Request for the Trust Deed and any amendments for M B Reckitt Trust Charity Number 262394
27 March 2020
Dear Charity Commission for England and Wales,
Please could you make available the original trust deed of 21 January 1971 of the M B Reckitt Trust (originally known then as The Christendom Trust) and the later order of the Charity Commissioners dated 22 November 2004, as amended by written memorandum dated 16 June 2005.
The Charity Number of M B Reckitt Trust is 262394.
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Dear Sir/Madam
Thank you for your email received 27th March 2020.
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Yours faithfully
Ms Jan Provost (Information Rights and Complaints Manager)
Jan Provost
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Dear RIGA FOI (Queue),
I confirm that my legal name is Dr Simon Machin.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Simon Machin
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Dear Dr Machin
Thank you for your request for a copy of the original trust deed of 21
January 1971 of the M B Reckitt Trust (originally known then as The
Christendom Trust) and the later order of the Charity Commissioners dated
22 November 2004, as amended by written memorandum dated 16 June 2005.
Your request has been assessed as being a request made under the Freedom
of Information Act 2000. We have applied an exemption under s40(2) of the
Act to the documents you requested and have accordingly removed personal
information identified within the documents. The redacted documents are
If you think our decision is wrong, you can ask for it to be reviewed.
Such requests should be submitted within two months of the date of our
response and should be addressed to the Charity Commission at PO Box 211,
Bootle, L20 7YX (email: [email address]). More information
about our Freedom of Information Act review service can be found on the
following link to our website:
If you are not satisfied with the internal review, you can appeal to the
Information Commissioner. Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision
unless you have exhausted our review procedure. The ICO can be contacted
at the Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF (email: [email address]).
I hope this is helpful.
Yours sincerely
Ann Marie Grayling
Charity Services
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Charity Commission for England and Wales,
For the attention of Ann Marie Grayling,
Dear Ann Marie,
Thank you for this very prompt response.
I had approached two trustees at the M B Reckitt Trust for a copy of this information, but on both occasions this has been ignored.
I have also challenged the statement on their website which appears misleading in that it suggests that the charity was "relaunched" as a result of the attached Order, whereas only the name has been changed.
Unfortunately, the website suggests too that the objects of the charity appear to have been extended in express contradiction of what the Order states in 3 (1) and 3 (4).
I have raised this point by email with the Chair but once again, the point has been ingnored.
I would be grateful if you could double check whether there are any other documents on file which indicate that the proper process of changing the objects of the charity has been followed, rather than simply the name.
If it is clear that there are none, please let me know what my options are in challenging current practice at the M B Reckitt Trust through the agency of the Charity Commission.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Simon Machin
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Dear Dr Machin
Thank you for your email. Your Freedom of Information request response is
Yours sincerely
Mrs L Whitehurst
Records, Information, Governance and Assurance
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Dear Dr Machin,
Thank you for your email, regarding the above-named charity.
Further to an email on 30 April 2020 from my colleague Lisa Whitehurst, we
note that our website lists the charity’s objects, as follows:
‘The promotion of the Christian faith and of Christian knowledge among men
and women of all classes.’
Please note that it is the activities that are listed on our website, as
‘A grant-giving trust that funds projects concerned with Christian social
thought and action. An organization that takes initiatives and holds
consultations on topics of Christian and social concern. The aim of the
trust is to promote researches and activities that evaluate and develop
social structures, processes and attitudes in order to release energies
for change, from the perspective of Christ.’
Therefore, it may be the charity’s activities that the charity is
referring to, on their own website.
Please also note that, for the most part, the day-to-day running of
charities remains the responsibility of charity trustees. Where things go
wrong, our action will be evidence based and proportionate, taking into
account the issue and the risk involved to the charity and its
We have attached a link below to our guidance, regarding complaints about
charities, which provides greater detail about when we will, and when we
will not, take up the issues reported to us:
After reading this guidance, if applicable, please raise your concerns via
the link below:
We hope this is of assistance to you.
Yours sincerely,
Philip Connick
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Charity Commission for England and Wales
For the attention of Philip Connick
Dear Philip,
Thank you very much for your speedy response.
I do want to take the matter further and have emailed you personally at
the Commission's rauemailteam email address on three basic points:
1. That a charity should pay close attention to not exceeding its charitable objects
2. The the Commission recommends a 9-year maximum term for a trustee
3. That if a charity is holding a meeting during lockdown, this must be online with all participants virtually present to one another.
If you could confirm this in an interim reply to me that would be helpful.
My email via the Commission's team email address contains more substantve points.
Yours faithfully,
Dr Simon Machin
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