Information Governance Team
Our ref:
MO’K/jmck/FOI – 506
25th May 2021
By Email: (
Dear Ms Gilliland
Your request for information regarding Woodlawn House has now been considered and
the information requested is enclosed.
If you are unhappy as to how this request has been handled, you should write to
Dr Catherine Weaver, Head of Information Governance, the FOI lead for the Trust. You
have the right to seek a review within the Trust in the first instance.
If, after receiving a response, you remain unhappy, you can refer your complaint to the
Information Commissioner at The Information Commissioner’s office, Wycliffe House,
Water Lane, Wilmslow, SK9 5AF. It is important to note that if you refer any matter to
the Information Commissioner, you will need to show evidence of having gone through
the Trust’s review procedure to try to resolve the matter with the Trust in the first
If you have any queries or concerns then please contact Information Governance at the
following address:
Southern Health & Social Care Trust
Bannvale Site
10 Moyallen Road
BT63 5JX
Tel: 028 37 561458
Information Governance Team, Ferndale, Gilford Tel: 02837 561458
Yours sincerely
(Sent electronically, not signed)
Enc: Response FOI 506
Information Governance Team, Ferndale, Gilford Tel: 02837 561458
Is Woodlawns still a residential Unit supplying respite to families in the Southern
Trust area?
Woodlawn House is a registered nursing home, not a residential unit as referenced in
the FOI question, providing care for up to 9 patients with a diagnosis of learning
disability. The home remains regulated under the Nursing Home Regulations by RQIA.
There has been a temporary variation of contract to enable a service user with a
physical disability be supported at Woodlawn House.
Are families still receiving Respite in this Unit upon request? Woodlawn House aims to deliver short breaks to service users with nursing needs to
residents of the Southern Trust following assessment of one’s need. Woodlawn House
has temporarily ceased short breaks due to an emergency situation. The SHSCT is
working to resolve this situation and aims to return to providing bed based short breaks
by the end of May 2021. Case managers are offering service user’s and carers
alternative options to bed based short breaks which includes alternative locations for a
bed based short break or Self Directed Support.
Did the Trust consult with carers?
The decision to suspend bed based short breaks in Woodlawn House was an
operational decision in response to an emergency situation which placed patient safety
at the core of the decision. Operational decisions remain the responsibility of the
management team in the Southern Trust. Carers were not consulted prior to the
decision being made however the Learning Disability Carers Forum were informed of
the decision on 28th April 2021.
When will there be a normal return to Respite services in Woodlawn House and
Nightingale Lodge?
Due to the ongoing requirement for enhanced infection prevention and control practices
including the continuation of two metre distancing the Trust are unable to advise when
Woodlawn House or Nightingale Lodge will return to full capacity.
Are all Service users with a Learning Disability that are using Respite Units
The SHSCT does not require service users availing of a short break to be vaccinated as
this would be discriminatory to those service users who for specific reasons cannot avail
of a vaccine.
Information Governance Team, Ferndale, Gilford Tel: 02837 561458
All service users who are availing of a short bed based break will have a covid test prior
to admission to the unit. The service user must have a negative test result before the
short break can proceed. Following a covid test the service user is required to isolate at
home for 48 hours prior to availing of the short break.
Information Governance Team, Ferndale, Gilford Tel: 02837 561458