This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Residential parking permit information'.

Parking Enforcement (Bexley and Bromley) 
Shared Parking Service (Bexley and Bromley)
m/r 13525440
Direct Dial
020 8313 4933
9 March 2023
The person dealing with this matter is:
Greg Tippett
Ms Chloe Tickner
Dear Ms Tickner
Thank you for your request for information received on 6 March 2023 concerning: 
A - The number of residential parking permits you have given out for the financial years 21/22 
and 22/23 
B - The number of complaints you have received (complaints about issuing, costs, and 
application process plus complaints regarding the management of controlled parking areas. e.g. 
no space to park) about residential parking in the financial years 21/22 and 22/23.
This request is being handled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
I am writing to inform you that we have searched our records and some of the information you 
requested is not held by the London Borough of Bexley. 
A. The number of residential permits issued in 2021/22 was 3797
A. The number of residential permits issued in 2022/23 is 3797
B. The information requested is not held in a reportable format.
If you are considering making use of this information, please consider whether the Reuse of 
Public Sector Information Regulations 2005 apply. Details of these regulations are available on 
Bexley Council's website at this address,
If you are unhappy with the way your request for information has been handled, you can request 
an Internal Review by writing to: 
Complaint and Freedom of Information Officer 
London Borough of Bexley 
Civic Offices 
2 Watling Street
Or by email to
Yours sincerely

Greg Tippett 
Parking Strategy & Service Development Manager 
Shared Parking Service (Bexley and Bromley)