Resources used in treating private patients

The request was successful.

Dear West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust,

I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request information.

Please could you provide responses to the following:
1. Please state the number of private patients who received treatment using equipment, resources or facilities owned by your NHS Trust in the period 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017.
2. Please state of those private patients who received treatment using equipment, resources or facilities owned by your NHS Trust, how many were operated on using general or local anaesthetic?
3. Of those who underwent an operation please state the relevant speciality?
4. Of those patients who underwent an operation, how many received post operative care in (a) an NHS ward or (b) a separate ward specifically for private patients?
5. Please state the numbers of medical and non-medical staff involved in the provision of treatment (eg including the cleaning, catering, hotel facilities and administration etc)?
6. Please state the whole cost to your NHS Trust of providing the treatment above?
7. Please state the amount billed to the private health provider(s) for provision of this treatment?

Please provide the information in the form of a written response.

If it is not possible to provide the information requested because it exceeds the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under your Section 16 obligations, as to how I can refine my request to be included in the scope of the Act.

In any case, if you can identify ways that my request could be refined please provide further advice and assistance to indicate this.

I look forward to your response within 20 working days, as stipulated by the Act.

If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact me and I will be happy to clarify what I am asking for. My details are outlined below.

Yours faithfully,

Sasha Pearce

FOI, West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust

Freedom of Information Request Acknowledgement


Thank you for your request which was received by us on 02^nd March 2018


Under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000 we are required to provide
a response within 20 working days. You should expect to receive a response
by 30^th March 2018.  We will advise you if we do not hold the information
requested or if an exemption applies.


Your request has been given the reference number FOI 18-7650 .



FOI Team


T: 01284 712941 | Ext: 2941


West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust
Hardwick Lane|Bury St Edmunds|SUFFOLK|IP33 2QZ



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Dear FOI,

Thank you for acknowledging my request, but I am disappointed to note that the deadline for providing the information I requested is now 2 days past and so I am requesting an urgent response.

Yours sincerely,

Sasha Pearce

FOI, West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust

1 Attachment

Hi Sarah,


Our response was sent out to you on 29^th March 2018 – please see



FOI Team


T: 01284 712941 | Ext: 2941


West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust
Hardwick Lane|Bury St Edmunds|SUFFOLK|IP33 2QZ



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