Results of Draft Local Plan Consultation

The request was successful.

Dear Hart District Council,

The consultation on the draft Local Plan completed on 9 June 2017. The pro-forma response form said:

"All valid comments (electronic or written) and the name(s) of the respondent will be made publically (sic) available. Personal contact details will remain confidential."

In answer to a question made at the council meeting held on 29 June asking when the consultation comments would be made public, the answer was:

"We hope to be able to publish this information in the next couple of months"

One of Hart's own Code of Corporate Governance principles calls for "Ensuring openness and comprehensive stakeholder engagement". More than four months have now elapsed since the close of the consultation, so can you now please immediately publish the consultation comments.

Yours faithfully,

David Turver

FOI User, Hart District Council

This is an automated response to thank you for your email which has just
been received

We aim to respond to your email promptly.If you have access to the
internet you may wish to see if your enquiry can be dealt with online
at [1]  

Barbara Williams
FOI Co-Ordinator
Hart District Council
Harlington Way
GU51 4AE
01252 774222


Visible links

FOI User, Hart District Council

Hello David
I acknowledge receipt of your request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 received on 21st October 2017. Assuming we hold this
information I will endeavour to supply the data to you as soon as possible
but no later than 16th November 2017.
I will advise you as soon as possible if we do not hold this information
or if there are exemptions to be considered and/or any costs for providing
the information. Please quote the above reference in any communication
regarding this request.

Barbara Williams
FOI Co-Ordinator
Hart District Council
Harlington Way
GU51 4AE

Please consider completing our short [1]Customer Feedback Form so that we
know how we handled your query and can continue to improve the service
that we provide. 

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #439969 email]

Is [Hart District Council request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information requests
to Hart District Council? If so, please contact us using this form:

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

For more detailed guidance on safely disclosing information, read the
latest advice from the ICO:

Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will
be delayed.

If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.



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Daryl Phillips, Hart District Council

Dear Mr Turver
The Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) and Freedom of Information
Act (FOIA) give rights of public access to recorded information held by
public authorities. The regimes are, however, distinct from each other and
a public authority must decide under which piece of legislation a request
should properly be considered. The EIR derived from EU law and exclusively
covers environmental information. FOIA, on the other hand, covers most
other types of official records held by public authorities.
In my view, your request should be considered under the EIR, as it is a
request for information about consultation responses that the council
intends to use as part of its Local Plan evidence base. These matters
would affect the environment and falls under regulation 2(1)(c) of the
“Measures (including administrative measures), such as policies,
legislation, plans, programs, environmental agreements, and activities
affecting or likely to affect the elements and factors referred to in (a)
and (b) as well as measures or activities designed to protect those
Regulation 5 of the EIR
Regulation 5(1) of the EIR requires a public authority to make available
environmental information on request, subject to exceptions in regulation
12 of the EIR.
I confirm that the Council holds the information that you seek and it has
published the information
at [1]
Daryl Phillips
Joint Chief Executive
Hart District Council
Tel: [2]01252 774492
Twitter: [4]@HartCouncil
Facebook: [5]/HartDistrictCouncil
Please consider completing our short [6]Customer Feedback Form so that we
know how we handled your query and can continue to improve the service
that we provide.

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