Requests similar to 'RFSS Section 10 Consultation'

Reopened Consultation Findings
Response by Learning Today Leading Tomorrow to Julian Woolley on .


Julian Thank you for your recent enquiry. A reply will be sent to you as soon as possible. For information; the Trust standard for correspondence rece...
RFSS Site Location
Response by Learning Today Leading Tomorrow to Julian Woolley on .

Partially successful

Julian Thank you for your recent enquiry. A reply will be sent to you as soon as possible. For information; the Trust standard for correspondence rece...
Rugby Free Secondary School
Response by Learning Today Leading Tomorrow to Julian Woolley on .

Information not held

Julian Thank you for your recent enquiry. A reply will be sent to you as soon as possible. For information; the Trust standard for correspondence rece...
Copy of Latest Inspector Training Manual
Response by Planning Inspectorate to Aqib on .


Dear Aqib Further to my previous e-mail, please find attached the second part of the Inspector Training Manual. The third part will be attached to a f...
Planning Inspectors Training Manual
Response by Planning Inspectorate to Nick Hiscox on .


Dear Mr Hiscox, Further to my first email, please see attached part 2 of the ITM, for your information. Kind regards, Matt Dunkley-Roberts Customer...
Inspectors Training Manual
Response by Planning Inspectorate to Chloe Reeves on .


Dear Ms Reeves Further to my previous e-mail, please find attached the second part of the Inspector Training Manual. Chris Pritchard Planning Inspect...
Planning Inspector Training Manual
Response by Planning Inspectorate to Stephen Drew on .


Dear Mr Drew Further to my previous e-mail, please find attached the second part of the Inspector Training Manual. ==================================...
Inspectors' training manual
Response by Planning Inspectorate to Helen Hamilton on .


Part 2 Environmental Permitting England and Wales 02 0 What’s New since the last version em be r2 Changes highlighted in yellow made 16 Nov 2018...
Inspector Training Manual
Response by Planning Inspectorate to Paul Barkley on .


Here it is Kevin Plummer Customer Quality Team | The Planning Inspectorate | 3H Eagle Wing Temple Quay House | 2 The Square | Temple Quay | Bristol BS...
Rules / Guidance for Planning Inspectors
Response by Planning Inspectorate to altruvista on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Laws Thank you for your email requesting information from the Planning Inspectorate. Your request has been considered under the provisions of...
Inspectors Handbook
Response by Planning Inspectorate to Carter Sheringham on .


Hi Carter Sheringham I have attached here part 1 of 2 of the most up-to-date version of the whole of the Inspectors Training Manual, as requested. It...
    Yours sincerely Bob Palmer   Customer Team Manager Putting the customer at the heart of everything we do. Email: [1][email address]  ...
Dear Mr Thorpe, Please find attached the response to your request for information, reference RFI20140963. Yours sincerely, The Information Policy an...
Inspectors Training Manual
Response by Planning Inspectorate to Jason Lewis on .


Dear Mr Lewis,   Please see attached part 2 of the ITM, for your information.   Kind regards,   Matt Dunkley-Roberts Customer Team Officer...
  Dear Mr Tagg     Thank you for your request for information received on 20 December 2019.   Please find attached our response to your request....
Inspectors training manual
Response by Planning Inspectorate to Vanessa Clarke on .


    Jo Thorne Customer Team Officer Putting the customer at the heart of everything we do. Email: [1][email address]   Complaints line: 030...
  Dear Jon Reardon Smith   Thank you for your e-mail, requesting information from the Planning Inspectorate.    Please find a response attac...
Planning Inspector Training Manual
Response by Planning Inspectorate to Andrea Wilcock on .

Partially successful

Dear Andrea Wilcock,   Thank you for your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 dated 03 January 2025.   We note that you have request...
Email 2 - Inspector Training Manual - final part. Aggie Lewis-Jones CQ & FOI Support Officer The Planning Inspectorate statements in their appeals th...
Inspector Training Manual
Response by Planning Inspectorate to J. Day on .

Awaiting classification

Dear J. Day, Please find attached my response to your request under the Freedom of Information Act and associated documents. Kind regards, Angus...
Inspector Training Manual
Response by Planning Inspectorate to Matthew Driscoll on .


Dear Matthew Driscoll   Thank you for your Freedom of Information request of 18^th October request a copy of Inspector’s Training Manual (ITM) and...
Planning Inspector training manual
Response by Planning Inspectorate to Vanessa Clarke on .


Dear Ms Clarke, Thank you for your further email regarding our FOI request for the ITM. I apologise that you were not able to access the attachments o...
Inspector Training Manual
Response by Planning Inspectorate to Mark Balaj on .


Dear Mr Balaj, Thank you for your further email regarding your FOI request for the ITM. I apologise that you were not able to access the attachments o...
Finsbury Park: events and licensing
Response by Haringey Borough Council to Clive Carter on .


    [1][FOI #902674 email]   Dear Mr Carter, Re: Freedom of Information Act Request ref: LBH/13061522   Thank you for your request for in...
Dear Aodhán, With reference to your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act, please find below the School's response. 1. Minutes...