barts Health NHS Trust request email]
Postal address:
The Information Governance Manager,
c/o Archives & Records Centre,
Barts Health NHS Trust,
Lower Ground Floor,
9 Prescot St,
E1 8PR
If, after we have addressed your complaint, you remain dissatisfied with
how we have responded, you are entitled to appeal to the Information
Commissioner (Tel: 01625 545 745). Details are shown at
Yours faithfully,
Samir Kamil
Freedom of Information (FOI) Lead
Barts Health NHS Trust
9 Prescot Street
London E1 8PR
Website: [5]
Visible links
1. mailto:[Barts Health NHS Trust request email]
3. mailto:[Barts Health NHS Trust request email]
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