Road verges - ecological protection scheme

The request was partially successful.

Dear Sir or Madam,

If you run an ecological protection scheme for road verges in your area, please could you provide me with the following details:

a) what protection measures a verge receives when it is included in the scheme

b) the list of verges covered by the scheme (and their locations - road name/number and six figure OS grid references would be fine)

c) for each verge, the specific reasons why the verge has been included in the scheme - i.e. the notable species found there, or the NVC community present

If you do not run such a scheme in your area, but you are aware that another body does, please could you refer me to them instead.

Many thanks,

Susan Davis

Skeet, Rachel - Corporate Core - Democratic Services, Oxfordshire County Council

Our reference: 1198 FOI

Dear Susan Davis,

Thank you for your request of 6 March 2009 in which you asked for the
following information:

If you run an ecological protection scheme for road verges in your

area, please could you provide me with the following details:

a) what protection measures a verge receives when it is included in

the scheme

b) the list of verges covered by the scheme (and their locations -

road name/number and six figure OS grid references would be fine)

c) for each verge, the specific reasons why the verge has been

included in the scheme - i.e. the notable species found there, or

the NVC community present

If you do not run such a scheme in your area, but you are aware

that another body does, please could you refer me to them instead.

Your request is being considered and you will receive the information
requested as soon as possible and in any event within the next 20 working
days in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000, unless an
exemption applies. This means that the council will respond to you by 3
April 2009.

There may be a fee payable for this information. You will be informed if
this is the case and you can decide if you wish to proceed with your

If appropriate, the information requested can be made available in
alternative formats, including other languages, Braille, large print, and
audiocassette. If you require any of these formats then please let me

Please contact me if you have any have further enquiries about your
request. I would be grateful if you could quote the reference number given
at the top of this email.

Yours sincerely,

Rachel Skeet
Information Officer

Oxfordshire County Council
Corporate Core
Freedom of Information Team
County Hall
New Road

Tel: 01865 815889
Fax: 01865 247805

E-mail: [1][email address] (direct)
E-mail: [2][Oxfordshire County Council request email] (FOI team)
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Skeet, Rachel - Corporate Core - Democratic Services, Oxfordshire County Council

5 Attachments

Our reference: 1198 FOI

Dear Susan Davis,

Thank you for your request of 6 March 2009 in which you asked for the
following information:

If you run an ecological protection scheme for road verges in your

area, please could you provide me with the following details:

a) what protection measures a verge receives when it is included in

the scheme

b) the list of verges covered by the scheme (and their locations -

road name/number and six figure OS grid references would be fine)

c) for each verge, the specific reasons why the verge has been

included in the scheme - i.e. the notable species found there, or

the NVC community present

Please find attached a copy of a report (RVNR Report 1991) which details
road verge nature reserves in Oxfordshire. The report lists the names and
locations of the verges as well as the notable species and habitat
management measures of each scheme.

Additional schemes have been added since 1991 and details of these are
also attached to this email.


Following our completion of your information request, we would be grateful
if you would take a few minutes to give us some feedback.

Please click on the weblink below to open a short survey which should take
less than 5 minutes to complete.


Responses are anonymous and will help us improve our service. Thank you.

Help Us To get It Right

If you are dissatisfied with the service or response you have received you
can complain as follows:

o Use the online complaints form on our website -

o Complete the leaflet "How do I complain about a council service?".
Copies are available from any Oxfordshire library or by telephoning 01865
815906. Large print and audio tape versions are available on request from
this number;

o Write to us at our FREEPOST address:

Complaints and Comments
Oxfordshire County Council
Oxford OX1 1YA.

Please let me know if you have further enquiries. I would be grateful if
you could use the reference number given at the top of this email.

Yours sincerely,

Rachel Skeet
Information Officer

Oxfordshire County Council
Corporate Core
Freedom of Information Team
County Hall
New Road

Tel: 01865 815889
Fax: 01865 247805

E-mail: [3][email address] (direct)
E-mail: [4][Oxfordshire County Council request email] (FOI team)
Internet: [5]

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3. mailto:[email address]
4. mailto:[Oxfordshire County Council request email]

Dear Rachel

Thanks for this reply. The information for the four additional sites appears to consist of just one sheet each - I think maybe you meant to include a map and an information sheet for each? Also the information sheet for the first site has some information obscured. Could you look into this and supply revised copies of these four documents?


Susan Davis

Skeet, Rachel - Corporate Core - Democratic Services, Oxfordshire County Council

Thank you for your email. I am away from my desk on 6 and 7 April with
little access to email.

If you require an urgent response or if you are requesting information
from Oxfordshire County Council please redirect your message to the FOI
team's main email address: [Oxfordshire County Council request email]. Your message will be
dealt with as soon as possible.

Otherwise I will respond to your email upon my return.

Kind regards,

Rachel Skeet
Information Officer

Oxfordshire County Council
Corporate Core
Freedom of Information Team
County Hall
New Road

Tel: 01865 815889
Fax: 01865 247805
E-mail: [email address] (direct)
E-mail: [Oxfordshire County Council request email] (FOI team)

This email, including attachments, may contain confidential information.
If you have received it in error, please notify the sender by reply and
delete it immediately. Views expressed by the sender may not be those of
Oxfordshire County Council. Council emails are subject to the Freedom of
Information Act 2000.

Skeet, Rachel - Corporate Core - Democratic Services, Oxfordshire County Council

Dear Susan avis,

I am pursuing your query with the relevant colleagues. However, I can
confirm that the Cowleaze Wood attachment consists of two pages and the
Ipsden attachment consists of four pages. The Aston Rowart and Britwell
Hill attachments consist of one page each.

Yours sincerely,

Rachel Skeet
Information Officer

Oxfordshire County Council
Corporate Core
Freedom of Information Team
County Hall
New Road

Tel: 01865 815889
Fax: 01865 247805

E-mail: [email address] (direct)
E-mail: [Oxfordshire County Council request email] (FOI team)

show quoted sections

Skeet, Rachel - Corporate Core - Democratic Services, Oxfordshire County Council

Our Ref: 1198 FOI

Dear Susan Davis,

Having checked with colleagues, I am writing to confirm that there isn't
an information sheet to accompany all four additional sites because the
RVNR report has not been updated yet. It is hoped that this will be
achieved this summer.

Yours sincerely,

Rachel Skeet

Information Officer

Oxfordshire County Council
Corporate Core
Freedom of Information Team
County Hall
New Road

Tel: 01865 815889
Fax: 01865 247805

E-mail: [1][email address] (direct)
E-mail: [2][Oxfordshire County Council request email] (FOI team)
Internet: [3]

This email, including attachments, may contain confidential information.
If you have received it in error, please notify the sender by reply and
delete it immediately. Views expressed by the sender may not be those of
Oxfordshire County Council. Council emails are subject to the Freedom of
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