Responses to the article 'We're being pressured into sex by some trans women'

The request was refused by British Broadcasting Corporation.

Alex Vojtko-Proctor

To whom it may concern,

I am seeking information about the article 'We're being pressured into sex by some trans women', published on 26 October 2021.

In response to this article:
- How many complaints have been received in response to the article so far?
- How many 'appreciations', positive comments, and other forms of positive feedback have been received?
- What methods did readers use to submit this positive feedback, and how many responses were received via each route?
- If applicable, what categories has the BBC used to classify readers' responses to the article, and how many responses have been assigned to each category?

Yours faithfully,
Alex Vojtko-Proctor

FOI Enquiries, British Broadcasting Corporation

Dear Alex Vojtko-Proctor,

Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, as detailed in your email below. Your request was received on 1 November 2021. We will deal with your request as promptly as possible, and at the latest within 20 working days. If you have any queries about your request, please contact us at the address below.

The reference number for your request is RFI20211638.

Kind regards,

Information Rights

BBC Freedom of Information
BC2 A4, Broadcast Centre
201 Wood Lane
London W12 7TP
Email: [email address]

show quoted sections

FOI Enquiries, British Broadcasting Corporation

2 Attachments

Dear Alex,


Please find attached our response to your request for information
reference RFI20211638.


Yours sincerely,


Information Rights, BBC Legal

BC2A4 | Broadcast Centre | 201 Wood Lane | London | W12 7TP

[1]Description: \\BBCFS2025\UserData$\myrien01\Documents\My






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