Request for policy document on older people in the Borough

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Camden Borough Council should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Camden Borough Council,
Please can you supply me with copies of the following documents produced in the past three years (ie since 1st January 2018) :
• Any council strategies for older people (defined as over 60) in your Borough
• Any consultation documents on the needs of older people and services for older people in the Borough
• Research documents on older people’s needs in the Borough
• Any assessments of the impact of Covid and lockdown on older people in the Borough
• Recovery Plans for the Borough moving beyond the covid pandemic
• Any specific plans for recovery plans for older people post covid pandemic
Thankyou in anticipation

Yours faithfully,

Tim Whitaker

FOI, Camden Borough Council

We have received your email - thank you.


If your email is a Freedom of Information request we will log it and you
will receive a system acknowledgement with reference number within 3 days.
Please quote this case reference in all relevant correspondence.

You can also make a Freedom of Information request by using our [1]online
form. It's easier and you will receive an immediate acknowledgement.


If your email is not a FOI request we will be in touch to tell you how we
will deal with it. If it's easy to deal with your email may be dealt with
more informally as BAU (business as usual) and we may point you towards
information which is already published on our Open Data Portal


We do not reply to marketing emails and you should take us off your
circulation list.


This e-mail may contain information which is confidential, legally
privileged and/or copyright protected. This e-mail is intended for the
addressee only. If you receive this in error, please contact the sender
and delete the material from your computer. See our new Privacy Notice
[3]here which tells you how we store and process the data we hold about
you and residents.


Visible links

Camden Council, Camden Borough Council

Dear Tim Whitaker

Your case reference is CAM983

Thank you for your enquiry. It is being looked at, we will be in touch
with you soon.

Yours sincerely

Camden Council

Camden Council, Camden Borough Council

Dear Requester,

2004 – request for information. Ref: CAM983

Thank you for your request dated 05 Jan 2021. We are dealing with it under
the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information
Regulations 2004.

You will receive a response by 02 Feb 2021 which is 20 working days (from
the day after the request is received) as defined by the Act and

Please check your spam folder in case our response may arrive there.

If we need to ask you to clarify your request we will contact you. If we
do ask for clarification and you don’t provide it your request will lapse,
so please read carefully any correspondence we send you about your

We will provide information electronically where possible. If you need an
alternative format e.g. large print etc. please let me know.

There may be a fee payable for this information. We will let you know if
this is the case and explain how to pay it and what your options are.

If you have any queries or concerns, please contact me at
[email address].

We do not give our consent for any names and contact details provided to
be sent marketing material. Any such use will be reported to the ICO as a
breach of General Data Protection Regulations and the Privacy and
Electronic Communication Regulations.

Further information is also available from the Information Commissioner’s
Office at [1], telephone 0303 123 1113, Email:
[2][email address].

Yours sincerely,

Tanya Bryant

Information Rights Officer


Visible links
2. mailto:[email address]

Dear Camden Borough Council,
Please can you expedite my request for information. I have not had any response.
many thanks
Yours faithfully,

Tim Whitaker

FOI, Camden Borough Council

We have received your email - thank you.


If your email is a Freedom of Information request we will log it and you
will receive a system acknowledgement with reference number within 3 days.
Please quote this case reference in all relevant correspondence.

You can also make a Freedom of Information request by using our [1]online
form. It's easier and you will receive an immediate acknowledgement.

If you wish to make an information request on a transport scheme, please
take a look at the following links before making your request as the
information you are seeking may be available there.





If your email is not a FOI request we will be in touch to tell you how we
will deal with it. If it's easy to deal with your email may be dealt with
more informally as BAU (business as usual) and we may point you towards
information which is already published on our Open Data Portal


We do not reply to marketing emails and you should take us off your
circulation list.

This e-mail may contain information which is confidential, legally
privileged and/or copyright protected. This e-mail is intended for the
addressee only. If you receive this in error, please contact the sender
and delete the material from your computer. See our new Privacy Notice
[6]here which tells you how we store and process the data we hold about
you and residents.


Visible links

Bryant, Tanya, Camden Borough Council

5 Attachments

Dear Mr Whitaker,


Please see attached above the response to your FOI response, which was
sent to you on the 29^th January 2021.




Tanya Bryant
Information Rights Officer
Law and Governance
Corporate Services
London Borough of Camden

Telephone:   0207 974 2850
Web:             [1]

5 Pancras Square
London N1C 4AG


The majority of Council staff are continuing to work at home through
remote, secure access to our systems. Where possible please communicate
with us by telephone or email.

Please consider the environment before printing this email.


This e-mail may contain information which is confidential, legally
privileged and/or copyright protected. This e-mail is intended for the
addressee only. If you receive this in error, please contact the sender
and delete the material from your computer. See our new Privacy Notice
[2]here which tells you how we store and process the data we hold about
you and residents.


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