Pseudonymisation Review –
Final Report
Version 1.0 | 24 March 2017
HSCIC Data Pseudonymisation Review – Final Report v1.0
Document Management
Revision History
Summary of Changes
March 2015
Draft version created
March 2015
High level structure presented to March Steering group
Internal team review of structure against Pseudo Review 2014 Interim
March 2015
July 2015
High level structure outlined to July Steering Group
July- Sept
Draft Final Report prepared for Steering group review
Draft incorporating comments from Steering Group members
May 2016
Rewrite incorporating comments from Steering Group members
July 2016
Rewrite incorporating comments from final Steering Group review
Changes applied following comments received from Steering group member
March 2017
Changes applied following Steering group review and up issued to approved
This document must be reviewed by the following people: author to indicate reviewers
Reviewer name
Title / Responsibility
HSCIC Pseudonymisation Review
Steering Group
Approved by
This document must be approved by the following people: author to indicate approvers
HSCIC Pseudonymisation
Review Steering Group
Glossary of Terms
Term / Abbreviation
What it stands for
Accredited Safe Haven
Confidentiality Advisory Group
Clinical Commissioning Group
Commissioning Data Sets
Central Pseudonymisation
Clinical Practice Research Datalink
Care Quality Commission
Commissioning Support Unit
Data Access Advisory Group
Data Access Request Service
Date of Birth
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HSCIC Data Pseudonymisation Review – Final Report v1.0
Data Protection Act 1998
Data Service for Commissioners Regional Office
Data Services for Commissioners
Data Stewards Service
Executive Management Team
European Union
General Practitioner
GP Extraction Service
Hospital Episodes Statistics
Health Research Authority
Health and Social Care Information Centre
Information Commissioner’s Office
Information Governance
Independent Group Advising on the Release of Data
Independent Information Governance Oversight Panel
Medical Research Information Service
National Health Service
NHS England
Office for National Statistics
Pseudonymisation at Source
Postcode Address File
Patient Administration System
Payment by Results
Public Health England
Quality Outcomes Framework
Secure Anonymised Information Linkage
Subject Access Request
Serious Incident Requiring Investigation
Secondary Uses Service
University College London
UK Anonymisation Network
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HSCIC Data Pseudonymisation Review – Final Report v1.0
Executive Summary
1 Introduction
2 Pseudonymisation Review Approach
The Steering Group
Overview of work and processes
3 Evidence Base & Key Findings
Evidence Base
Key Findings
4 Recommendations
Appendix 1 - Sub-Group Deliverables
Appendix 2 – Review Assumptions
Appendix 3 - Key Findings
Appendix 4 - Steering Group Terms of Reference & Membership
The Role of the Steering Group
II. The Responsibilities of the Steering Group
The Scope of the Steering Group
Steering Group Members’ Interests
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HSCIC Data Pseudonymisation Review Final Report v1.0
Executive Summary
This report summarises the evidence and perspectives presented to the Reviews Steering
Group by a wide range of stakeholders during the HSCIC Data Pseudonymisation Review.
It includes recommendations to the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC)
Executive Management Team (EMT) in relation to the HSCIC approach to
An initial review was undertaken from November 2013. This reviewed the use of
pseudonymisation in respect of data in transmission to, received, held and disseminated by
the HSCIC. The output of that review was an interim report published in July 2014
1. The interim report set out the need for a next stage review, to look in particular at three
broad options for pseudonymisation of data collected by the HSCIC:
• pseudonymisation of data centrally (after receipt by the HSCIC)
• pseudonymisation of data at source (before disclosure to the HSCIC);
• a mixture of pseudonymisation at source and pseudonymisation centrally
This next stage review commenced in August 2014 with the aim of reporting
recommendations on approaches to pseudonymisation by the HSCIC for consideration by
The HSCIC Data Pseudonymisation Review has been overseen by an Independent Steering
Group, with membership made up of experts representing a wide spectrum of views and
interests on the subject area, the group also included a patient representative.
The Steering Group considered evidence from a wide range of stakeholders including data
providers, customers who receive data from the HSCIC, Arms-Length Bodies and suppliers
of systems.
It is clear that pseudonymisation is a very complex and emotive subject area, often with
highly polarised views depending upon the standpoint of that stakeholder. This report
summarises these different perspectives.
Whilst the original intention from the Interim Report was to consider the three broad options
for pseudonymisation it became clear that a one size fits all assessment would not be
feasible. As a result the recommendations presented in this Final Report instead focus on
the options on a per data flow basis whilst taking into account the broad options for
This review has taken place over a period of considerable change to the data sharing,
privacy and confidentiality landscape including:
1 https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/data-pseudonymisation-review
2 Where the HSCIC currently employs pseudonymisation, it is performed centrally, typically after data quality
and data linkage work.
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the HSCIC commitment to honouring patient objections,
adoption of the recommendations of the Partridge Review into data releases by the
NHS Information Centre,
the Care Act 2014,
formalising the role of the Confidentiality Advisory Group (CAG) and
the National Data Guardian review consultation on guidelines for data security of
patients’ confidential data including a new Consent/Opt-out model.
increased awareness of European legislation including the development of a new
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the potential impact of this on
This report should be read in the context of the changes to the wider data sharing, privacy
and confidentiality landscape.
The review has found that pseudonymisation can be an effective technique for reducing the
risks associated with the sharing a patients confidential data, and whilst not fully eliminating
the risk, when used in combination with other safeguards can render data effectively
It also considers the role of the HSCIC to collect, process, analyse and publish or otherwise
disseminate health and social care data, including identifiable data, using it’s statutory
powers under the Health and Social Care Act 2012. This role includes recognition as the
Safe Haven for health and social care information.
During the review substantial evidence has been submitted by a diverse range of
stakeholders and considered by the Review Steering Group and Sub-Groups. This evidence
has been captured in a series of sub-group deliverables from which a number of key
assumptions (s
ee Appendix 2) and key findings (s
ee Appendix 3) have emerged.
Based upon this evidence, the Review Steering Group makes the following
recommendations to the HSCIC Executive Management Team.
Public Confidence
The HSCIC need to build public confidence by continuing to
address public and professional concerns through a two-way
dialogue. This will include being transparent about the data
that it collects and processes, how it is kept securely, and
whom the data is shared with, for what purpose and on what
legal basis and how their confidential data is protected. It
should also inform patients how they can express preferences
to how their data is used.
The HSCIC should list all the data sets it collects and
processes, as well as all data it releases, on its website in an
easily searchable form. This will help the public easily
determine what data the HSCIC is likely to hold on them as
an individual and who has access to that data in identifiable
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The HSCIC should identify and communicate the benefits to
Benefits of data
the patients and the wider health and care associated with the
collection, analysis, publication and other dissemination of
health and care data, as well as the risk and means used to
minimise it, including personal, sensitive and confidential data
Ensuring use of
Pseudonymisation on its own is often insufficient to protect
the confidentiality of patient data. The HSCIC should provide
data is appropriate
training to HSCIC staff, the wider NHS and customers which
covers the organisational, legal and technical implications of
using pseudonymised, data, including the risks involved and
legal penalties, prior to the sharing of data
The HSCIC should apply pseudonymisation which is
irreversible by the recipient unless there is a legitimate health
related reason and appropriate organisational, technical and
legal measures in place for the data to be re-identified. The
HSCIC should by default own and control the
pseudonymisation keys or lookup tables in cases where it
disseminates pseudonymised data.
The HSCIC should develop a policy around other types of key
management requested in its dissemination of
pseudonymised data and the circumstances under which it
would consider such disseminations to be identifiable, in
liaison with CAG.
There should be transparency around the type of
pseudonymisation applied, for example, in data release
Establish Centre of
The HSCIC should develop an internal centre of expertise,
Expertise and
which can provide best practice advice and guidance in
relation to the de-identification of data, including
pseudonymisation for itself and the wider NHS. This would
include the development of relevant standards
As a priority it should:
Develop specific criteria against which individual data
collections by the HSCIC can be evaluated for the
optimum usage of pseudonymisation in terms of the
purpose of the data collection and respecting privacy.
Develop existing techniques for anonymisation to
increase the utility of the data once its disseminated
Communicate to the public the results of this activity
in understandable terms.
Developments in
The HSCIC should consider how best to review and appraise
privacy enhancing
developments in privacy enhancing and data security
technique and
techniques and technologies on an ongoing basis to ensure
that it adopts them at the earliest opportunity where
appropriate. This includes technologies to reduce the flow of
identifiable data to the minimum required for specific
purposes, in line with requirements of the Data Protection Act.
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Existing National
Existing National flows of identifiable data into the HSCIC
data flows to HSCIC
should be subject to a rolling programme of regular review
against specified criteria to ensure data flows in the least
identifiable form necessary to meet the purpose.
Each data flow should be reviewed in the light of legislative
changes or significant technical developments, or if the
requirements around individual flows change.
It is accepted that there are specific purposes for which the
HSCIC needs to collect and process identifiable data for
example to perform probabilistic data linkage or when
patients have consented to specific research e.g. BioBank.
Segregation of
Where present on inbound data Patient identifiers should be
patient identifiers
segregated from remaining data upon landing within the
from activity within
HSCIC. Access to Patient Identifiers should be restricted to
the minimum number of staff that absolutely requires access
to these items for specific discrete purposes, with non-
identifiable alternatives derived for analysis purposes e.g.
Age rather than Date of Birth.
Individuals should not routinely be able to access both patient
identifiers and activity data. In the exceptional circumstances
where access to both are required strict protocols must be
adhered to including Senior Level approval
Access to data should be fully controlled, logged, audited and
monitored on a continuous basis to assure compliance.
New National data
Any new national data flow should be subject to IG review,
flows to HSCIC
through a Privacy Impact Assessment, and would involve
groups of the relevant data subjects and controllers where
required. This should consider whether aggregate, fully
anonymised or data pseudonymised at source or identifiable
data could be used to meet the business objectives and
realise the benefits to health and care, using data with the
minimum risk of re-identification, to meet that purpose.
At the point that a new national data flow into the HSCIC is
at Source Proof of
identified where the benefits could be fully met under a
pseudonymisation at source model a Proof of Concept should
be initiated to prove the efficacy of this approach in relation to
the HSCIC operating model.
Improving support
The HSCIC should provide standards and tools to support the
to privacy of patient
self-assessment and audit of the techniques to create and
use pseudonymised and de-identified data across the health
and social care system.
The HSCIC should provide advice on local flows that do not
currently involve the HSCIC when requested to do so.
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1 Introduction
This report summarises the evidence and perspectives presented to the Reviews Steering
Group by a wide range of stakeholders during the HSCIC Data Pseudonymisation Review.
It includes recommendations to the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC)
Executive Management Team (EMT) in relation to the HSCIC approach to
An initial review was undertaken from November 2013. This reviewed the use of
pseudonymisation in respect of data in transmission to, received, held and disseminated by
the HSCIC. The output of that review was an interim report published in July 2014
The interim report set out the need for a next stage review, to look in particular at three
broad options for pseudonymisation of data collected by the HSCIC:
pseudonymisation of data centrally (after receipt by the HSCIC)
pseudonymisation of data at source (before disclosure to the HSCIC);
a mixture of pseudonymisation at source and pseudonymisation centrally
This next stage review commenced in August 2014 with the aim of reporting
recommendations on approaches to pseudonymisation by the HSCIC for consideration by
The HSCIC Data Pseudonymisation Review has been overseen by an Independent Steering
Group, with membership made up of experts representing a wide spectrum of views and
interests on the subject area, the group also included a patient representative.
The Steering Group considered evidence from a wide range of stakeholders including data
providers, customers who receive data from the HSCIC, Arms-Length Bodies and suppliers
of systems.
All members of the Steering Group were committed to achieving the aims of protecting the
privacy and rights of patients in the use of their personal data, respecting the ethics of
clinicians who are the data controllers and ensuring public good by maximising the benefits
to health and care derived from the use of such data.
In some cases members presented points and counter-points which challenged the group to
achieve a balance between these dual aims. Despite this the Steering Group did reach a
common understanding in respect to many areas discussed within the report, and whilst this
3 https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/data-pseudonymisation-review
4 Where the HSCIC currently employs pseudonymisation, it is performed centrally, typically after data quality
and data linkage work.
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does not represent consensus on all issues, sufficient common ground was found to agree
recommendations for the HSCIC EMT to consider.
It is clear that pseudonymisation, in its wider context,
is a very complex and emotive subject
area, often with highly polarised views depending upon the standpoint of that
stakeholder. This report summarises these different perspectives.
Whilst the original intention from the Interim Report was to consider the three broad options
for pseudonymisation it became clear that a one size fits all assessment would not be
feasible. As a result the recommendations presented in this Final Report instead focus on
the options on a per data flow basis whilst taking into account the broad options for
This review has taken place over a period of considerable change to the data sharing,
privacy and confidentiality landscape. In many cases these changes have impacted the
wider context for the Review or, in some cases, have directly impinged on the Review.
These changes include:
• the public and parliamentary interest in care.data and the developments in plans
around its implementation
• formalising the right of patients to object to the use of their data and the subsequent
commitment by the HSCIC to honour patient objections from early 2016
• strengthening of the HSCIC’s data management and release practices including
adoption of recommendations from the Partridge Review of data releases by the NHS
Information Centre (the predecessor to the HSCIC)
• the need for detailed patient level data to support the local and national care service
commissioning processes. This involved the implementation for Stage 1 Accredited
Safe Havens (ASHs), the expectation for regulations to be developed to support
further ASHs and developments around Data Services for Commissioning (DSfC) by
NHS England
• systems developments have been taking place within the HSCIC in order for it to
meet its obligations; some of which involve the need for pseudonymisation of data
• the Care Quality Commission (CQC) review of standards of data security for patients’
confidential data across the NHS including clear guidelines for the protection of
personal data as set out by the National Data Guardian
• Care Act 2014 restrictions on dissemination of data by the HSCIC other than for the
provision of health care or adult social care, or the promotion of health
• regulations defining the role of the Health Research Authority’s (HRA) Confidentiality
Advisory Group (CAG)
This report should be read in the context of the changes to the wider data sharing, privacy
and confidentiality landscape.
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Pseudonymisation is only one of many techniques for reducing the risks associated with
personal data,
The ICO Code of Practice on Anonymisation provides guidance on best practice techniques
for anonymising data.
Pseudonymisation is a technique used to replace direct patient identifiers within data, such
as NHS Number, Date of Birth or Postcode, with a pseudonym which does not reveal the
individuals real world identity. This reduces the risk of re-identification of a patient’s data and
protects their privacy and confidentiality whilst still enabling the data to be used for a variety
of purposes including data linkage.
The Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) only applies to personal identifiable data. It does not
apply to data that offers an insignificant risk of identifying the data subject(s) involved. If
pseudonymisation as an anonymisation technique does not sufficiently reduce the risk of re-
identification, the data concerned must be treated as personal identifiable data.
Chapter 7 of the ICO’s Anonymisation Code of Practice outlines limited access safeguards
which can be used to reduce the risk of re-identification, such as conditions for the use of
data and penalties where conditions have been breached. Where these additional
safeguards are in place pseudonymised data may be considered to be de-identified in line
with the ICO code of Practice on Anonymisation.
Remit of the Health and Social Care Information Centre
The Health and Social Care Information Centre has powers under the Health and Social
Care Act 2012 to collect, process, publish and disseminate data including patient identifiable
data. It has been established as the Accredited Safe Haven for the NHS.
Figure 1 below describes the flows of patient data into and out of the HSCIC.
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N.B. The HSCIC is also required to disclose information where there is a statutory and mandatory
legal basis to do so e.g. requests to the police under section 29 of the Data Protection Act or as a
result of a Court Order.
Figure. 1: Key data flows into and out of the HSCIC
Typically national flows of data into the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC)
are in identifiable form, principally containing direct patient identifiers such as NHS number,
Date of Birth and Postcode. In a small number of instances data collected by the HSCIC
may be aggregated where it is not available as patient level data or this is sufficient to meet
the purpose, or as anonymised patient-level data, for example where the data is highly
The HSCIC collect and process data for a wide range of purposes including secondary use
purposes and also for direct patient care purposes e.g. diabetic retinopathy screening and
Summary Care Record (SCR) and the Electronic Prescription Service (EPS). The HSCIC will
only collect data where it has a legal basis to do so such as a Direction under s254 of the
Health and Social Care Act 2012, S251 of the Health Act 2006 or with patient consent
In many cases data from a variety of different sources is linked in order to gain a deeper
understanding of the different elements of an individual’s care, analysed and either published
or disseminated to customers with the ultimate goal of improving health and social care. This
is principally known as secondary uses of data.
5 In some instances the HSCIC may act as a data processor under instruction from another
organisation (as data controller).
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Data released by the HSCIC is usually in the form of published aggregate statistics or de-
identified data in line with the ICO Code of Practice on Anonymisation
6. Identifiable data is
only released where the Common Law Duty of Confidentiality can be set aside, i.e. it is for
direct care purposes, where the patient has consented, with support under S251 of the NHS
Act 2006 or where another legal basis exists.
Figure 2 below describes the controls which are in place within the HSCIC to ensure the
confidentiality and security of patient’s personal data.
Figure 2. Model for data flow process within the HSCIC
The controls range from collecting only the minimum data necessary for the purpose;
security controls such as encryption, role based access controls and auditing of access;
treatment of data prior to dissemination to rendering it less- or non-identifying e.g.
pseudonymisation, anonymisation or aggregation; to the use of additional safeguards such
as Data Sharing Contracts and Agreements, and the eventual secure destruction of the data.
The HSCIC also undertakes audits to ensure that these controls are adhered to.
6 This includes pseudonymised data where additional safeguards are in place as set out in the ICO code of
Practice on Anonymisation.
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2 Pseudonymisation Review Approach
2.1 The Steering Group
The Interim Report, in proposing a further review into Pseudonymisation, also proposed that
contributors should be drawn from those constituencies with an interest in the subject and
who could provide the necessary rigour, intellectual analysis and independence to ensure
that the Review’s work reflects the wide a range of views that exist.
The members co-opted to the Steering group are listed i
n Appendix 2, Section 8.4.
The Steering Group’s Terms of Reference, available at the Review’s website
7covered its
role, responsibilities, scope and membership.
The Steering Group’s role was as an advisory group to provide recommendations to the
HSCIC on its pseudonymisation approach.
2.2 Overview of work and processes
The Steering Group identified three areas of work and sub-groups were set up accordingly to
cover the subjects below -
• standards for pseudonymisation including glossary and terminology
• linkage and data quality
• considerations around pseudonymisation at source.
Each sub-group had a chair, which was responsible for recruiting its members, including
from the Steering Group, to contribute to the work of the Review. The sub-groups developed
a list of deliverables on relevant topics; these were duly produced, signed off by the relevant
sub-group and considered and ratified by the Steering Group. This process was effective in
ensuring that the coverage of the subject was appropriate, that the output was of a suitable
standard to contribute to the work of the Review and enabled the Steering Group to be
aware of all developments and findings during the Review.
The reports (see Secti
on 6.1 for more detail) from the Sub-groups enabled a set of
Assumptions (see Sections
4.2 a
nd 6.2 for more detail) to be developed setting out the
factual and assumed basis about pseudonymisation and the HSCIC’s purpose and role.
This enabled a set of Key Findings (see Sections
4.3 and
6.3 for more detail) to be
developed and agreed by the Steering Group.
Recommendations were derived from the Key Findings through meetings, workshops and
review of electronic documents and signed off at a meeting of the Steering Group.
The overall process is summarised in Figure 3.
Figure 1 Review Report Development Process
7 https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/data-pseudonymisation-review
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2.3 Sub-groups
Three sub-groups were established with the remit to consider specific areas of the review as
described below.
Standards & Terminology
To set out the context in which pseudonymisation is
useful and where de-identification is applicable, the
legal context, the standards which apply to the use of
pseudonymisation and to produce a meaningful list of
the words and terms used to describe
pseudonymisation and associated matters.
Data Linkage and Data
To assess the impact that various forms of
pseudonymisation have on the ability to link datasets,
and the resulting utility of the linked data for secondary
use purposes, such as research.
Pseudo at Source
To consider the three broad models, as detailed in the
Interim Report, for pseudonymising the data collected
by the HSCIC that should be considered further as part
of next stages of the review.
The Terms of Reference for each Sub-Group, including membership of each group, are
available on the HSCIC Data Pseudonymisation Review website:
A list of the deliverables produced by each Sub-Group is available i
n Appendix 1.
2.4 Stakeholders
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In addition to contributions by members of the HSCIC Data Pseudonymisation Review
Steering Group and Sub-Groups, evidence has been submitted to the review from a wide
range of stakeholder organisations including the following:
Data Providers e.g. Secondary Care, Mental Health Trusts, GPs
Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) Operational Teams (responsible
for collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of information)
Data Recipients e.g. research and commissioners
Local authorities
Arms-Length bodies e.g. Office for National Statistics (ONS) and Care Quality
Commission (CQC)
Suppliers of systems including pseudonymisation products, as represented by
industry body TechUK
Data subjects, e.g. patients
In addition to the above relevant research, was reviewed by the sub-groups during the
evidence gathering phase of the Review. This included research papers from Gareth
Hagger-Johnson, University of Central London (UCL) and Mark Elliot, University of
Manchester and UK Anonymisation Network (UKAN) who presented on, and provided draft
versions of, The Anonymisation Decision-Making Framework, to the Independent Steering
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3 Evidence Base & Key Findings
3.1 Evidence Base
The deliverables from each Sub-group formed an evidence base, together with material from
other sources, (e.g. Anonymisation Decision Making Framework produced by the UK
Anonymisation Network), plus the extensive knowledge and experience provided directly by
members of the Steering Group and the Sub-groups. The deliverables are not being
published by the Review however the assumptions and key findings, derived from the
deliverables, are available in Appendix1 of this Report.
3.2 Assumptions
The statement of assumptions was developed to bring together material from the
Pseudonymisation Reviews Sub-group deliverables into one place as a stepping-stone to
facilitate the generation of Key Findings, which in turn were used to support the Steering
Group in deriving recommendations from the Review.
The Assumptions paper also included some background information, not covered in Sub-
group reports, to respond to issues raised during discussion in Steering Group meetings or
The Assumptions derived from the evidence captured during the review are set out in
Appendix 2 and are ordered by the following topics:
• Pseudonymisation and Managing Risk
• HSCIC role
• Central Pseudonymisation
• Pseudonymisation at source
• Hybrid model
• Other assumptions
Each assumption is categorised as one of the following:
• Context – essentially relevant background facts
• Assumption - where it is needed to make discussion and analysis possible; e.g. for
Central Pseudonymisation
Assumption - No data are pseudonymised prior to
submission to the HSCIC (highly sensitive records are and will continue to be
anonymised prior to submission to the HSCIC)
• Requirement – for items for which the HSCIC are required to meet goals or standards,
NB a requirement may also be a supporting statement in a Context or Assumption
• Assertion - where detailed evidence is not available to back up the statement.
The following additional evidence has also been incorporated withi
n Appendix 2:
• Relevant HSCIC Functions, Users and Data Usage, Data Flows
• Illustrations of definitions of Pseudonymisation and De-identification
• Single versus Multiple Keys for Pseudonymisation at Source (P@S)
A selection of key assumptions which emerged from the review are:
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Under a pseudonymisation at source model every data flow to the HSCIC will be
pseudonymised prior to receipt by the HSCIC. The only exceptions to this would be
where identifiable data is required and there is a legal basis for such a flow, such as
information to support direct patient care or where the patient has consented to their
data being used for that purpose
The HSCIC will not be able to de-pseudonymised/re-identify individuals within any
flow pseudonymised at source, although the submitter could allow the HSCIC to re-
identify data in exceptional circumstances
A single common pseudonymisation key (or a single key per purpose) would need to
be used by all organisations submitting data to the HSCIC to ensure that data from
disparate organisations can be successfully linked to provide a full picture of an
individual’s care
Each direct patient identifier e.g. NHS Number, Postcode, Date of Birth would be
pseudonymised separately (where it is needed e.g. for data linkage) – it will not be
practical to generate a compound pseudonym for an individual e.g. based upon the
combination of NHS Number, Postcode and Date of Birth, due to data quality issues if
any of these differ between data sets, or split and pseudonymise components of an
item separately such as day, month and year due to the risk of re-identification
Pseudonymised data will often be deemed to be personal data under the Data
Protection Act, however additional safeguards can be used to reduce the risk of re-
Full details of all assumptions captured during the Review are available in
Appendix 2.
3.3 Key Findings
Key Findings in relation to Pseudonymisation and the HSCIC’s role and functions, were
derived from the Sub-group deliverables, the contents of the Assumptions document,
discussions within the Steering Group and Sub-groups, reviews by Review members of draft
Key Findings documents developed by the Review’s internal team and from a workshop on
18th June 2015.
The Key Findings derived from the evidence captured during the review are set out in
Appendix 3 and are ordered by the following topics:
• General Findings
• Central Pseudonymisation
• Pseudonymisation at Source
• Hybrid model
Each key finding is categorised as follows:
• Context – essentially relevant facts
• Finding - where a conclusion has been drawn based on agreement and evidence
• Implication – where the Finding implies possible consequential action
• Assertion - where detailed evidence is not available to back up the statement.
Some of the key findings highlighted within the evidence collected during the review are
listed below:
• More needs to be done to address concerns of the public and healthcare
professionals about what information is processed by the HSCIC, and how and in
what form the information is released, to whom and what for
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• A variety of different pseudonymisation products are available on the open market, in
addition to bespoke solutions and functions in common tools
• Linkage of data using deterministic techniques should not be impacted by using
pseudonymised data. However data linkage requiring the use of "fuzzy" or
probabilistic techniques may not be successful using current pseudonymisation
techniques depending upon the level of linkage required and resulting bias
introduced. In some cases, it may not even be possible to probabilistically link such
pseudonymised data.
• The cost of implementing a full pseudonymisation at source model for all flows into
the HSCIC is likely to be significant, although it may be more cost effective to
implement for certain areas
• There are not considered to be any barriers to interoperability associated with any of
the models for pseudonymisation
• Pseudonymisation at source may impact the HSCIC’s ability to accurately uphold
patient objections which rely on NHS Number, or respond to Subject Access
Requests (SARS) to identify the information held about an individual or S10 under the
Data Protection Act (DPA) which require processing of an individual’s data to cease
as both will require records for the individual to be identified
A full list of the key findings can be found i
n Appendix 3.
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4 Recommendations
The table below outlines the key recommendations from the Pseudonymisation Review Steering Group. The Steering Group, comprising
both internal HSCIC and external members, is acting in an advisory capacity to the HSCIC EMT and as such offers the below set of final
recommendations for consideration by EMT at its earliest convenience.
These recommendations have been derived from the evidence submitted during the review. This evidence has been incorporated into the
sub-group deliverables listed i
n Appendix 1, which in turn have been distilled into the key assumptions and key findings outlined in
Appendix 2 and
Appendix 3 respectively.
Public Confidence
The HSCIC need to build public confidence by continuing to address public and professional
concerns through a two-way dialogue. This will include being transparent about the data that it
collects and processes, how it is kept securely, and whom the data is shared with, for what
purpose and on what legal basis and how their confidential data is protected. It should also
inform patients how they can express preferences to how their data is used.
The HSCIC should list all the data sets it collects and processes, as well as all data it releases,
on its website in an easily searchable form. This will help the public easily determine what data
the HSCIC is likely to hold on them as an individual and who has access to that data in
identifiable form.
The HSCIC should identify and communicate the benefits to the patients and the wider health
Benefits of data
and care community associated with the collection, analysis, publication and other dissemination
of health and care data, as well as the risk and means used to minimise it, including personal,
sensitive and confidential data
Ensuring use of
Pseudonymisation on its own is often insufficient to protect the confidentiality of patient data. The
pseudonymised data is
HSCIC should provide training to HSCIC staff, the wider NHS and customers which covers the
organisational, legal and technical implications of using pseudonymised, data, including the risks
involved and legal penalties, prior to the sharing of data
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The HSCIC should apply pseudonymisation which is irreversible by the recipient unless there is
a legitimate health related reason and appropriate organisational, technical and legal measures
in place for the data to be re-identified. The HSCIC should by default own and control the
pseudonymisation keys or lookup tables in cases where it disseminates pseudonymised data.
The HSCIC should develop a policy around other types of key management requested in its
dissemination of pseudonymised data and the circumstances under which it would consider such
disseminations to be identifiable, in liaison with CAG.
There should be transparency around the type of pseudonymisation applied, for example, in the
data release register.
Establish Centre of
The HSCIC should develop an internal centre of expertise, which can provide best practice
Expertise and
advice and guidance in relation to the de-identification of data, including pseudonymisation for
itself and the wider NHS. This would include the development of relevant standards
As a priority it should:
Develop specific criteria against which individual data collections by the HSCIC can be
evaluated for the optimum usage of pseudonymisation in terms of the purpose of the data
collection and respecting privacy.
Develop existing techniques for anonymisation to increase the utility of the data once its
Communicate to the public the results of this activity in understandable terms.
Developments in
The HSCIC should consider how best to review and appraise developments in privacy
privacy enhancing
enhancing and data security techniques and technologies on an ongoing basis to ensure that it
technique and
adopts them at the earliest opportunity where appropriate. This includes technologies to reduce
the flow of identifiable data to the minimum required for specific purposes, in line with
requirements of the Data Protection Act.
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Existing National data
Existing National flows of identifiable data into the HSCIC should be subject to a rolling
flows to HSCIC
programme of regular review against specified criteria to ensure data flows in the least
identifiable form necessary to meet the purpose.
Each data flow should be reviewed in the light of legislative changes or significant technical
developments, or if the requirements around individual flows change.
It is accepted that there are specific purposes for which the HSCIC needs to collect and process
identifiable data for example to perform probabilistic data linkage or when patients have
consented to specific research e.g. BioBank.
Segregation of patient
Where present on inbound data Patient identifiers should be segregated from remaining data
identifiers from activity
upon landing within the HSCIC. Access to Patient Identifiers should be restricted to the
within HSCIC
minimum number of staff that absolutely requires access to these items for specific discrete
purposes, with non-identifiable alternatives derived for analysis purposes e.g. Age rather than
Date of Birth.
Individuals should not routinely be able to access both patient identifiers and activity data. In the
exceptional circumstances where access to both are required strict protocols must be adhered to
including Senior Level approval
Access to data should be fully controlled, audited and monitored on a continuous basis to assure
New National data
Any new national data flow should be subject to IG review, through a Privacy Impact
flows to HSCIC
Assessment, and would involve groups of the relevant data subjects and controllers where
required. This should consider whether aggregate, fully anonymised or data pseudonymised at
source or identifiable data could be used to meet the business objectives and realise the benefits
to health and care, using data with the minimum risk of re-identification, to meet that purpose.
Pseudonymisation at
At the point that a new national data flow into the HSCIC is identified where the benefits could be
Source Proof of
fully met under a pseudonymisation at source model a Proof of Concept should be initiated to
prove the efficacy of this approach in relation to the HSCIC operating model.
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Improving support to
The HSCIC should provide standards and tools to support the self-assessment and audit of the
privacy of patient data
techniques to create and use pseudonymised and de-identified data across the health and social
care system.
The HSCIC should provide advice on local flows that do not currently involve the HSCIC when
requested to do so.
Note on Pseudonymisation at Source Costs
Whilst evidence presented during the review indicated that the costs of implementing a full pseudonymisation at source model (i.e. all data
flows into the HSCIC) are likely to be considerable, the Steering Group are keen to emphasise that cost alone should not be seen as the
basis for preventing the use of pseudonymisation at source for individual national data flows where there are no other barriers to using this
method. The Steering Group are keen that is considered in the development of any criteria to assess the suitability of pseudonymisation at
source for a particular national data flow.
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Appendix 1 - Sub-Group Deliverables
The table below outlines the deliverables produced by each Sub-Group based upon the evidence gathered. These have been ratified by
the Steering Group.
Data Linkage and Data Quality Sub-Group Deliverables
Ref No.
Data Quality
The Steering Group requested the Data Linkage & Data Quality sub-group to consider the prevalence
and quality of a number of identifiers available in current datasets received by the HSCIC.
Analysis on Impact of Pseudonymisation on
The aim of this paper is to set out the high level impact analysis of pseudonymisation , both at source
Data Linkage
and centrally, on linkages undertaken by the HSCIC
Pseudonymisation at Source Sub-Group Deliverables Ref No.
Report on open market of Pseudonymisation
The Steering Group requested the sub-group to obtain a market level view of suppliers of
pseudonymisation products that could be requested to provide the detailed specifications to meet a
number of requirements and technical specifications.
Identify current capabilities of Pseudo @ Source The aim of this paper is to set the sub-group to obtain a market view of pseudonymisation products
by using the identified suppliers from PS03. The report considered the capabilities of
pseudonymisation products against a range of criteria covering technical, standards and
implementation requirements. These were used to advise the Steering group as to the capability of
such products to meet the stated criteria. The Report does not seek to identify individual supplier or
product capabilities as being suitable for the HSCIC, but the capability of the market as a whole to
meet requirements.
Assess current capabilities of Pseudo @ Source The aim of this paper was to provide an assessment of the open market’s level of capabilities in the
pseudonymisation products identified in PS03. The assessment provided a whole of market view for
the specific capabilities listed n PS04Q in order to advise the Steering group that the market
penetration of those capabilities existed at a level that could potentially meet future HSCIC
requirements for pseudonymisation.
Barriers of implementation of Pseudo @ Source The aim of this paper was to elicit the pros, cons and barriers for each of the three pseudonymisation
models being considered by the Review. The responses from a range of stakeholders provide a range
of perspectives, from different constituencies, as to the potential benefits and dis benefits for each of
the models.
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Impact of Pseudo products on Government
This report aims to consider the impact of pseudonymisation at source on current government
interoperability standards.
Report on implications of P@S on HSCIC DSA,
This report considered the impact of ‘pseudonymisation at source’ on areas of HSCIC operations
Patient Consent and transparency requirements involving Information Governance, transparency requirements and it statutory obligations.
Relative security benefits and risks of different
This report aims to consider the impact of pseudonymisation at source on current security standards
pseudo models
and operations within HSCIC
Standards and Terminology Sub-group Deliverables
Ref No.
Vocabulary & Glossary
The Steering Group requested S&T to provide a glossary of terms to support the review; a long list
was reduced to a shorter list with elaboration on a set of key terms to ensure consistency and
coherence; the key terms being de-identification, anonymisation and pseudonymisation.
Context of Pseudonymisation
The aim of this paper is to set the context for enabling both the use of the process of
pseudonymisation and the resulting pseudonymised data on a sound legal basis by setting out the
necessary associated technical, organisational and legal measures. This provides the overall context in
which individual person level can be legitimately used.
This paper covers the standards applicable to pseudonymisation and the wider de-identification
requirements and the need for good practice guidance within the NHS.
The aim of this paper is to set out a list of the legislation that affects the use of pseudonymisation and
de-identified data, the legal framework in which the HSCIC operates and to provide information on
potential changes in legal matters relating to pseudonymisation and de-identified data
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Appendix 2 – Review Assumptions
The Assumptions derived and developed during the Review are set out i
n Table 5. For background information on Assumptions, see Secti
on 4.2.
Please note shading of rows i
n Table 5 is used to distinguish different groups of topic
Table 1 Pseudonymisation Review Assumptions
1 Pseudonymisation
Context - The purpose of the Review, in general, is concerned with trying to balance the privacy and rights of
Purpose of review and
and managing risk
patients with the needs of the public good when healthcare data are used. Specifically, for the HSCIC
S&T Context paper
in collecting, processing and disseminating patient data, this means the Review should outline how
Pseudonymisation, as an enabler, can help the NHS to operate securely, efficiently and effectively as well as
providing other legitimate users of healthcare data, such as managers, funders and researchers, to gain
useful information to benefit people in a safe and effective way, whilst maintaining the ability for people to
object about the use of their data.
Requirement - It is assumed that the public & professionals expect HSCIC to take all steps to maintain
patient data confidentiality, in line with the legislation which established it. Therefore, there is a need to
ensure that the HSCIC operates on a sound legal basis and is seen to do so in order to regain and maintain
the public trust.
There is inevitably an element of risk in the use of the personal data, such as hacking, inappropriate
disclosure or inaccuracy of linkage, which will each require their own mitigation. Such risk cannot be totally
removed, but it does need to be managed and suitably mitigated and minimised in order to achieve a
mutually satisfactory outcome.
2 Pseudonymisation
Context - Pseudonymisation is one of many ways to reduce the risks associated with the inappropriate
S&T Context paper
and managing risk
disclosure of personal health and social care data for secondary purposes. Other techniques include
obfuscation, perturbation, data masking and anonymisation. Other controls include physical and
organisational measures such as the use of data sharing contracts and agreements.
Requirement - A requirement is the handling of patient consents and patient objections.
3 Pseudonymisation
Context - Pseudonymisation on its own rarely produces data that would be regarded as de-identified, and
S&T Context paper
and managing risk
therefore outside the remit of the Data Protection Act 1998. Such data must be in
de-identified form, with
or without pseudonyms, and can only be disclosed where the recipient organisation has undertaken
relevant technical, organisational and legal measures that are agreed to by the data controller releasing the
4 Pseudonymisation
Context - How Patient Objections wil be implemented is not known yet (early July 2015). It is not known for
Awareness from internal
and managing risk
instances whether Patient Objections apply to both identifiable and pseudonymised data. It is necessary to
discussions and public
assume that there will be an impact arising from Patient Objections on data flows, data management and
statements on Patient
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HSCIC Data Pseudonymisation Review Final Report v1.0
potential y the use of pseudonymisation, but that that impact is unknown. (see Finding
5 Pseudonymisation
Context - The accountability and liability for any security breach that may occur for the data that the
and managing risk -
organisation holds always lies with the Data Controller of the data, who needs to manage the associated
Data Controller
6 HSCIC role –
Context - The Health and Social Care Act 2012 empowers the HSCIC to process identifiable data and has
S&T Legislation paper
legislated role
been confirmed as the Safe Haven for identifiable health and social care data for secondary use purposes.
There are other bodies that hold personal data, such as ONS (for births and deaths) and PHE for infectious
diseases etc. but only the HSCIC acts as a safe haven for processing and data linkage of healthcare episode
7 HSCIC role –
Context - The Health and Social Care Act 2012 also allows relevant bodies to direct the HSCIC to collect and
S&T Legislation paper
identifiable data
process identifiable data. Researchers with patient consent or S251 approval can request the HSCIC to
col ect and /or provided identifiable data.
Assumption - In addition, the long-term model for data to support the commissioning process is based on
the flow of identifiable data into the HSCIC in order to produce suitable pseudonymised data output. See
Tables 2 and 3
8 HSCIC role – status
Assumption - Any pseudonymised data, (N.B. not de-identified data) flowing into the HSCIC is likely to be
of pseudonymised
deemed personal data under the Data Protection Act (DPA) due to the richness of data required to meet the
data flowing in
wide range of purposes that the data needs to support and the large volumes of different data sets
processed. This leads to the potential that individuals could be identified by the combination of non-direct
patient identifiers within a data set or across different data sets.
9 HSCIC role – Data
Context - The HSCIC acts as Data Controller, either solely, joint or in common, for the majority of data sets
Statement of current
that it processes and disseminates. As a Data Control er the HSCIC needs to comply with the DPA and
related legislation.
10 HSCIC role – Data
Context - The HSCIC acts as a Data Processor in some instances collecting, processing, linking and
Statement of current
disseminating data under instruction from another organisation acting as Data Controller. The HSCIC would
stil need to comply with the Data Protection Act and related legislation and conditions within any approvals
that it is operating under.
11 HSCIC role – data
Context - The HSCIC processes large volumes of identifiable data and as a result there will always be the
Statement of current
stored and risk
potential that a security breach could occur; the HSCIC owns this risk.
12 HSCIC role – data
Context - The HSCIC splits identifiers from payload data and uses different physical locations for storing
Statement of current
management to
different information together with role based access controls for authorised users of data. This is in order
reduce risk
to reduce risk of inappropriate access to data. It restricts and closely monitors those with access to both
In effect (e.g. for SUS) the HSCIC operates ‘pseudonymisation on landing’ in using a ‘root pseudonym’ that
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HSCIC Data Pseudonymisation Review Final Report v1.0
acts as system identifier in place of the NHS Number. Any identifiable data that is output has to be created
by joining relevant subsets of payload data with the same NHS Number via the root pseudonym.
Assumption - It is a working assumption that the HSCIC wil continue to split types of data and hold in
different physical locations and closely restrict and monitor anyone with access to both identifiers and
clinical data.
13 HSCIC role – data
Requirement - The HSCIC has a statutory role concerning data quality. Personal confidential data are
Interim Report
currently used to highlight records where data quality issues arise.
14 Central data flows
Requirement - All existing national flows of data into the HSCIC and releases of data by the HSCIC meet
Statement of current
involving HSCIC
minimum NHS standards for the transfer of data securely. Standards required are IG Toolkit Level 2, use of
AES256, etc.
15 Central
Definition for the Review - the pseudonymisation of identifiable data after collection from its sources
S&T Review Glossary
(e.g.by the HSCIC), perhaps after further processing, (e.g. linking), is known as Central Pseudonymisation. Its
(CP) - definition
definition complements the definition of Pseudonymisation at Source, (see No 20 below)
16 CP – receipt of
Context - No data are currently pseudonymised prior to submission to the HSCIC (apart from sensitive
Statement of current
identifiable data
records which will continue to be anonymised as currently).
17 CP -
Context - CP is already operational within the HSCIC with the risks understood and mitigation in place.
Statement of current
There have been no security breaches or Serious Incidents Requiring Investigating (SIRI) relating to use of
the central pseudonymisation model within the HSCIC and its data processing.
18 CP – data disclosures
Context - Separately, there have been errors in data disclosures, which have been reported to the ICO by the
Statement of current
HSCIC and were subject of the Partridge Report. Revised procedures have been put into place to avoid
similar problems in future
19 CP – reversible &
Context - Pseudonymisation is used in irreversible and reversible ways; the latter means that records can be
Statement of current
re-identified by pseudonymiser (or at their behest) where there is an overriding need to do so.
20 Pseudonymisation at
Definition for the Review - P@S has been defined in the Review Glossary, as ‘The
pseudonymisation of
S&T Review Glossary
Source (P@S) -
identifiable data by the data controller (i.e. organisation) that created the identifiable data, such as a
patient’s GP. Although it may be undertaken by a data processor on behalf of the original data controller, it
must be done where only EU data protection legislation and practice apply (the latter refers to organisations
meeting EU legislation requirements, but may be physically outside the EU). In effect, for this Review it
means - the pseudonymisation of data prior to submission to the HSCIC or any other recipient of patient-
level data from, for example, a practice.
21 P@S – not for direct
Assumption – under a pseudonymisation @ source model the majority of national flows into the HSCIC
PS05/P@S Sub-Group
care or explicit
would be pseudonymised prior to submission to the HSCIC. Some flows may continue to flow as identifiable
consent data or legal data e.g. where they have the benefit of patient consent, where it is required to support direct patient care
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central functions
or for certain National Back Office functions such as the Patient Demographic Service where identifiable
data are a prerequisite for the function (providing there is a legal basis for this to continue).
22 P@S - HSCIC not able
Assumption - The HSCIC will not be able to routinely de-pseudonymised/re-identify individuals within any
Statements from P@S
to de-pseudonymise flow P@S, unless there is an agreement specifying how HSCIC is to gain access to the pseudonymisation
23 P@S – HSCIC onward
Assumption - All data released by HSCIC to customers will be pseudonymised irrespective of the legal basis
Statements from P@S
of the customer’s requirements as the HSCIC will not hold any clear/identifiable data, except for situations
outlined in Assumption 21.
24 P@S – single
Assumption - A single pseudo key will be applied to ALL relevant national flows (i.e. excluding those in No
Statements from P@S
21). As a result a single pseudonymised data flow would replace the existing identifiable data flow - it will
consequently not result in an increase in the number of data flows (i.e. no multiple separate data flows
using different pseudonymisation keys for different purposes).
(For rationale for this Assumption, see Part 4 of this paper)
25 P@S – data items to
Requirement - The data items to be pseudonymised for P@S are NHS Number, Date of Birth and Postcode.
Statements from P@S
be pseudonymised
These will be pseudonymised separately as individual data items. Pseudonymising these ‘direct identifiers’
Sub-group and S&T
fits with the definition of Pseudonymisation and pseudonym in the Review Glossary (see also Table 5).
Review Glossary
26 P@S – pseudonym
Requirement - Pseudonymised version of data items will be a different length and format to their non-
Statements from P@S
pseudonymised source equivalents e.g. NHS Number (n10) compared with the Pseudonymised NHS Number
(an40). Pseudonymised equivalents that are the same data type and format as their non-pseudonymised
counterparts would not be sufficiently secure.
27 P@S – standards are
Assumption - The use of a single universal tool for P@S would not be enforced. Providers would have an
Statements from P@S
to be applied to P@S opportunity to procure the pseudonymisation tool that most meets their specific needs OR ties into their
existing contracts/technology stack. These will all apply the same standards so will ensure interoperability
in outputting the same pseudonymisation key for the same input item.
28 P@S - providers data
Requirement - To achieve a consistent pseudonymised identifier required to support data linkage, it is
Statements from P@S
important that input data are of high quality using the appropriate standards and with relevant data
cleansing routines applied. The HSCIC has powers to specify, design, validate, monitor and enforce such
data standards to ensure that the processing of identifiers in source systems is undertaken in a consistent
way. The HSCIC would also need to monitor data linkage rates to identify potential problems such as
pseudonymisation keys not being correctly applied thus preventing linkage.
29 P@S – linkage
Assumption – under a pseudonymisation @ source model linkage of data would either need to be
Statements from P@S
undertaken on identifiable data prior to pseudonymisation and submission to the HSCIC OR on
pseudonymised data within the HSCIC.
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To support the latter a single pseudonymisation key would need to be applied consistently by al
organisations submitting the data to be linked. The proliferation of such a common pseudo key across the
health and care system could increase the risk of individuals being re-identified.
An alternative approach to pseudonymise for each purpose is considered to be chal enging to implement
and would result in additional burden to providers, an increased number of flows of data and complex key
management arrangements.
30 Hybrid
Assumption - For the purposes of the Review, the hybrid pseudonymisation model is considered as some
Statements from P@S
Pseudonymisation -
flows being pseudonymised at source and others centrally.
31 Hybrid
Assumption - For the purposes of making comparisons between models, hybrid pseudonymisation is
Statements from P@S
Pseudonymisation -
considered as the mid-point of hybridisation with half of all flows into the HSCIC being pseudonymised at
source, and the other half of all flows continuing to be in identifiable form. However, if either of the
extreme models (CP or P@S) is not possible, a hybrid solution may be the best way forward.
32 Hybrid
Assumption -The HSCIC would require the use of the pseudonymisation keys applied to data pseudonymised
Statements from P@S
Pseudonymisation – at source to enable the HSCIC to central y pseudonymise data to the same key for the same purpose.
Key shared with
33 Need to future –
Assumption - It is assumed that the use of patient level data for additional secondary purposes and in
NHS England approach
proof person level
different contexts will continue to develop, (e.g. as health and social care processes are more closely linked,
on secondary use of
data processing
and different authorities exchange information to meet their statutory duties for safeguarding, mental
data for key health &
health etc), together with public expectations. It is important that the direction of travel set out in the
social care purposes
Pseudonymisation Review can legally support relevant processing of patient data for the foreseeable future
with suitable techniques and tools.
34 Limitation to the
Scope - Whilst the scope of the review focuses upon national flows into the HSCIC, pseudonymisation at
From P@S report PS05
source cannot be considered on this basis in isolation as there will be knock on impacts upon local flows
through the health and social care system which have not been assessed as part of this review.
35 Penalties for
Context - Staff employed by the NHS and its contractors have contracts that conform to the requirements of
Review Workshop &
breaches or
the HSCIC Code of Practice on Confidential Information
8. Any organisation that meets the following criteria
HSCIC Code of Practice
See http://systems.hscic.gov.uk/infogov/codes/cop/code.pdf
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HSCIC Data Pseudonymisation Review Final Report v1.0
must have regard to this code of practice
on Confidential
health or social care bodies that col ect, analyse, publish or otherwise disseminate confidential
information concerning, or connected with, the provision of health services or of adult social care in
England, and
persons other than public bodies who provide health services or adult social care in England pursuant to
arrangements made with a public body exercising functions in connection with the provision of such
services or care.
Section 23 of the Code requires that organisations
Adopt formal contractual arrangements with all contractors and support organisations that include
compliance with requirements for the handling of confidential information.
Adopt employment contracts with all staff handling confidential information on behalf of the
organisation. These contracts should include compliance with requirements for handling confidential
Such contracts will include relevant sanctions in the case of breaches etc. Any additional action will
depend on the event and severity of the transgression.
36 Costing
Assumption – It is expected that any recommendations from the Review wil need to be costed.
From Steering Group
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Assumptions Part 2 - Relevant HSCIC Functions, Users and Data Usage, Data Flows
Table 2 List of HSCIC Specific Functions
A. Supporting Functions
Data Access Request Service
Manages and requests for access to HSCIC held data, principal y HES
Data Access Advisory Group
An independent group, hosted by the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC), which considers applications for
sensitive data made to the HSCIC's Data Access Request Service
Data Steward Service
Maintains reference data (e.g. organisation codes, Post code address files (PAF)) and meta data in data libraries for HSCIC
systems and operations; liaises with organisations which provide reference data; supports data quality by providing standards
based reference data for comparative assessment of submitted data.
Independent Group Advising on the
An independent group with an independent chair and membership and an expanded remit to enable improvements in
Release of Data (IGARD)
decision making in the respect of data releases. IGARD wil succeed the Data Access Advisory Group (DAAG) during 2016.
B. Some patient data related Functions and data types
Data Types & access
National Back
Provision of a service for clinicians by identifying and linking each NHS
Demographic data only
patient in England, Wales and the Isle of Man to the care records uniquely
associated with that person, and correcting confusions, duplications and
inaccuracies. This is a demographics based service and does not include
clinical data. (Source Nick Partridge Report)
PDS is the national electronic database of NHS patient demographic details
Demographic data only
such as name, address, date of birth and NHS Number and forms the basis
for the NBO service
Secondary Use
SUS is the single, comprehensive repository for healthcare data in England
Identifiable data provided by secondary care
which enables a range of reporting and analyses to support the NHS in the
delivery of healthcare services, i.e. for 'secondary uses'; purposes other than Clinical data held against a SUS Root Pseudonym
primary clinical care.
Analysis and processing undertaken internally with
SUS acts as a data collection and collation point for all secondary care
Root Pseudonym instead of NHS Number
activity for use and analysis for multiple purposes. These include an activity
Output at patient level provided with NHS Number
Extract Mart service for commissioners and providers and a Payment by
for authorised users and either user specific
Results (PbR) Mart after case-mix and tariffs have been applied.
pseudonyms or in anonymised form.
See Table 4 for summary of uses and data type.
SUS provides identifiable activity data to HES.
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Data Types & access
Hospital Episode
Hospital Episodes Statistics (HES) is an analysis and publication service based Identifiable data feed from SUS
on a data warehouse containing records of all patients admitted to NHS
Clinical data held against HESID (a pseudonym);
hospitals in England. It contains details of inpatient care, outpatient
Analysis undertaken internally with HESID instead of
appointments and A&E attendance records fed from SUS. Data held
NHS Number;
Output at patient level provided with user/purpose
• clinical information about diagnoses and operations,
specific pseudonyms;
• information about the patient, such as age group, gender and ethnicity, NHS Number linked to HESID of external data set for
• administrative information, such as time waited, and dates and
linkage without staff involvement.
methods of admission and discharge
• geographical information such as where patients are treated and the
area where they live.
Data Linkage
Facilitates record linkage or combining and matching data sets at an
Demographic for identification of records; clinical
individual record level in a secure environment, e.g. HES and external data
data to be linked but not seen by service provider
sources, if approved by DARS & DAAG, mainly for researchers.
MRIS Medical Research MRIS provides a service to researchers undertaking longitudinal studies.
MRIS helps organisations, such as universities, to track cohorts of patients
which typically range from around 1,000, with the biggest one being
1.3million. (Source Nick Partridge Report)
PROMs Patient Reported
PROMs measures health gain in patients undergoing hip replacement, knee
Identifiable data with consent
replacement, varicose vein and groin hernia surgery in England, based on
responses to questionnaires before and after surgery. National figures are
regularly published, together with analysis tools and reusable data packs –
aggregated data only.
Clinical Indicators
Generates and provides health indicators through an Indicator Portal as a
Indicators, e.g. percentages, ratios, graph plots
health information resource. The indicators include CCG Outcomes,
Population Health, Inequalities Indicators, GP Practices, Social Care, Quality
Accounts, NHS Outcomes Framework, Summary Hospital level Mortality
The Adoption Registration Service can check for a record of a civil death
Demographic only
registration in England, Wales and the Isle of Man on behalf of adoptees and
birth relatives to establish if an adoptee or birth relative is recorded as
deceased and can assist with forwarding information about hereditary
medical conditions to an adoptee's or birth relative's GP.
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Data Types & access
1939 Registration
The 1939 Register Service answers requests for data held on the 1939
Demographic only
Register for England and Wales, as recorded on 29 September 1939 –
demographic data only.
General Practice
GPES collects information on behalf of specific and approved organisations
De-identified clinical data with HSCIC acting as an
Extract Service
that have Department of Health or NHS England sponsorship. Customers
intermediary in the supply of data to relevant
include NHS England, the Learning Disabilities Observatory and the Public
authorised bodies
Health England Diabetic Retinopathy programme known as GP2DRS.
Extracted data deleted from HSCIC as soon as it has
GPES extracts data to calculate individual practices' Quality and Outcomes
been passed on to the authorised customer
Framework (QOF) achievement. QOF rewards practices for how well they
care for patients rather than simply how many they treat, based on
performance against indicators.
Assumptions Part 2 - Relevant HSCIC Functions, Users and Data Usage, Data Flows
Table 3 HSCIC Current Functions in relation to national multi-purpose data flows
Function heading
Function Detail (in relation to NHS data)
Users of Function
Safe Haven
To provide single safe haven facilities for collection and collation of identifiable and de-
Providers, regulators, public health bodies,
identified patient level activity data on behalf of a range of users of data
registries, commissioners, NHS England
Data Collection
Collect data sets from secondary and tertiary care. (NB data are also collected from
Providers, regulators, public health bodies,
primary care, mental health, community and social care)
registries, commissioners, NHS England
The HSCIC is committed to honouring patients wishes by upholding type 2 patient
HSCIC on behalf of patients
Objections to use objections for data released outside of the HSCIC from April 2016 as Directed by the
of their data
Secretary of State for health and the Department of Health.
Data quality and
Check basic data quality (e.g. fields present, suitable values); undertake national
Providers, regulators, public health bodies,
additional data
standard derivations to add fields; apply case-mix and national tariffs; meet statutory
registries, commissioners, NHS England
Clearing House
Collate and link patient level activity data from multiple sources for dissemination to
Regulators, public health bodies, registries,
services of Record authorised users and users who contract with the HSCIC for legitimate usage,
commissioners, NHS England, information
Collation and
effectively many-to-many relationships.
Specifically, individual patient activity data in Commissioning Minimum Data Set (CMDS For commissioners, the data are used for multiple
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Function heading
Function Detail (in relation to NHS data)
Users of Function
or CDS) formats is sent from providers to the HSCIC to be collated into data sets for the purposes, such as monitoring contracts and patient
relevant commissioner (specialist or CCG) and relevant geographic area (CCG) via CSUs. pathways, activity analysis and challenges, service
CMDS are sent on bulk and net change basis.
planning and invoice validation and basis for
An underlying requirement to meet the safe haven and clearing house functions in the simplest and most effective manner is that data landed in the
HSCIC for the same person from different sources (i.e. different health care providers) must be linkable for HSCIC to carry out its statutory functions.
This requires that data for the same person from all sources have common identifiers.
Assumptions Part 2 - Relevant HSCIC Functions, Users and Data Usage, Data Flows
Table 4 Users and stated needs of patient and clinical data provided by HSCIC9 from national multi-purpose data flows
Data type required
Purpose of use of data
(arising from Functions i
n Table 6)
(related to legal basis for use of data)
HSCIC – data quality
To support identification validation & data quality to avoid false matches in
linkage and bias in data and as part of overall data quality standards
Pseudonymised or identifiable legally enabled To support clinical and non-clinical health and social care research
11 & NHS England (NHSE)
Supporting NHS commissioning processes, e.g. contract management, service
planning (e.g. location of services such as clinics and pharmacies)
CCGs & NHSE as commissioners
Identifiable data permitted by decisions under To enable payment by commissioners for activity undertaken by providers of
S251 in short term to pass to CSUs
secondary care, particularly for non-contracted activity or out of area
Identifiable data to HSCIC in longer term with treatments.
pseudonymised data for CSUs
For detailed in-depth analysis for enquiries at local and national levels (e.g.
Mid Staffs), queries, (e.g. impact of junior doctor rotation), impact of policy
changes (e.g. 7 day hospital working), etc.
Assessing health risks at population level – risk stratification
Primary and community care
Pseudonymised & re-identifiable (where
Assessing health risks at individual person level – case finding (NB case finding
Based on Figure 1 in Context paper 10
Requirement of Data Services for Commissioners (DSfC) programme arising from their Data Quality Impact on Linkage paper 11
CCGs only receive patient level data relating to their registered and resident populations 12
See http://www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/who-pays-advice-22-08-14
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Data type required
Purpose of use of data
(arising from Functions i
n Table 6)
(related to legal basis for use of data)
legally enabled)
involves authorised patient re-identification for clinicians with legitimate
Public Health England and in
Pseudonymised or identifiable where legally
Public health surveillance
Local Authorities
NHS Regulators
Pseudonymised or identifiable where legally
To support monitoring of NHS operations
enabled (eg CQC)
Information intermediaries
De-identified with pseudonyms
To provide benchmarking products for NHS organisations
Assumptions Part 2 - Relevant HSCIC Functions, Users and Data Usage, Data Flows
Table 5 Overview of existing patient and clinical data flows in the NHS in England relating to commissioning and performance management
National Flow of standardised datasets of patient
To enable collation of data for multiple purposes as outlined in Table 3 by enabling the HSCIC to
activity for specified purposes from providers
(i) act as a Clearing House for directing data from providers to local and national commissioners (see
to HSCIC (e.g. commissioning minimum data
Table 2)
sets (CMDS or CDS) for A&E, OP, Admitted
(ii) act as national data repository for subsequent use on a national basis
Patient Care etc.) for SUS and HES.
(iii) act as national data repository to support regulators and PHE operating on national, local and
topic basis
(iv) act as a national data repository to provide relevant subsets of data to authorised researchers
(via HES)
(v) act as service to provide de-identified data for Information Intermediaries (via HES or SUS)
Flow from providers to local commissioners or
To enable data to be provided on a point to point basis for use by organisations or researchers, etc. for
others (e.g. researchers) of locally agreed data specifically agreed local purposes (e.g. to supplement CDS to support local initiatives)
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Assumptions Part 2 - Relevant HSCIC Functions, Users and Data Usage, Data Flows
Figure 4 illustrates a high-level view of CDS data flows from providers to SUS within the HSCIC and onward to commissioners and other users.
Linkages of records between two data sources are
not part of this diagram, but are mainly associated with HES. Within SUS there are internal ‘joins’ of
data from activity-based tables (such as A&E and APC) for an individual patient’s root pseudonym identifier or the use of Spell Identifiers and Pathway
identifiers to join episodes of care together.
Figure 2 Illustrating data flows into and out of HSCIC
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Assumptions Part 3
Single versus Multiple Keys for Pseudonymisation at Source (P@S)
The table sets out the issues for the use of single and multiple keys for P@S for the multi-purpose national flows illustrated in
Single and multiple keys
The main requirement is that data landed in the HSCIC for the same person from different sources (i.e. different health care providers) will have the
same pseudonymised identifier to enable linkage; this may possibly be for a particular purpose or for multiple purposes. In effect the linkage requires a
single key to enable different organisations, which have provided care to a particular person to assign the same pseudonym to that person. This will be
particularly important where linkage of data collected over long periods time and across different providers is required.
Multiple keys then arise from using different single keys for different reasons, such as different purposes or different organisations, however linkage for
the same person cannot be achieved across organisations for the latter approach.
Multiple keys will also arise if the HSCIC apply another level pseudonymisation to data for dissemination in order to offset the security risk arising from
the P@S single key leading to users, e.g. commissioners, having the same keys as data providers, e.g. secondary or primary care providers. This is
explored in Model 5 in
Table 11.
Context of use
The consideration of the use of single key or multiple keys related to purpose has to be undertaken in the context of the data flows to the HSCIC, as
opposed to local, point to point flows. The flows to the HSCIC are on a huge scale in terms of the number of sources, the range of data sets, the
volumes of data due to the sizes of the CMDS and numbers of episodes of care, which are compounded by the need to manage net change updates on
patients’ stays in hospitals. The context is further complicated by the multiplicity of purposes for which the data are sent, as indicated in Tables 3 and 4
Specific examples of use of data in commissioning where a consistent single pseudonymous identifier needs to be used across the system include
• to enable the commissioner to contact the relevant provider to discuss activity for a particular patient
• to identify duplicated activity i.e. provider 1 (main contract) and provider 2 (sub-contractor) both submitting and getting paid for activity.
• to be able to link activity across commissioning organisations e.g. to make sure patients don’t fall between gaps.
Consideration of Single and Multiple Key Models
The consideration of different models of single and multiple keys is set out i
n Table 11 below in the context of use of multiple purposes for the flows of
data set out above. The table indicates that there are strengths and weaknesses to each model.
The conclusion is that Models 3 and 4 with specific keys for each organisation for any purpose will not enable data for individual patients to be linked
across organisations, a fundamental requirement. Whilst Model 2 based on a generic key being used across all organisations for a specific purpose is
technically feasible, it is complex and difficult to manage where multiple purposes are involved. Model 5, where the HSCIC applies another layer of
pseudonymisation to the submitted pseudonymised data for data dissemination means that it is not possible to track patients back from commissioners
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to providers as providers and commissioners will have 2 different pseudonyms for an individual. This prevents communication to enable the example
activities, listed in the previous section, from being undertaken, unless there is a system for the holders of the pseudonymisation keys to collaborate.
This leaves Model 1 of a single key across all organisations for all purposes as the only viable option for the large-scale multi purpose national flows.
However, the benefit of replacing the NHS Number, in secure flows with another common pseudonymised identifier used across the NHS has been
questioned. This is because NHS Number is deemed to be a direct patient identifier despite originally being intended as a pseudonym.
The table also implies that where there are multiple single purpose flows of data to the HSCIC, multiple keys, e.g. one per purpose as in Model 2 is
applicable and could be considered for use
Table 6 Single and Multiple Key Models – pros & cons
1 Generic key across all
Each organisation uses the
Data can be linked across
Security Risk: risk of key being exposed/compromised is
Organisations for all
same key irrespective of the organisations
increased as it is held in many organisations, particularly
purposes (single key for
Simpler to implement
if used repeatedly or over a prolonged period – if cracked
any purpose)
for one it is cracked for all.
Data can be linked for purposes it is not meant to be used
for unless secondary central pseudonymisation applied
2 Generic key across all
Each organisation uses the
Data can be linked across
More complex to implement and manage if many
Organisations for a
same but for a specific
different purposes.
specified purpose only
purpose only.
Security Risk: risk of key being exposed/compromised is
(single key for specified
Different keys are used for
increased as it is held in many organisations.
different purposes.
May result in the need for multiple flows of each data set
e.g. risk stratification, analysis, commissioning, invoice
validation etc. and additional costs processing these data
Multiple keys imply more pseudonyms in use, so there
wil be a need for longer pseudonyms to be generated to
avoid collisions.
If same data are to be sent for multiple purposes, the
sending organisation has to prepare and manage the data
multiple times for each recipient/use rather than just the
same set being sent to each
3 Specific key for each
Organisations use a pseudo
Reduces risk impact if
Impossible to link data received from different
organisation for any
key specific to them
pseudonymisation key is breached as organisations for patient e.g. research, patient
purpose (multiple keys for irrespective of the purpose
restricted to a single organisation
pathway/patient centric analysis, duplicate payments
any purpose)
Relatively simple to implement
4 Specific key for each
Organisations use a pseudo
Reduces risk impact if
Impossible to link data received from different
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organisation and purpose
key specific to them and the pseudonymisation key is breached as organisations for patient e.g. research, patient
(multiple keys for specified purpose
restricted to a single organisation
pathway/patient centric analysis, duplicate payments
and purpose
May result in the need for multiple flows of each data set
e.g. risk stratification, analysis, commissioning, invoice
validation etc. and additional costs processing these data
5 Generic key across all
Each organisation submitting Data can be linked across
Security Risk: risk of key being exposed/compromised is
Organisations for all
data uses the same key
increased as it is held in many organisations.
purposes (single key for
irrespective of the purpose
Cracking input key does not impact
Data subjects not identifiable (even if legal reason to do
any purpose) for data
at source. HSCIC applies
on disseminated data
so) as applications of different input and output keys
submission; different key
second pseudonymisation to
prevent this.
applied by HSCIC to
the submitted
submitted pseudonymised pseudonymised data for
data for data processing
data dissemination
and dissemination (single
or multiple keys for
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Appendix 3 - Key Findings
The Key Findings from the Review are set out i
n Table 12. For background information on Key Findings, see Secti
on 4.3.
Please note shading of rows is used to distinguish different groups of topic
Table 7 Key Findings in relation Pseudonymisation and the HSCIC’s role and functions
1 General findings –
Context - The HSCIC does not routinely col ect names and addresses when receiving data from secondary
Derived from observations
working with
care organisations except for databases that support direct care.
of non-NHS based members
Finding - It is evident from the contributions of those involved in the Review, especial y the lay
and some NHS based
representatives, that the importance, purposes and ranges of use of patient data are not widely
members during the
understood (e.g. there appears to be a belief that names and addresses are generally stored and
Implication - There is a need for greater simplicity and better communications in providing the public
with the rationale for the collection and use(s) of the data, together with explaining the benefits and
techniques for managing the risks. This need arises from enabling the common good to be achieved, but
also from the need to maximise the amount of data that can continue to be available in order to
minimise inadvertent bias caused by withholding of records. This suggests that greater and real
transparency is required, preferably through the involvement of patients for them to understand the
2 General findings –
Finding - The HSCIC need to continue to address public and professional concerns through other means
Discussions at meetings of
HSCIC & public
including being transparent about the data that it processes; how it is kept securely and whom the data
Steering Group and sub-
are shared with and for what purpose; meeting Fair Processing requirements and data deletion requests
3 General findings –
Finding - HSCIC should collect the minimum data in the least identifiable form possible and apply the
Discussions at meetings of
HSCIC principles
greatest level of de-identification to releases of data to meet the stated purpose of the customer and
Steering Group and sub-
only ever with a legal basis to do so, supported by relevant data retention and destruction policies.
4 General findings –
Context - As indicated in Assumption 4, the impact of the emerging policy about Patient Objections is
Discussions at meetings of
Patient Objections unknown. It is clear however, that the flows of patient data into and out of the HSCIC will be affected.
Steering Group and sub-
This means that due al owance for the impact of Patient Objections must be made in future
5 General findings -
Finding – Pseudonymisation, in its wider context, is a highly complex subject area with different
Discussions at meetings of
understanding of key concepts, opinions of the best way to address the problems and highly polarised
Steering Group and sub-
views amongst expert stakeholders.
General findings –
Finding - There are significant complexities and various permutations of how the various models could be
Discussions at meetings of
pseudonymisation implemented, each with different issues and costs associated, and as a result it is very difficult to assess
Steering Group and sub-
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the potential impact accurately
7 Central
Context - As in Assumption 5, as a Data Controller, the HSCIC owns the risks for the identifiable data it
Statement of current
pseudonymisation receives and processes in its overall role and a provider of central pseudonymisation services.
(CP) – Risk
8 CP - local flows
Context - The model of central pseudonymisation as operated currently by the HSCIC does not support
Statement of current
local data flows, e.g between providers and commissioners.
9 CP – providers &
Assertion - The CP model is preferred by secondary care providers and commissioners, as this is most
similar to the as-is situation and would not impose significant additional costs and burden upon them.
10 CP – primary care
Assertion - The CP model is not preferred for primary care data by practices on the grounds of data
security and the breach in doctor patient confidentiality which would result and has not been the case
11 CP –
Context - The HSCIC has experience of pseudonymisation, when there is a legal basis for releasing
Pseudonymisation identifiable data, and routinely applies pseudonymisation centrally to data that it releases to customers.
Pseudonymisation is applied on a per customer per purpose basis which guards against unauthorised
linkage of data that is provided to different customers or to the same customer but for a different
12 CP – data
Implication - As the HSCIC is able to segregate data into payload and internal system identifiers (see
Development of current
management to
Assumption 12), the potential exists to avoid the use of S251 for some data flows in two or more ways.
reduce risk
First, data from within the HSCIC systems could be linked for a particular purpose within HSCIC systems
and then disclosed with pseudonyms without external users having access to the identifiable data;
second through disclosing pseudonymised data with the same pseudonyms as data from another source,
e.g. pseudonymised at source. See also Finding 49.
13 CP – meeting HSCIC
Assertion - The range of functions set out in Assumptions Table 3 Functions can be met, including the
Statement of current
legal disclosure of identifiable data where appropriate, with implementation of Type Two objections yet
to be completed
14 CP – meeting users’
Assertion - The range of needs set out in Assumptions Table 4 Users’ Needs can be met.
Statement of current
stated needs
15 CP - costs
Assertion - The costs of the central pseudonymisation model are met by providers sending securely
Statement of current
encrypted identifiable data and by the HSCIC being responsible for the costs of pseudonymising data on
landing prior to the data’s subsequent processing and use.
16 Pseudonymisation
Context - As in Assumption 5, as a Data Controller, the organisation undertaking P@S (e.g. a practice)
Statement of current
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at Source (P@S) –
owns the risks for the identifiable data it processes and pseudonymised data it produces.
Risk ownership
17 P@S – local flows
Finding - There is evidence that P@S has been successful y implemented to support some local flows of
Evidence to P@S Sub-group
data between providers and commissioners as well for research & working with councils
18 P@S – primary care
Assertion - The P@S model is preferred for primary care data by practices on the grounds of data security
and because it avoids breaching patient confidentiality.
19 P@S – providers &
Assertion - The P@S model is not preferred for secondary care data by providers as this would impose
significant additional burden and costs upon them. The P@S model is also not preferred by
commissioners because of the need for a single consistent pseudonymous identifier for patients across
the system to enable them to fulfil their role.
20 P@S –
Finding - A variety of different pseudonymisation products are available on the open market, including
pseudonymisation through Procurement Frameworks such as G-Cloud6. In addition bespoke solutions have been
products for
implemented within the NHS, and pseudonymisation functionality is also available in some GP and
general use
Patient Administration Systems (PAS). Furthermore bespoke tools can utilise functionality available
within widely used database products such as Oracle, SQL Server and SAS.
21 P@S –
The capabilities, for pseudonymisation products, from market responses received would indicate the
pseudonymisation open market is sufficiently mature, robust and compliant, with several standards, to be considered for
pseudonymisation, of patient data, in any of the three operating models under consideration. The
Review should consider the market has the capabilities to support any of the models but should also
consider risk (key management), deployment (distribution model) and costs when reporting to the
Review’s Steering group.
22 P@S –
Finding - P@S will not conflict with Government Interoperability standards and methods. However
PS06, PS05A
changes to mandatory NHS Information Standards will be required; these are likely to have a long lead-
time and will involve additional costs.
However where pseudonymising at source is mandated then the HSCIC should consider provide direction
on both the use of pseudonymisation at source, a new standard is currently being developed, and that an
impact assessment on interoperability standards, is undertaken.
23 P@S – Risk
Context - The accountability and liability for any security breach that may occur always lies with the Data
Implications of
Controller of the data, who needs to manage the associated risk. Under the P@S model the HSCIC will
implementing P@S
receive only pseudonymised data, but may not be in a position to manage aspects of risk if the common
key is compromised.
24 P@S – Common
Finding - There is a security risk associated with employing a common pseudonymisation key, required to
Implications of
key risk
allow linkage of data, across all health and social care settings including independent sector
implementing P@S
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organisations. If this is compromised once it could potentially enable all data to be re-identified.
25 P@S – Common
Implication - Over time, the use of the same common key may lead to the pseudonymised NHS Number
Implications of
key risk
effectively replacing the NHS Number as a patient identifier in its own right.
implementing P@S
26 P@S – Common
Finding - There is a risk that pseudonymisation may not be applied correctly at source by some
Implications of
key risk
organisations at some time thus rendering relevant data items not sufficiently obscured.
implementing P@S
However, as indicated in Assumption 28, the HSCIC has powers to specify, design, validate, monitor and
enforce such data standards to ensure that the processing of identifiers in source systems is undertaken
in a consistent way.
27 P@S –
Implication - Concerns were raised by some stakeholders that roll out of a mandated P@S mechanism
Reputational risk
may result in unintended consequences such as the creation of a “black market” of unofficial local data
flows. The reputational (and potentially worse) risk arises from the continued flows of identifiable data
on an unofficial basis.
28 P@S – IG Impact
Implication - P@S may impact the ability of the HSCIC to adhere to elements of the Data Protection Act
(DPA) and Information Governance Policy including Subject Access Requests (SAR), S10, Patient
Objections and Preventing Use
29 P@S – Operational
Finding - There is evidence that P@S has been successfully implemented within a few organisations,
although such examples are based upon simple relationships between a data provider and a data
recipient. There are also some examples where pseudonymised data are shared via an intermediary
organisation such as QResearch, Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) and Secure Anonymised
Information Linkage Databank (SAIL). The HSCIC has a more complex operating model acting as a Safe
Haven to facilitate the sharing of data appropriately through collating multiple disparate data sets from
many providers, linking this data and disseminating subsets to many customers. The HSCIC would need
to explore such instances of P@S and intermediaries if the P@S model is adopted.
30 P@S – Operational
Finding - There is evidence that suitable pseudonymisation capabilities do exist within systems provided
by most suppliers to GP Practices and within systems used by some Secondary Care Providers.
31 P@S – Operational
Finding - Within many hospital trusts, there may not be a sufficient level of technical expertise to ensure
that P@S is carried out effectively, consistently and to the appropriate standards. P@S is also seen to be
challenging to implement by some trusts. There would be risks that pseudonymisation is not applied
properly resulting in a risk of re-identification or the wrong pseudonymisation key applied preventing the
linkage of data to meet the business need. The risks could be mitigated by use of standards and
supported by contracts, as outlined in Assumption 28. The technical aspects could be automated.
33 P@S – meeting
Finding - The range of functions set out in Assumptions Table 2 cannot al be met. This is because
Consequent on the
HSCIC functional
identifiable data are required, such as for the collection, collation and dissemination of identifiable data.
definition of P@S and ST04
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Meeting this requirement would mean the pseudonym would need to be reversible. This also appears to
Legislation paper section
prevent meeting the need to comply with Type Two Objections. However, as set out in Assumption 4, the
requirements for patient objections are not yet known.
36 P@S – Data quality
Finding - The HSCIC has a statutory duty to provide independent data quality reports, which are mostly
Consequent on the
– HSCIC role
based upon patient identifiers e.g. NHS Number, Date of Birth, postcode etc. The capability to provide
definition of P@S
such reports with P@S data, especial y on NHS Number, wil be removed.
However P@S data can provide a mechanism to validate NHS number at source then this should be
explored should P@S be considered as a future operating model.
37 P@S – Data quality
Finding - The coverage and validity of NHS number is in the high for large scale national datasets, as set
DLDQ03; NHSE DQ Report
by providers
out in DLDQ03 (ie high 90%s). It is more chal enging to understand the accuracy and where data are
inaccurate whether having the data in identifiable form would enable any improvement to linkage and
further work is needed in this area, as also set out in the NHS England paper on Data Quality.
The Review’s DLDQ04 Data Linkage can be used to infer some of the inconsistencies in identifiers that
may occur under a pseudonymisation at source or central pseudonymisation model. Under such models
patient identifiers should be validated against the patient demographic service to ensure maximum
accuracy, in the former case by data suppliers and in the latter case by the HSCIC.
38 P@S -
Finding - Providing pseudonymisation keys are managed and applied correctly no impact on the ability to
link pseudonymised data using deterministic linkage methods is expected, though there would be an
increased overhead in processing and complexity of the linkage process. Also partial deterministic
matches (e.g. part DOB) would be impacted, depending how these data were pseudonymised.
39 P@S - Probabilistic
Finding - The effectiveness of partial, fuzzy and probabilistic matching techniques is expected to be
reduced if these are needed by the HSCIC in the future to maximise linkage of data for an increasingly
diverse range of data sets with differing characteristics in terms of patient identifiers and with different
levels of data quality.
40 P@S – meeting
Finding - A need listed in Assumptions Table 4 cannot be met by P@S. This is the need by researchers for
users’ stated needs HSCIC to provide secondary care identifiable data subject to legal basis (e.g. S251). Significant concerns
have been raised by research organisations about their ability to continue receiving the identifiable data
that they require to undertake vital research and have a legal basis to receive under a P@S model, or the
additional cost and effort of re-identifying data where this is a feasible alternative. Alternative ways
would need to be found by customers to meet their needs, which do not appear feasible in the short-
term. Any solution is expected to lead to duplication of flows, in both identifiable and pseudonymised
forms and re-processing of pseudonymised data into identifiable data for restricted use.
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41 P@S – meeting
Finding - Some of the needs listed in Assumptions Table 4 cannot be met by P@S. These include the
NHSE DQ Impact on
users’ stated needs capability to undertake identity validation and assess bias arising in secondary care data. This does
Linkage paper
appear to rely on the availability of identifiable data to enable this function to be carried out.
42 P@S – meeting
Finding - Authorised re-identification, (e.g.
for risk stratification) can be supported through P@S for
Consequent on the
users’ stated needs originating data providers (i.e. at source) if single key used at source and same key used for
definition of P@S
43 P@S – impact on
Implication - The HSCIC holds large amounts of data covering many years of secondary care activity.
Implications of
existing stored data Much of the data are in identifiable form (indirectly identifiable in SUS as activity data stored against root
implementing P@S
pseudonyms and not NHS Numbers) or in a pseudonymised form using the HESID in HES. These data are
used for providing comparative statistical data over time, for linkage and pathway data over time.
Changing to a P@S model raises issues about what happens to the existing data at the point of change in
order that there can be continuity of service to end users. Solutions may be technically feasible, but will
require design and implementation, taking time and adding costs.
44 P@S – impact on
Implication - HSCIC supplies pseudonymised data to CSUs (CCG Support Units) via DSCROs. The same
Implications of
existing stored data issue, the impact of change of the type of data being provided arises, but on a local basis and in a
implementing P@S
at CSUs
different form as the HSCIC will not be able to apply the same pseudonyms to existing patients to enable
pathways to be continued etc. Again, solutions may be technically feasible, but will require design and
implementation, taking time and adding costs.
45 P@S – operational
Implication - The operation of P@S across 315 Trusts and 8,000 practices (albeit through 4 main system
Implications of
suppliers and large scale data centre operations) will require administration, coordination and
implementing P@S
management to ensure synchronised delivery of data to ensure the timely processing of data by the
HSCIC. The types of processes involved will include conformance to standards, timetabling of data flows,
dealing with basic data quality issues (e.g. incorrect coding leading to rejection of interchange of data).
Assertion - This operational management can be developed from the existing arrangements for the
supply of data to HSCIC.
46 P@S – new flows
When new data flows are envisaged, P@S should be considered as part of the Privacy Impact Assessment
Discussions at meetings of
Steering Group and sub-
47 P@S - Costs
The implication of costs to implement a Pseudonymisation at Source is likely to be considerable when
comparing to a Central pseudonymisation solution. The main costs are changes to National systems,
operated by the HSCIC, and for Secondary Care Providers where there is a wide range of variance of
implementation models possible.
For GP / Primary Care costs for pseudonymisation are not considered to be significant, although costs for
changes to GP systems have not been collated, however for data recipients, being largely under a central
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pseudonymisation model, then costs for GP / Primary Care would not present a barrier.
48 P@S – application
Implication - The implications of the consideration of single and multiple keys in the Assumptions Part 4
Assumptions analysis and
and usage
are that
evidence of use of P@S
(i) use of P@S is best suited to single purpose record linkage using shared pseudonymisation keys, as
exemplified in Findings for local flows, specific research projects, i.e. subsets of the overall
(ii) P@S is not well suited to support large-scale multi-purpose national flows of patient records into
the HSCIC and the subsequent many-to-many linkages. Whilst use of P@S may be potentially
technically possible with single or multiple keys, there would be layers of complexity of operation
and management with additional costs. The single key approach forms the least complex and least
costly, but the benefits of replacing the NHS Number,
deemed to be a direct patient identifier
despite originally being intended as a pseudonym, in secure flows with another common
pseudonymised identifier used across the NHS have been questioned
(iii) The use of a second key on data submitted via P@S operated with a single key can offset the
security risk of a common pseudonym at both ends of data flows. However, there wil then be basic
requirements that wil not be met, such as re-identification by data providers with risk stratification
or the provision of identifiable data where there is a legal basis to do so.
(iv) by implication of (i) above, where data are extracted from SUS or HES for specific purposes involving
linkage with other data sources, the P@S technique is suitable to be used to via a relevant
pseudonymisation tool for data from SUS or HES and other related source(s) to facilitate such
49 Hybrid model –
Implication - An implication of Finding 12 is that the potential exists to avoid the use of S251 for some
Implication from Finding 12
data flows if the HSCIC is able to provide a facility or service to irreversibly pseudonymise output for
output to reduce
relevant files of data on the same basis that the external user irreversibly pseudonymises their data. In
risk through
effect this would be a P@S type operation working on data from HSCIC and from end users giving the
providing a
same irreversible pseudonyms to enable linkage. In principle, this could be achieved by the HSCIC either
pseudonymisation (i) enabling any service vendors to provide their certified pseudonymisation tool for the HSCIC to use on
specific data sets or (ii) the HSCIC and service vendors develop a tool, possibly open-source, to operate as
a black box with key management on HSCIC sourced data and the service vendor’s service users’ data.
Organisations covered by previous permissions under S251 would then have the opportunity to consider
at annual review whether such a service could remove the need for them to continue using identifiable
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Appendix 4 - Steering Group Terms of Reference & Membership
The Role of the Steering Group
The steering group is an advisory group that will provide recommendations to the HSCIC on its pseudonymisation approach.
The group will agree a set of options around pseudonymisation and a set of criteria for evaluating them against. Where agreement
cannot be reached then the divergent views will be noted, together with approximate numbers holding these views.
The Responsibilities of the Steering Group
Once the draft report has been completed, the group will be responsible for evaluating the agreed set of options to quantify the
advantages and disadvantages of each one and produce recommendations. Where recommendations do not achieve consensus
amongst the steering group membership then the divergent views will be noted against particular recommendations, together with
approximate numbers holding these views.
In providing these recommendations, the group is expected to take a number of factors into consideration in its evaluation, including
but not limited to: technical feasibility, impact on data security, timelines and cost and impact on benefits.
It is envisaged that the steering group will provide recommendations on a specific aspect of pseudonymisation once it has been
considered, rather than produce all recommendations together at the end of a process.
The group will be able to request the HSCIC to perform background work to aid it in its evaluation of the different options and assist
in the prioritisation of this work. The HSCIC will assess the resource requirement to deliver this background work and decide
whether it can deliver it. The Steering Group can invite external experts to its meetings where their skills are pertinent to the
particular subject matter being discussed.
The Steering Group can convene a number of ‘task and finish’ subgroups to look in more detail at specific aspects of
pseudonymisation, drawing on a subset of steering group members and outside experts where appropriate.
The Steering Group will provide formal recommendations on the following areas:
• The ways in which pseudonymisation could or should feature in relation to current and planned data flows into and out of the
• The risks, issues, opportunities and constraints pertaining to pseudonymisation.
The Steering Group will not provide formal recommendations on the following areas, but some of them will be of interest to the group
and the group should be mindful of any implications on these areas in making its recommendations:
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• The use of pseudonymisation in point-to-point contexts independent of the HSCIC.
• Assessment of the merits of central data warehouses or models for customers accessing HSCIC data, for example on-site
access or delivery of extracts;
• Assessment of consent models, e.g. ‘opt in’ versus ‘opt out’;
Assessment of any Information Governance recommendations that may emerge from the IIGOP
• Any general ethical aspects of using identifiable or de-identified data.
The Scope of the Steering Group
The Steering Group will provide formal recommendations to the HSCIC Executive Management Team (EMT). The HSCIC EMT will
respond to such recommendations.
The Steering Group will have some common membership with the Independent Information Governance Oversight Panel to enable
appropriate links to be made. The group has an overarching role looking at all HSCIC current or future datasets so has no specific
links to forums that consider individual programmes of data expansion, such as the Care.Data Independent Advisory Group.
The Steering Group can make recommendations on pseudonymisation of data currently or planned to be received, processed and
disseminated by the HSCIC, its data processors or its data controllers in common.
As indicated in Section 2.4, representatives of relevant organisations and experts in specific fields were invited to become members
of the Pseudonymisation Review Steering Group with observers representing other interested parties or areas of expertise.
Members had two different means of participation ‘active members’ and ‘corresponding members’. Core Members attended the
majority of Steering Group meetings on a face to face basis, dialled in or were represented by colleagues, whilst Corresponding
Members’ participated by providing comments on documents or through email dialogue.
Table 8 Pseudonymisation Review Steering Group Members
Max Jones
HSCIC - Director of Data and
Chair providing input and steering group
Chair (July to November 2014)
Information Services
Chris Roebuck
Review Co-ordinator
Chair (from December 2014)
Chris Carrigan
Public Health England
User of HSCIC Data
Active Member (deputy - Sean McPhail)
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Antony Chuter
Member of the public
Patient Representative
Active Member
Professor Harvey
University College London &
Academic Expert (Data Linkage)
Active Member
University of Bristol
Ian Herbert
BCS Primary Health Care IT
GPES Independent Advisory Group member
Active Member
Specialist Group
Dr Julia Hippisley-Cox
GP and Nottingham University Academic Expert on Data Linkage and EMIS
Active Member
National User Group
Geraint Lewis
NHS England
Chief Data Officer
Active Member (deputy – Xanthe Hannah)
Tim Williams
MHRA, Director of CPRD
User of HSCIC Data
Active Member (replaced John Parkinson
January 2015)
James Wood
Infrastructure Security Manager
Active Member
Dr Paul Cundy
General Practitioners
Representing BMA in its entirety; GPC (a Sub
Corresponding Member
Committee and BMA
Committee of BMA) and ex Chair of the RCGP
Alan Hassey
HSCIC IG lead and member of Dame Fiona
Corresponding Member (due clash of
Caldicott's IG panel
meetings with Chairing DAAG)
Dr Phil Koczan
Representative of the RCGP and member of the Corresponding Member
Health Informatics Group
Daniel Ray
University Hospital
Head of NHS CIO Network
Corresponding Member
Dr Hashim Reza
Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust
Consultant Psychiatrist and Mental Health
Corresponding Member
Information expert
Eve Roodhouse
Care.data Programme Director
Corresponding Member (supported by David
Richard Pantlin of Oxfordshire Social Services attended 3 meetings, but declined to attend further meetings due to the lack of coverage of
the use of Social Services’ data.
Table 9 Pseudonymisation Review Steering Group Observers
Natasha Dunkley
Confidentiality Advice Group
Provide input on patient confidentiality.
Active and
Kambiz Boomla
N.B. One CAG member attended each Steering Group meeting corresponding members
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C Marc Taylor
Wally Gowing
Pseudonymisation Adviser
Nicholas Oughtibridge
Leading on Code of Practice for Confidentiality
Dawn Monaghan
Information Commissioners Office
Data Protection Act - Supported by Stacey Egerton
Steering Group Members’ Interests
The stated interests of Steering Group meetings are recorded i
n Table 15 (interests are in addition to stated roles in Table 14)
Table 10 Steering Group Members’ Interests
Stated Interest
Harvey Goldstein
Working on record linkage project at UCL that has access to HSCIC data
Dr Phil Koczan
GP, Chief Clinical Information Officer UCLP
Digital Clinical Champion London (NHS England)
Martin Staples
NHS England – Data Sharing & Privacy Advisor
Julia Hippisley-Cox
Medical Director ClinRisk Ltd
Trustee EMIS National User Group (charity), Director QResearch (not for profit venture between
University of Nottingham & EMIS)
Member of Confidentiality Advisory Group Health Research Authority
Expert witness to Health Select Committee
Kambiz Boomla
GP principal & partner – Chrisp Street Health Centre, London
Senior Clinical Lectoruer at Clinical effectiveness Group, Queen Mary University, London
IT clinical lead – Tower Hamlets CCG
Ian Herbert
Director of S I Herbert & Associates Ltd , providing informatics services mainly in the field of healthcare
Technical appraiser of standards, NHS Information Standards Board
Committee member of British Computer Society – Primary Healthcare Specialist Group
Vice Chair (Partnerships) BCS Health , Board Member, UK Faculty of Health Informatics
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Document Outline