Request for Vehicle Telematics Information

The request was refused by Oxfordshire County Council.

Dear Oxfordshire County Council,
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please may I request the following information in a excel spreadsheet format if possible:
- Total Number of vehicles within the council fleet, split into category and department (i.e. refuse vehicles, community buses etc)
- Total number of vehicles with CCTV camera systems installed
- Current supplier of CCTV camera system
- Total Number of vehicles with vehicle tracking / telematics installed
- Name of current tracking / telematics provider (if any)
- Telematics contract end date (if any)
- Contract budgets
- Name of Fleet Manager, or person responsible for managing the fleet

Grateful for your assistance in this matter.

Yours faithfully,

Dean Percival

FOI Team, Oxfordshire County Council

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email. We will aim to respond to you within three working days.  


Our office hours are 08.30-17.00 Monday – Thursday and 08.30-16.00 on
Friday. We are closed Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays. 


Kind regards

FOI Team

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Willoughby, James - Oxfordshire County Council, Oxfordshire County Council

Our reference: 21797 FOI


Dear Dean Percival


Thank you for your request of 28^th June 2023 in which you asked for the
following information:


Your Request

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please may I request the
following information in a excel spreadsheet format if possible:

- Total Number of vehicles within the council fleet, split into category
and department (i.e. refuse vehicles, community buses etc)

- Total number of vehicles with CCTV camera systems installed

- Current supplier of CCTV camera system

- Total Number of vehicles with vehicle tracking / telematics installed

- Name of current tracking / telematics provider (if any)

- Telematics contract end date (if any)

- Contract budgets

- Name of Fleet Manager, or person responsible for managing the fleet



Our Response

The council confirms that it holds this information, however it is the
council’s view that to comply with your request would absorb enough of its
resources to engage section 12(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Section 12(1) provides that a public authority is exempt from complying
with a request for information if the authority estimates that the cost of
doing so would exceed the appropriate limit. In the case of local
authorities, the appropriate limit is £450.00 as set out in The Freedom of
Information and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees) Regulations
2004. Costs are to be estimated at a rate of £25.00 per person per hour
which equates to a limit of 18 hours of staff time. In this case, I
consider that it would take approximately 150 hours to locate, retrieve
and extract the information that you have requested. This figure was
calculated accordingly:


Oxfordshire County Council’s fleet presently is a mixture of owned and
leased vehicles, to provide the answers requested, each vehicle will need
to be physically checked whilst not in use to determine the information.
For each vehicle in use by the council, responding to each of your
questions will take approximately 20 minutes. The council operates around
450 vehicles between of which approximately 175 are owned and 275 are
hired or leased.

The vehicles are stored at over 60 council locations and 80 staff
residential addresses when not in use.


The Strategic Fleet Manager at Oxfordshire County Council is Mark Smith.


In order that the council may be able to comply with your request, if you
are able to reduce the scope so that it falls within the limit described
under Section 12, above, we can reassess if it will be possible to comply.


Internal review

If you are dissatisfied with the service or response to your request, you
can ask for an internal review as follows:


·                     Contact the Freedom of Information team in Law &
Governance: [1][Oxfordshire County Council request email]


·                     Write to the Freedom of Information team at the
FREEPOST address:


Freedom of Information Team

Oxfordshire County Council


Oxford OX1 1YA


If you remain dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have a
right to appeal to the Information Commissioner at:


The Information Commissioner's Office,

Wycliffe House,

Water Lane,




Telephone: 0303 123 1113

Website: [2]


Please let me know if you have further enquiries. I would be grateful if
you could use the reference number given at the top of this email.


Yours sincerely,



James Willoughby

Senior Information Management Consultant

Customers, Culture and Corporate Services


Oxfordshire County Council

County Hall

New Road

Oxford  OX1 1ND

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If you have received it in error, please notify the sender by reply and
delete it immediately. Views expressed by the sender may not be those of
Oxfordshire County Council. Council emails are subject to the Freedom of
Information Act 2000. [3]email disclaimer. For information about how
Oxfordshire County Council manages your personal information please see
our [4]Privacy Notice.


Visible links
1. mailto:[Oxfordshire County Council request email]