Road verges - ecological protection scheme

The request was successful.

Dear Sir or Madam,

If you run an ecological protection scheme for road verges in your area, please could you provide me with the following details:

a) what protection measures a verge receives when it is included in the scheme

b) the list of verges covered by the scheme (and their locations - road name/number and six figure OS grid references would be fine)

c) for each verge, the specific reasons why the verge has been included in the scheme - i.e. the notable species found there, or the NVC community present

If you do not run such a scheme in your area, but you are aware that another body does, please could you refer me to them instead.

Many thanks,

Susan Davis

Tina Brooks, Bracknell Forest Borough Council

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  • Attachment

    Freedom of Information request Road verges ecological protection scheme.txt

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Dear Elisabeth Da'Born

Thank you for your request for information.

You will receive the Council's response within 20 working days -03/04/09

Yours sincerely
Tina Brooks

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Tina Brooks, Bracknell Forest Borough Council

2 Attachments

  • Attachment

    Fwd Freedom of Information request Road verges ecological protection scheme.txt

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  • Attachment

    Freedom of Information request Road verges ecological protection scheme.txt

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Dear Sue Davis

Many apologies for incorrectly addressing you in my recent e-mail to you in response to your freedom of information request on Road verges.

Tina Brooks

Tina Brooks
Information Assistant (FOI/DP)
Legal Services
Easthampstead House
Town Square
01344 352132
[email address]

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Dear Tina,

Could you let me know how you're getting on with preparing a reply to my request?



Lorna Porter, Bracknell Forest Borough Council

Dear Susan

I apologise for the delay in our response. Unfortunately this request was overlooked, which was entirely my fault. I have contacted the appropriate officer and asked him to provide a response as quickly as possible. I hope to forward it to you very shortly.

Yours sincerely

Lorna Porter
Information Compliance Representative
Environment, Culture & Communities
Bracknell Forest Council
Time Square, Market Street
Bracknell, Berks RG12 1JD

T: 01344 352000
DD: 01344 354113

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Dear Tina,

Could you let me know how you're getting on with preparing a reply
to my request?



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Marlies Fell, Bracknell Forest Borough Council

1 Attachment

Dear Susan,

We have provided some information (see attached) in answer to your questions, if you would like any further information please contact me on the details below.

Kind Regards,

Marlies Fell

Biodiversity Officer
Bracknell Forest Council
Tel. 01344 354125

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