This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Resit Without Attendance Rights Status'.

Lafrowda House 
St. German’s Road 
Exeter, UK  
EX4 6TL 
9 April 2020 
Ref: FOI20-140 
Dear Requester, 
Thank you for your email of 24th March 2020 requesting information under the Freedom of 
Information Act 2000.  Please see the responses to each of your questions below: 
I am writing to request general information on the 'rights of access' to the University facilities and 
premises for Resit Without Attendance (RWA) students. 

RWA meaning those who are resitting assessments without attendance to lectures or tuition 

Will you please confirm the following: 
1.  Are RWA students given the same right of access to other student facilities as full-time 
students while resitting?  
The Universities RWA would have the same rights to access everything listed as an attending 
student. However, as they are Resit without Attendance, they do not have to attend teaching. 
Therefore, they may not necessarily be located and present in Exeter/Cornwall or on campus to 
want to use the Library, Forum or the RAM Bar.  
For example: 
2.  - the Forum Library; 
Please refer to question 1 
3.  - ELE; 
As long as the student is enrolled (registered), they are able to access resources. 
4.  - Student Guild service (which includes University societies such as sports societies); 
5.  - On-campus socialising venues such as the Ram Bar within the Forum; 
For question 4 and 5, please refer to question 1 
6.  - University wellbeing services etc; 
Wellbeing Services are available to students who are studying and registered.  These students tend 
to be on-campus or in close proximity to the University.  In general, the Wellbeing Service provides 
only limited support to students who interrupt.  This is generally up to one month post-interruption, 
depending on clinical appropriateness and the focus is usually on supporting students to access 
support in their home locality.  Students can also access support prior to return from interruption, 

and this is more focused on ensuring support is in place prior to return to study.  This is the service 
standard protocol, but there may be exceptions depending on individual circumstance.  RWA 
students are generally not in a position to receive Wellbeing support (and it may well not be safe for 
the service to offer distant support if the student’s needs are complex and/or they are studying at a 
distance.) it is better for students to access home wellbeing support, for more information please 
see links below 
This response has been prepared in accordance with a request received pursuant to the Freedom of 
Information Act 2000. The supply of documents under FOI does not give the person who receives the 
information an automatic right to re-use the documents without obtaining the consent of the 
copyright holder. If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the right to ask 
for an internal review. You must submit this to the Information Governance Office in writing within 
40 days of receipt of this notification. Please quote the reference number above. 

If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have the right to apply directly to 
the Information Commissioner for a decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: 
Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF. 
Kind Regards, 
Information Governance 
University of Exeter