Research funding and consultancy fees
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am seeking information about research funding and consultancy fees your college receives.
1. What is the total amount, in pounds sterling, that you have received in research funding from the companies below in the last five financial years. Details should be broken down for each company, year-by-year for the last five financial years.
BAE Systems, Raytheon, Airbus, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, Honeywell.
2. The total amount, in pounds sterling, that you have has received in the form of industrial consultancy and industrial research fees from these companies in the last five financial years. Details should be broken down for each company, year-by-year for the last five financial years.
Yours faithfully,
R Vidal
Dear Alexandra Lumbers,
Thank you for your reply. I have the following additional questions.
Please treat this as a separate request under Freedom of Information legislation.
1. What is the latest available value of your college’s directly-held investment in shares or bonds of the following companies: BAE Systems, Raytheon, Airbus, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, Honeywell.
2. What was the value of these holdings a year before the most recent valuation given above, or at the most recent previous valuation?
3. What dividend income and/or bond yield did the college receive from these investments in the last 12-month period for which records are available?
4. Does your college have any other investments in these companies via pooled investments? What is the value and dividend income from these investments?
Yours sincerely,
R Vidal
Dear R Vidal
1. Nil
2. Nil
3. Nil
4. The funds in which we invest do not automatically disclose all of their investments and so we are unable to say whether we have any such holdings.
Yours sincerely
Alexandra Lumbers
Dr Alexandra Lumbers
Academic Director
Jesus College
Turl Street, Oxford, OX1 3DW
T: +44 (0)1865 279719
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