Request for LSE Digest 2018
Dear London School of Economics,
Please would you under the Freedom of Information Act send me the graduate list for 2017?
Or a release date for LSE digest and where will it be published ?
Thank you in anticipation
Yours faithfully,
Joey Mercer
Dear Joey
With reference to your request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act, please find below the information you requested.
The information that you requested was published on 12 April,
here: [1]
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WC2A 2AE. We will then review the response to your request and get back to
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Yours sincerely
Danny Hassell
Executive Assistant to the School Secretary The London School of Economics
and Political Science Houghton Street | London | WC2A 2AE
t: 44 (0) 20 7955 7554
e: [email address]
From: Joey Mercer <[FOI #470237 email]>
Sent: 12 March 2018 20:10:50
To: GLPD.Info.Rights
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Request for LSE Digest 2018
Dear London School of Economics,
Please would you under the Freedom of Information Act send me the graduate
list for 2017?
Or a release date for LSE digest and where will it be published ?
Thank you in anticipation
Yours faithfully,
Joey Mercer
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