We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Breda Walls please sign in and let everyone know.

Retention and Disposal Scheme and Publications Scheme

Breda Walls made this Freedom of Information request to Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

We're waiting for Breda Walls to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman,

Please direct me to your retention and disposal scheme as I cannot find it. You reference the Retention and Disposal Scheme in your privacy notice stating that it is under the publications section but it is not.

Also please direct me to your publications scheme as I cannot find it either.

See privacy notice extract:

"Storage and destruction
The Ombudsman retains information collected by her Office in line with her Retention and Disposal Schedule, which is available in the Publications section of our website. Information is archived in a secure storage area prior to being destroyed."

Yours faithfully,

Breda Walls

NIPSO Legal Services, Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman

1 Attachment

Dear Madam,


Re: IR-FOIA-20230053


We acknowledge receipt of your request for information dated 18^th October


“Please direct me to your retention and disposal scheme as I cannot find
it.  You reference the Retention and Disposal Scheme in your privacy
notice stating that it is under the publications section but it is not. 


Also please direct me to your publications scheme as I cannot find it


This will be dealt with as a request for information under Section 1 of
the Freedom of Information Act 2000.


We will be in touch in due course.


Should you need to contact us in the meantime, please feel free to contact
me at email [1][email address] or in writing directly to myself
at the address below.


Yours faithfully,


Gregory Smyth


Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman's Office
Progressive House | 33 Wellington Place | Belfast | BT1 6HN
+ Email: [2][email address]
' Telephone: 0800 343424




Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. mailto:[email address]

NIPSO Legal Services, Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman

2 Attachments


Dear Breda Walls


Information request ref: IR-FOIA-20230053


I refer to your email received by this office on 18 October 2023.


In considering your request for information, I have reviewed the records
which contain applicable information. I have also considered the following


•                    The Public Services Ombudsman Act (Northern Ireland)
2016 (‘the 2016 Act’)

•                    The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (‘FOIA 2000’)

•                    The Data Protection Act 2018 (‘the DPA 2018)

•                    The General Data Protection Regulation (‘the GDPR’)


Your request for Information has been treated as a request for information
in accordance with section 1(1) The Freedom of Information Act 2000.


Your Request


You have requested the following information:


“Please direct me to your retention and disposal scheme as I cannot find
it.  You reference the Retention and Disposal Scheme in your privacy
notice stating that it is under the publications section but it is not.


Also please direct me to your publications scheme as I cannot find it



My Response


We apologise for any inconvenience you may be experiencing in locating
referenced documents on our new website. NIPSO has recently launched our
new website and we are continuously in the process of uploading additional


In regard to your request to be directed to our Retention and Disposal
Scheme I have a attached a copy of this for ease of reference.


The Publication Scheme link on our new website is now available and can be
found at the bottom of our website Homepage. The link is as follows:


I trust this of assistance.





I hope that you are satisfied with this response. If you are not satisfied
with this response to your request, you may ask for an internal review
within two calendar months of the date of this letter. You should contact:


Mr Andrew Ruston


Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman’s Office

Progressive House

33 Wellington Place



Email: [2][email address]


If you are not content with the outcome of any internal review requested
by you, you then have the right to apply directly to the Information
Commissioner for a decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted


Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane





Yours Sincerely,



Legal Services Department


Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman's Office
Progressive House | 33 Wellington Place | Belfast | BT1 6HN
+ Email: [3][email address]
' Telephone: 0800 343424



Visible links
1. https://www.nipso.org.uk/node/741
2. mailto:[email address]
3. mailto:[email address]

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Breda Walls please sign in and let everyone know.