Researching temporary staffing processes and staffing engagement

The request was successful.

Dear Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust,

I am researching temporary staffing processes and staffing engagement within the NHS. Please can you provide accurate answers and information to the following questions please:

Q1: What contractual relationships (Master Vendor, Neutral Vendor, Direct Engagement or Other) do you have in place place for the supply of medical locums to the Trust? Please state the name(s) of the various provider/medical locum agencies used and the relationship with each (e.g. Medacs, direct, Interact, Master Vendor etc.)

Q2: Please state the utilisation rate that has been achieved through each of the relationships detailed in Q1 in the last 12 months. This should amount to the total value of medical locum spend supplied by each relationship in the last 12 months as a percentage of total medical locum spend in the same period.

Q3: Does the Trust use a specific direct engagement model to engage medical locum staff? If so please state the name of the company used (NHSp, Liaison PwC (StaffFlow and or TempRE), 247 Time, Brookson, HB Retinue, NL Managed Services, Medacs, HCL, Skillstream etc.)?

Q4: Does the MSP / Master Vendor provide services for any other staff groups other than medical locums.

Q5: Does the Trust use rostering software (Allocate, Smart etc.)? If so please state the name of the company used, and the total amount that the trust has spent on rostering in 2014/15.
Please provide all subsequent information split by the following staffing categories. Please include all spend outside of the specified categories as “other”.
- Nursing & HCA’s
- Medical & Dental
- AHP’s
- Other

Q6: Please state the Trust’s expenditure on agency staff in 2014/15.
Please provide all subsequent information split by the following staffing categories. Please include all spend outside of the specified categories as “other”.
- Nursing & HCA’s
- Medical & Dental
- AHP’s
- Other

Q7: Please state the total spent on internal bank staff in 2014/15. This is the total paid to workers completing shifts via the trust bank, excluding any costs to 3rd parties. Please do not include any spend on outsourced bank staff.

Q8: Please provide all subsequent information split by the following staffing categories. Please include all spend outside of the specified categories as “other”.
- Nursing & HCA’s
- Medical & Dental
- AHP’s
- Other

Q9: Please state the total number of staff signed up to the Trust’s internal bank in the last 12 months. Please provide all subsequent information split by the following staffing categories. Please include all staff outside of the specified categories as “other”.
- Nursing & HCA’s
- Medical & Dental
- AHP’s
- Other

Q10: Of the above figure, please state the total number of staff signed up to the bank who also work as substantive staff at the Trust, i.e. staff that hold substantive contracts but have also completed shifts via the internal bank.

Q11: Does the Trust outsource the supply of any bank staff to third parties such as NHS Professionals, Bank Partners, etc.? If YES please specify the name of the company used and the staffing categories supplied by the 3rd party.

Q12: Does the Trust use any third party technology solutions to manage internal bank staff (NHSp, Liaison PwC (StaffFlow and or TempRE), 247 Time, Brookson, HB Retinue, NL Managed Services, Medacs, HCL, Skillstream etc.)? If YES please specify the name of the company used and the staffing categories managed through the tech solution.

Q13: Does the Trust use any suppliers or systems to manage the release of vacancies to agencies and bank workers? If YES please state the name of the company used and the staffing categories managed. If you use different suppliers/systems for different staffing categories, please specify.

Q14: Please advise the % of breeches in relation to spend of Monitor/TDA rate caps for April , May, June, July, to date 2016.
- Nursing & HCA’s
- Medical & Dental
- AHP’s
- Other

Q15: Please advise the cost in annual fees for any third party technology solutions that manage internal bank staff (NHSp, Liaison PwC (StaffFlow and or TempRE), 247 Time, Brookson, HB Retinue, NL Managed Services, Medacs, HCL, Skillstream etc.)

Thank you for completing and assisting in this research .

Yours faithfully,

John Jacobs

HEY-FOI (HUMBER NHS FOUNDATION TRUST), Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Dear Mr Jacobs

Thank you for your request for information. It will be dealt with under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. In some circumstances a fee may be payable and if that is the case, we will let you know. A fees notice will be issued, which you will be required to pay before we proceed with your request.

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Kind Regards

Freedom Of Information Team
for Hull & East Yorkshire Hospitals Trust
Mary Seacole Building, Willerby Hill,Willerby, HU10 6ED
Fax: 01482 477857

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I would appreciate a response to my FOI in line with the legislation, which was due by the 14th October.

Yours sincerely,

John Jacobs

HEY-FOI (HUMBER NHS FOUNDATION TRUST), Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Jacobs

Please find attached the response to your Freedom of Information Request. Sorry for the delay.

The information we have provided to you is copyrighted to the Hull & East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust and provided to you free of charge for your personal use or for other specific uses permitted in the Copyright Act. If however you wish to use the information we have provided for any commercial purposes including the sale of the information to a third party then, under the Regulations on the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2005, you must ask us for permission to do so in respect of each specific piece of such information. If we do grant such permission this may involve a licensing arrangement which may attract a fee.

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Freedom of Information Team
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HU10 6ED
FAX: 01482 477857
[Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust request email] or [email address]

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Yours sincerely

Freedom of Information Team
On behalf of Hull & East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust
Mary Seacole Building
Willerby Hill
HU10 6ED

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