Requests similar to 'Review of suicides and gender dysphoria at the Tavistock: key dates'

Dear E A Lee, Please find attached the Department of Health and Social Care's response to your recent FOI request (our ref: FOI-1519668). Yours si...
Dear Sam,   Freedom of Information (FOI) Act request   We are writing in response to your request for information, under the FOI Act, dated 22 Aug...
Dear Freedom of Information Requests, Thank you for your prompt response, which provided some of the requested information. I consider requests (2)...
Dear Brady White, Please find attached the Department of Health and Social Care's response to your recent FOI request (our ref: FOI-1392981). Your...
FOI Request: Equality and Diversity Policies in your CCG Our Reference Number: 2122058 & 2122062   Dear Cleo Madeleine,   Further to your requ...
FOI Request: Equality and Diversity Policies in your CCG Our Reference Number: 2122058 & 2122062   Dear Cleo Madeleine,   Further to your requ...
FOI Request: Equality and Diversity Policies in your CCG Our Reference Number: 2122058 & 2122062   Dear Cleo Madeleine,   Further to your requ...
FOI Request: Equality and Diversity Policies in your CCG Our Reference Number: 2122058 & 2122062   Dear Cleo Madeleine,   Further to your requ...
FOI Request: Equality and Diversity Policies in your CCG Our Reference Number: 2122058 & 2122062   Dear Cleo Madeleine,   Further to your requ...
Please see attached the response to your request. Freedom of Information Co-ordinator Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust FOI Co-ordinator In...
Dear Mr Cook Please see attached response to your FoI request and accompanying documents. Kind regards Central FoI Team DWP Central Freedom of Info...
Atos Healthcare evidence based protocols
Response by Department for Work and Pensions to Miss Smith on .

Partially successful

Dear Miss Smith, Please find attached response to your Freedom of Information request. <<4077-4357 Miss Smith Response.pdf>> <<Adjustment Disorders...
Correspondence between Mr Kirby and Dr Cheng
Response by Essex Police to Peter Clark on .

Awaiting classification

Thank you for your patience I can now provide additional information please see the below revised FOI   The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA)...
Dear Sarah,   Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Please find attached a response letter from NHS Devon.   Best regards   F...
  Dear Requester   Our Ref: FOI0921010   Please find attached our response to your recent request for information. Your feedback is importa...
Dear Mr Smith   Thank you for your request for information, which we received on 1^st March 2019, regarding documents and information relating to...
Dear Ms Snow, Please find attached the Department of Health and Social Care's response to your recent FOI request (our ref: FOI-1331798). Yours si...
Dear Mr/Ms Bradshaw     Ref No: FOI/2022/0423  Request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000: Information supplied     Y...
Cass data disclosure threats
Response by NHS England to E A Lee on .

Partially successful

Dear E Lee We refer to your email of 21 June 2023 in which you requested information under the Freedom of Information Act from NHS England. Your r...
Atos doctors directives
Response by Department for Work and Pensions to Barry Almond on .


Dear Mr Almond Please see attached third batch of accompanying documents to your FoI request. Kind regards DWP Central FoI Team   Medical Ser...
Dear Ermine Please find the attached response to your recent freedom of information request. I also attached an information sheet regarding copyri...
Good Afternoon Mr Gallagher Please find attached the NHS Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group's response to your freedom of information request. Ki...
Dear Mike   We are sorry for the delay in responding to your follow up question.   We can confirm that no data has been submitted to NHSE/I on...
Response by Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust to tim wells on .

Partially successful

Dear Tim Wells   Please find attached the response to your Freedom of Information request.   Yours sincerely   Freedom of Information Team...
Judicial Review- Equality Act
Response by Department for Work and Pensions to B. Adams on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Adams Please see your FOI response attached Kind regards Health & Disability Assessments (Operations)/Department for Work and Pensions/2nd...