This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Freedom of Information request 'Requesting Liverpool City Council's own findings and results from the Hope and Glory Festival'.

Licensable Safety Advisory Group and Non‐Licensable Safety Advisory Group Meeting 
Wednesday, 18th January 2017 10.00 am 
Bids Boardroom Lord Street, Liverpool 
Present (LCC unless stated): 
Kevin Johnson   (KJ) 
          City Manager Licensing 
Ann Marie Moran (AMM) 
Licensing & Regulatory Services (LARS) 
Neil Bascombe (NB) 
Street Scene ‐ Parks 
Ian Theodore (IT) 
Public Protection Business Support 
Susan McPherson (SMP) 
Merseyside Fire & Rescue (MFRS) 
Sue Lees (SL) 
Culture Liverpool 
David Barker (DB) 
Culture Liverpool 
Lorna Dempsey (LD) 
Matrix Events Merseyside police 
Gary Baskott (GB) 
Licensing and Regulatory Services (LARS) 
Kenny Brew (KB) 
Street Scene – Parks 
Joanne Davies (JD) 
NHS Liverpool CCG 
Lisa Howard (LH) 
Keith Gorman (KG) 
ACC Liverpool 
Seamus Coyle (SC) 
Culture Liverpool 
Cheryl Wright (CW) 
Merseyside Police 
Steve Hardy (SH) 
Merseyside Police 
Steve Cook  
Delyth Jones (DJ) 
Environmental & Emergency Resilience Unit (EERU) 
Richard Parkinson (RP) 
Public Protection 
Jamie Riley (JR) 
Emergency Planning 
1.  Introduction and Apologies 
Chair welcome, introductions and apologies. 
2.  Minutes of Last Licensable SAG & Non‐Licensable SAG Meeting 
Members agreed minutes last meeting were true and accurate. 
Major Events Planner 
Further to the last meeting when a full presentation took place with regard to 
the Major Events Planner, It was agreed that if an event does not appear on 
the Event Planner it will not be heard or discussed. 
Culture Liverpool  
Major events;- including River festival and Armed Forces Day. There remain 
discussions on the route of the parade. All other issues are well in hand. 
Contingency plans have been discussed with Jamie Riley. 
Seargent Pepper event will cover a two and a half week period. 
Lucy in the Sky event will be using Group F Pyrotechnics. The display will be 
approx. 10.30 pm and there could possibly be 25000 people. No issues with 
the display so far organisers are looking at the lateness in Fire time due to 
the time of year. Consultation may be needed with Merseytravel 
Seamus Coyle 
Disney Village 14 and 23 July – No issues. Village contracts waiting to be 
signed off  AMM and KB requested an invitation to a debrief for last years 


Kenny Brew 
Major Events Planner very easy to use and useful for contact names 
Ukulele Orchestra at Pier Head on Sat 6 May as part of a marriage proposal 
Norwegian Constitution day 14 May expecting 100-200 people 
Ice Festival 6th November – TBC 
No other issues 
A general discussion took place on name of person who had inputted major 
events on the planner which where currently listed as confidential David 
Barker will look to amend this for next months meeting.   
Confidential Events –TBC 
Contact Name field in Planner to be made compulsory. 
Spring Food and Drink – Easter Weekend  Joint Agency meeting imminent as 
the location within the park is changing  
JMU Graduation Week Possible closure of Hope Street. 
Hope and Glory Festival 5 and 6 Aug – several JAG’s took place, along with 
submission on first draft event documents buy 1 March.   
Pride Weekend of 29 July – To go out to tender 
Fusion will take place on 2 and 3 September at Otterspool. Possibility it may 
also include 1st September, for a stand alone concert. 
Cream – Steelyard Event may take place over three weekends in 
November/December with shorter hours due to the number of noise 
complaints.  Cream are in consultation with Environmental Health over noise  
Sound City Licence – Approved- Joint Agency Meeting scheduled for 2 
Secret Cinema could attract 5000 people. Event includes dance cast, fair 
ground and makeover. Event to take place 25-27 August.  Awaiting Joint 
Agency Meeting 
Neil Bascombe 
20 August Kidsfest and Walton Festival 15 and 16 July – No issues. All other 
events are quite small 
March Events 
St Patricks Day Parade 
International Womens Day SL to chase up 
No other issues 
Arena Events 
British Style Collective will clash with Constellations Event 
Generic - Any Other Business 
KB Pop up Champagne Bar Derby Square Apr-Sept Possible Objections. 
AMM to ask Andy Blackmore (LARS) to look into it. 
SC Entering phase 2 of Wirral Works (Trains) 
SC Possible disruptions after ballot on Industrial Action 
Date, Time & Venue of Next Meeting 
15 March 2017 10.00 am BIDS Boardroom 




Licensable Safety Advisory Group & Non‐Licensable Safety Advisory Group  
Minutes of Meeting 
Wednesday, 19th April 2017 @ 1000hrs 
City Central BIDS Boardroom, Second Floor, 76‐78 Lord Street, Liverpool L2 1TA 
Present (LCC unless stated): 
Kevin Johnson (KJ) 
City Manager Licensing (Chair) 
Ian Cuthbert (IC) 
Highways & Transportation (H&T) 
Anita McGowan (AMc) 
Licensing and Public Protection Services (LAPPS) 
Ann Marie Moran (AMM) 
Licensing and Public Protection Services (LAPPS) 
Cheryl Wright (CW) 
Matrix Events, Merseyside Police (MERPOL) 
Lorna Dempsey (LD) 
Matrix Events, Merseyside Police (MERPOL) 
Susan McPherson (SMP) 
Merseyside Fire & Rescue (MFRS) 
Matt Boyle (MB) 
Merseyside Police (MERPOL) 
Steve Cook (SC) 
Merseytravel (MTL) 
Joanne Davies (JD) 
NHS Liverpool CCG (CCG) 
Jonathan Butler (JB) 
North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) 
Invited Personal: 
Gill Littlehales (GL) 
Licensing Unit, Merseyside Police (MERPOL) 
Samantha Cushion (CS) 
Licensing Unit, Merseyside Police (MERPOL) 
Andy Scott 
Smithdown Outdoor Festival 
Graham Picken 
Smithdown Outdoor Festival 
Keith McArthur 
Smithdown Outdoor Festival 
Paul Laing 
Smithdown Outdoor Festival 
Jason Dolman (JD) 
Sport & Recreation (S&R) 
Keith Gorman (KG) 
acc Liverpool (ACCL) 
Neil Bascombe (NB) 
Street Scene ‐ Parks (SS/P) 
Chloe Drury (CD) 
Culture Liverpool (CL) 
Sue McAdam (SMcA) 
Culture Liverpool (CL) 
Stephen Hardy (SH) 
City Centre, Merseyside Police 
Kenny Brew (KB) 
Street Scene ‐ Central 
Introduction and Apologies 
Action  Due Date 
Chair welcome, introductions and apologies. 
Organisers, in particular safety officer for Smithdown Outdoor Festival 
outlined proposal for Wavertree Playground on 29/04/2017 & 30/04/17 and 
advised due to deadlines and unforeseen circumstances they had decided 
that in the best interests of the festival to withdraw this component from 
2017 event program yet TENS remain for Smithdown Rd element.  They are 
aiming for a bigger, better and bolder event on 05/04/18 & 06/04/18. 
Chair described it as a bold and brave decision to defer an event and 
recommended that they initiate planning ideally September with SS/P and 
LAPPS in order to facilitate the event.  They concluded by explaining role of 
safety advisory groups as an advisory body not decision making body. 


Minutes of Last Licensable SAG & Non‐Licensable SAG Meeting 
Action  Due Date 
Members agreed minutes from previous meeting were true and accurate. 
Culture Liverpool  
CL provided updates on Sgt Pepper at 50 (25/05/17‐16/06/17), Armed 
Forces Day, Pier Head (24/06/17) & Mersey River Festival, Albert Dock 
(24/06/17‐25/06/17), Pier Head’s  Village Festival (tbc), British Style 
Collective 2017 (07/07/17 to 09/07/17), Disney Cruise (14/07/17), VC 
commemorative stone unveiling (tbc),  LIMF (20/07/17‐23/07/17), Hope & 
Glory (05/08/17 & 06/08/17), Clipper (19/08/17 & 20/08/17), Slavery 
Remembrance (23/08/17), November 5th Fireworks (05/11/17) plus 
Christmas 2017 programme as a result planning will start or continue. 
CCBIDS/Central Street Scene/Commercial BID/Liverpool ONE  
In the absence of above no issues to highlight or report except accl 
hosts European Taekwondo Championships between 24/04/17 to 30/04/17. 
Sport & Recreation / Street Scene ‐ Parks 
S&R confirmed planning process for the following are ongoing: 
  Run for 96 at Stanley Park takes place on 14/05/17. 
  Liverpool Rock n Roll marathon is on 28/05/17 with minor changes 
to route (around Sefton Park and Anfield) agreed. 
  HSBC Skyride returns on 24/09/17 with route similar to triathlon 
(Albert Dock to Boundary Rd via northbound Strand carriageway). 
  SS/P mentioned latest event schedule for 2017 contains over 100 
attractions proposed for the City including: 
  Bark in the (Calderstones) Park on 03/05/17 since EMP released 
Licensing and Public Protection Services ‐ Licensing 
LAPPS update on forthcoming activities:  
  Disco festival @ Constellations on 22/04/17 is self‐contained within venue. 
  Albert Dock Festival is three themed events on 06/05/17‐07/05/17, 
26/08/17‐28/08/17 & 07/09/17‐10/09/17 as JAM held via TEN’s. 
  Liverpool Sound City, Clarence Dock over 25/05/17 to 28/05/17 
because EMP just submitted to stakeholders for consideration. 
  Africa Oyé returns to Sefton Park on 17/06/17 & 18/06/17 hence 
JAM held but EMP yet to be released to stakeholder consideration. 
  Brazilica Festival’s main parade is on 15/07/17 via route as per 2016 
plus further planning meetings proposed. 
  Walton Festival, Stanley Park on 15/07/17 with JAM to be held.  
  Liverpool Pride Festival over 29/07/17 & 30/07/17 as planning started. 
  Liverpool Pride Festival: Eberle Street over 29/07/17 & 30/07/17 as 
JAM set and draft EMP to be issued for stakeholder feedback.  
  Fusion comes back to Otterspool Park on 02/09/17 & 03/09/17 as a 
result stakeholder consultation starts next week.  


Highways & Transportation 
Action  Due Date 
H&T advised Sitting Bull challenge took place 17/04/17 drawing 75 entrants. 
MTL comments after Merseyrail and Arriva Trains North operators staged 
24‐hour walkout on 08/04/17, day of grand national consequently offered 
‘appreciation and thanks’ to joint working partnership arrangements. 
Temporary Event Notices 
LAPPS confirmed 37 TEN’s ‘authorised’ for weekend (28/04/17 to 01/05/17) 
with seven (455 Smithdown Rd, Naked Lunch Café, Kelly’s Dispensary, The Handyman, 
Frank’s Bar, Evil Eye & Craft) attributed to Smithdown Road Festival. 
Demonstrations, Protests, Marches and Gatherings 
Members advised talks commenced and continue on  a) social workers 
walking for social justice which arrives in Liverpool on 25/04/17,  b) St 
George’s Day parade (23/04/17),  c) May Day parade (01/05/17),  d) 
demonstration (03/06/17) and e) annual orange order parades (12/07/17). 
10.  Miscellaneous Forthcoming Licensable/Non‐Licensable Activities 
Summary of activities for May are a) spring 10k in Sefton Park (06/05/17 
& 07/05/17),  b) Norwegian Constitution Day (14/05/17),  c) The City in 
The City filming in city centre (14/05/17 & 21/05/17)  d) annual Light 
Night Liverpool returns on 19/05/17 ‐ see   
11.  Generic Any Other Business 
Members had no issues to highlight or report. 
12.  Date, Time & Venue of Next Meeting 
17th May 2017 at 1000hrs CCBIDS Boardroom, 76‐78 Lord Street, L2 1TA 


Licensable Safety Advisory Group and Non-Licensable Safety Advisory Group 
Wednesday, 21st June 2017 10.00 am 
Bids Boardroom Lord Street, Liverpool 
Present (LCC unless stated): 
Kevin Johnson (KJ)  
        City Manager Licensing 
Ann Marie Moran (AMM) 
Licensing & Regulatory Services (LARS) 
Steve Clare (SC)  
Licensing and Regulatory Services (LARS)  
Ian Cuthbert (IC) 
Neil Bascombe (NB) 
Street Scene - Parks 
Susan McPherson (SMP) 
Merseyside Fire & Rescue (MFRS) 
Sue Lees (SL) 
Culture Liverpool 
Andy McNicholl (AM) 
LCC Culture 
Caroline Robinson(CR) 
Licensing & Regulatory Services 
Lorna Dempsey (LD) 
Matrix Events Merseyside Police 
Cheryl Wright  
Matrix Events Merseyside Police  
Kenny Brew (KB) 
Street Scene – Parks 
Joanne Davies (JD) 
NHS Liverpool CCG 
Steve Cook (SC) 
Steve Hardy (SH) 
Merseyside Police 
David Kelly  
Environmental & Emergency Resilience Unit (EERU) 
John Prince  
on behalf of BIDS  
Jen Falding  
Culture Liverpool 
Russel Cronstley  
on behalf of British Style Collective (BSC)  
Keith Gorman (KG) 
ACC Liverpool 
Richard Parkinson (RP) 
Public Protection 
1.  Introduction and Apologies 
Chair welcome, introductions and apologies. 
2.  Minutes of Last Licensable SAG & Non-Licensable SAG 
Members agreed minutes last meeting were true and accurate. 
KJ Apologised for the lateness they were received.  
Events for Presentation  
British Style Collective 7-9 July  
BSC gave the group an overview of the 3 day event taking 
place in multiple venues across the city, Russell highlighted 
key venues of the event, no issues from agencies raised/ no 
matters outstanding. 
Bold Street Festival  9 July  
JP outlined the event to include 20 stalls street entertainment, 
kitchen demonstrations.  Event documentation received to all, 
matters outstanding received from Streetscene with regards to 
Euro Bins, Cleansing Plan, street washing.  Highways raised 


license with regard to benches on highway. 
JP will feedback to BIDS. 
Culture Liverpool  
Culture Liverpool outlined the forthcoming River Festival and 
Armed Forces Day,  23-25 June  and outlined key parts of the 
event, number of JAGs taken place and event documents that 
had been circulated the group also highlighted that the Prime 
Minister would be in attendance.  No issues or matters 
Liverpool Village – soft opening on Friday 30th July – until 
September  and a site walk is planned on Thursday 29/07/17 
Culture Liverpool confirmed that the proposed Beatles 
Weekender planned was now not taking place.  Street Scene 
raised issues over car access to site, ongoing planning will 
take place to manage events which take place as part of the 
LIMF, 20-23 July  – Culture Liverpool outlined the event and 
JAG’s and event documents that had been circulated.  No 
issues or matters outstanding. 
Culture Liverpool raised and notified of the forthcoming 
Clipper event scheduled for 14/08/17,more detail and JAG to 
follow, ongoing.  
Cruise Ship arrival of Disney Cruise 14 July which is likely to 
be busy. 
Andy McNicholl notified the group that he had spoken to 
Fusion 2/3 September  there has been a delay in releasing 
event documentation due to revision in the security plan since 
Manchester Terrorist Attack, Andy anticipates docs should be 
circulated by Friday 30 June.  AMM requests 2 more JAGS for 
the dairy booked in advance to avoid diary clash. 
KB raised the proposed Liverpool Loves Event for 05/08/17 
and a discussion took place with regard to lateness of 
AMM agreed to email the with the following matters 
115 agreement, land use, JAG, Event Management Plan, 
Alcohol Plan and Liverpool One programme Details. 


Liverpool Loves to be discussed further at the next SAG. 
Streetscene – Parks 
Neil Bascombe highlighted the following events, Race for life, 
4k, Arab Festival, no issues raised.  
Kidfest a discussion took place with regard to the clash with 
latest published football fixtures Neil Bascombe to discuss with 
Orb (the organisers) 
Walton Festival 15/16 July 2 joint agencies took place, and 
event documentation circulated.  No issues outstanding except 
for the TM arrangements for Blackthorne Drive and informing 
residents.  AMM will contact organiser to speak to Highways. 
AMM enquired about the annual Out of The Blue, Neil 
Bascombe confirmed that the event will take place in venues 
only this year. 
Licensing and Regulatory Services 
AMM discussed recent changes to stage line up at Pride 
Event 29/30/July and a general discussion took place, Eberle 
Street Pride 29 July was also discussed, Sue McPherson 
requested a copy of the Eberle Street Document. 
Hope and Glory 5/6 August was discussed all were satisfied 
with the event documentation and await the forthcoming JAG 
to be discussed further at next meeting.  
AMM informed the group about the forthcoming summer Fair at 
Bishop Martin July and August  school to commerate the 
meeting of Lennon and McCartney no issues raised from the 
Highways and Transportation  
Brazilica 15 July  was discussed only matter outstanding was 
the transportation of dancers from the finale point (Williamson 
Square) to Pier Head a discussion with Merseytravel took 
place, Ian Cuthbert will discuss with Event organiser. 
HSBC September  ride was raised, further JAGS required. 
Hope Street Graduations May – a discussion took place as to 
problems which arise outside the Philharmonic Hall annually 
which requires the road to be closed by the Police officer on 
site, no pre-planning is given to this and is done as an 
Highways confirmed that there will be an overnight closure of 
Hope Street to assist with the erection of a Gantry.  AMM 


agreed to visit the Philharmonic to discuss management 
outside of their venue. 
Scouse Run 5k route has now changed, last year there was a 
problem with cleansing the event is not proposed until October 
therefore this will roll over until August Sag. 
Highways also confirmed that a recent approach from 
Liverpool Lighthouse which resulted in extensive road closures 
has now been reduced to a possible local walk. 
Ian Cuthbert informed the group about a forthcoming Cabinet 
Report concerning Street Parties, he agree to brief the group 
about the issue once formalised. 
No issues. 
Demonstrations and Marches  
Demonstrations  a discussion took place with regard to the 
forthcoming Famine March 8 July for 100 people.  A further 
discussion took place on the placing of demonstrations on the 
Major Events Planner, the group agreed that demonstrations 
can come in to late, and are to the amount that come in (big 
and Small) would be too burdensome to place on the planner, 
Merseyside Police agreed that the annual 12 July Orange 
Order March would be inputted by them as they are first point 
of contact. 
AMM highlighted Slavery Remberance Day which will have a 
Merseytravel confirmed that Lime Street will close for 3 
weeks end of September and will clash with the LFC V 
Manchester United Games. 
 Forthcoming Major Events Planners 
All other events had Been discussed, Steve Clare will chase up 
Football Clubs for their input of recent published fixtures. 
The Golf dates on the Major Events Planner does not include 
the practise dates which begin on the 16th July. 
Date, Time & Venue of Next Meeting 
19 July 2017 10.00 am BIDS Boardroom 




Licensable Safety Advisory Group and Non-Licensable Safety Advisory Group 
Wednesday, 19th July 2017 10.00 am 
Bids Boardroom Lord Street, Liverpool 
Present (LCC unless stated): 
Graham Cameron (GC) 
Licensing and Regulatory Services (LARS) 
Steve Clare (SC)  
Licensing and Regulatory Services (LARS)  
Ian Theodore (IT) 
Public Protection Business Support 
Julia Bryan (JB) 
National Museums Liverpool 
Marc Roddy (MR) 
LCC Sports Events 
Ian Cuthbert (IC) 
Neil Bascombe (NB) 
Street Scene - Parks 
Zoe Rubert (ZR) 
LCC St Georges Hall 
Sharon Fellowes (SF) 
LCC St Georges Hall 
Susan McPherson (SMP) 
Merseyside Fire & Rescue (MFRS) 
Andy McNicholl (AMcN) 
LCC Culture 
Cheryl Wright (CW) 
Matrix Events Merseyside Police  
Steve Cook (SC) 
Jamie Riley (JR)  
Environmental & Emergency Resilience Unit (EERU) 
Kevin Johnson (KJ) 
Licensing and Regulatory Services (LARS) 
Ann Marie Moran (AMM) 
Licensing and Regulatory Services (LARS) 
Kenny Brew (KB) 
Street Scene – Parks 
1.  Introduction and Apologies 
Chair welcome, introductions and apologies. 
2.  Minutes of Last Licensable SAG & Non-Licensable SAG 
Members agreed minutes last meeting were true and accurate. 
KJ Apologised for the lateness they were received.  
3.  Culture Liverpool  
LIMF, 20-23 July  – Only minor changes to event but overall 
comfortable with the plan. Weather may be a factor but plans in 
place that can be scaled up or down. 
No trains on Sunday 23 July. Bus Shuttle Service in place. 
Clipper event 14 August – No issues event doc to be circulated 
in next few weeks. 
BIDS – No Issues 
Liverpool One – No Issues 


Streetscene – No Issues  
Streetscene – Parks 
Neil Bascombe highlighted the fact that there have been 180+ 
requests for events so far this year and that this was spiralling 
Isle of Gladstone – Events in this area of the park are on 
private land and no involvement from SAG. Radio City event to 
take place in near future from 7.00 to 13.30. 
Pride – No Issues 
Hope and Glory – No Issues 
Kidfest a discussion took place with regard to the clash with 
latest published football fixtures Neil Bascombe to discuss with 
Orb (the organisers) 
Sport and Recreation 
HSBC Lets Ride (formerly Sky Ride) 24 September – 
Waterfront Event. Docs to be submitted before 16 August. 
Marc Roddy thanked all present for the increased input and 
assistance at the Rock and Roll Marathon (27 and 28 May). The 
event went ahead with an uplift in security following events at 
Manchester Arena on 22 May. 
Licensing and Regulatory Services 
Everton FC Fixture 27 July (Opponents not known) – All 
TRO’s are in place. 
Different Trains 1947 Edge Hill Station 27 September 18.00 
to 23.00 – Event put on by Metal Culture and footprint is same 
as last year. No Issues, consultations ongoing. 
Pride  - JAG No Issues 
Fusion – JAG No Issues 
Food and Drink – JAG No Issues 
Highways and Transportation  
There has been an approach from Ian Maine for a 
rememberance parade (Approx 50 people) in memory of his son 
who died at the Battle of the Somme. Maybe an issue with 
layout of the march from Museums / Plateau. Alternative route 
has been requested. 
Scouse Run 5k - Ongoing. 
Lord Street Market 10 – 13 August– Docs have been sent out. 
There will be a Bar facility outside BHS. 


G Bar - No Issues 
Jupiters - Bar No issues. 
Craft Tap Room – No Issues 
Kellys Dispensary – No Issues 
Demonstrations and Marches  
Slavery Rememberance Day 28 August – Julia Bryan 
(JB)Culture to lead. Possible impact on Street Traders. 
Jamie Riley (EERU) suggested that we may need to review 
SAG/JAG procedures in light of recent terrorist events. We may 
need to take time out to look at what we do and why we do it. JR 
has suggested a half day “classroom” which he will put together. 
Kevin Johnson is fully supportive of this objective. JR to look at 
“quieter” period, possibly November 
Date, Time & Venue of Next Meeting 
16 August 2017 10.00 am BIDS Boardroom 


Document Outline