Response to Natural England 22nd June 2022
Dear Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council,
The report to Scrutiny Committee ( mentions (page 14) 22 June 22 a reply to Natural England "Around Peat, environmental risks. Route options and Option F, priority habitat identified in section 41 of the
Natural Environment and Rural Communities (NERC) Act 2006, damage to Carrington Moss Site of Biological interest (SBI) and relic bog habitat".
Please can I have a copy of that response.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Marj Powner
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Thank you
Trafford Council
Dear Data Protection,
Please can I have a response to this request.
Yours sincerely,
Marj Powner
Thank you for contacting Trafford Information Governance Team; please treat this automatic email reply as confirmation that we have received your enquiry and will respond to you accordingly.
If you have access to the Internet you may wish to see if your enquiry can be dealt with online at [1] The council's website enables many forms to be completed and payments to be made online, as well as providing comprehensive information.
Kind regards
Information Governance Team
Trafford Council
Visible links
Dear Ms Powner,
Thank you for your below email.
Please see the attached email response, sent to your Friends of Carrington
Moss account opposed to the above email address, on the 15^th September
Kind Regards,
Information Governance
Legal Services | Trafford Council | Trafford Town Hall | Talbot Road |
Stretford | M32 0TH
Email: [1][Trafford Council request email]
Dear Data Protection,
Apologies, I did have this, I just didn't connect it - sorry for the additional work.
Yours sincerely,
Marj Powner
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