Risk Registers

The request was successful.

Dear Department for Communities (Northern Ireland),

Please publish the last 3 Risk Registers as submitted to the department by the Charity Commission for NI.

Yours faithfully,

Trevor McKee


Flynn, Gerard, Department for Communities (Northern Ireland)

1 Attachment

Dear Mr McKee

Please see acknowledgement letter attached

Gerard Flynn

Gerard Flynn | Charities Team | Voluntary and Community Division |Department for Communities
3rd Floor Lighthouse Building | Gasworks Business Park | Belfast | BT7 2JB
Contact::|[email address] | Tel: (028) 90 829510| ( DD: 38510

DfC Charities Branch, Department for Communities (Northern Ireland)

1 Attachment

Dear Mr McKee


Please see attached response of your FOI request DFC/2018-0109.


Kind Regards



Colleen Bell