Roll out of FRU
Dear London Fire Commissioner (London Fire Brigade),
Hi i would like to know the propsed SPecifications of the New FRU'S and High rise Appliances and the propsed roll out dates including a equipment inventory
Yours faithfully,
Dear Ricky,
Thank you for your request.
This will be considered under the FOIA as such we will respond within 20 working days.
Kind Regards,
James Sivell
Information Access Manager
London Fire Brigade
169 Union Street, London SE1 0LL
T: 020 8555 1200x30300
Dear Ricky,
Thank you for your request, dated 18 February 2019 regarding the new London Fire Brigade (LFB) FRU's and aerial appliances.
In response, I have been advised by our fleet team that whilst the operational use of the FRU will change little the final requirements and inventory of operational equipment items have not been set and so we are unable to confirm these details yet. With regards to our replacement aerial appliances 'High rise Appliances'. Fleet have confirmed we have ordered twelve 32m max height turntable ladder appliances with articulating top ladder sections and three 64m max height turntable ladder appliances. All new turntable ladder appliances will be manufactured by Magirus and supplied by their UK agent, Emergency One Ltd. The operator training is planned to start in March/April 2020 with the following rollout taking approximately a year to completed.
I have set out the provisional operational equipment inventory below; please be aware this is not set and so there may be some item changes before the project is completed.
2 X CABA Sets with BA Telemetry and BA Communications
2 X CABA Spare Cylinders
1 X Water Extinguisher 9 Litre
1 X Foam Extinguisher 9 Litre
1 X Searchlight
1 X IEC Pack (First Aid Kit)
2 X Electronic Personal Dosimeters
1 X Set Of Wheel Chocks where required for the aerial design/type
1 x Set of Jack Foot Spreader Blocks/Plates where required for the aerial design/type
2off 30m X 70mm Delivery Hose for ‘standard’ TTL
3 off 30m x 70mm Delivery for ‘extended range TTL
1 X Hand Controlled Branch (RB101)
1 X 3m Length Of Hi-Pressure Hose-reel Tubing with LFB Standard Hi-Pressure Hand Control Branch
1 X Hydrant Standpipe with Double Head
1 X Hydrant Key and Bar
2 X False Spindles (1 small and 1 large)
1 X 23m X 45mm Delivery Hose
4 X Jack Leg Blocks
1 X Set Rollgliss Aerial Appliance Rescue Line Equipment
2 X Portable Floodlighting Units (Cage Mounted)
1 X 100m Searchlight Cable Reel
6 X Traffic Cones
2 X Sunglasses
1 X Electrical Gloves In Bag
4 X Hose Ramps
2 X Ground Control Lines
1 X Bowsaw
1 X OIC PPE Stowage
1 X Driver PPE Stowage
1 X Long Line In Bag
1 X Lifting Strops And Slings For Crane Operations
1 X Basket Stretcher
1 X Rollgliss Compatible Bridle Set for the Basket Stretcher
1 X Budget Key
1 X Hand Held Spot Light
1 X Hand Winding Gear Set if applicable
1 X Fly Ladder
2 X Station Number Plates
3 X Station Name Plates
1 X Brigade Geographia Atlas
1 X Nominal Roll Board
1 X Message Pad
1 X Main Scheme Radio Set
2 X Reflective Jerkins
1 X Large Axe
1 X Detachable Fire-Fighting Water Monitor (if applicable)
1 X Set Of Detachable Civil Disturbance Equipment * (if applicable)
1 X V&E Contract Vehicle Handbook
1 X Fire Fighting Water Pressure Relief Valve
1 X Dividing Breaching With Outlet Isolation Valves
1 x Collecting Breeching
1 X Cage Monitor Link Hose (if applicable)
4 X Fall Restraint Harnesses with Lanyards
1 X Stretcher Carrier Assembly
1 X City Hydrant Cover Key
1 X Operators Manual (Hard Copy)
1 x Operational Notes Folder
1 x FORM 2416 Pad
1 x FORM 6176 Pad
1 x Exhaust Extension Pipe/Hose
2 x Console Covers (if applicable)
1 x 10ltr Spare Fuel Can (if applicable)
1 Set Cab Tilt Tools (if applicable)
2 x RPE Filter Kits
1 x detachable video cameras (normal and thermal imaging) unit (if applicable)
I hope you find this response of use. Should you have any further questions do let me know.
Your request has been dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). If you are dissatisfied by this response you can request an internal review by writing to the Head of Information Management at the address below (or email [email address]).
Further information about your information rights (including how to raise a concern or make a complaint) is available from the Information Commissioner’s Office on their website at or by writing to them at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.
Kind Regards,
James Sivell
Information Access Manager
London Fire Brigade
169 Union Street, London SE1 0LL
T: 020 8555 1200x30300
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