We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Carol please sign in and let everyone know.

Request for Job Role and Specialty Information, Insourcing, and Outsourcing Details

We're waiting for Carol to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust,

1. Please could you provide the name and email for the following job roles withing your organisation, as of March 2023:
a) Chief Operating Officer
b) Deputy Chief Operating Officer
c) Director of Performance
d) Director of Operations
e) Associate/deputy Director of Operations
f) Patient Access Manager

2. Please could you provide the names and email addresses for the following, within the following specialities:
General Surgery :
Clinical Director:
Service Manager:
Clinical Director:
Service Manager:
Trauma & Orthopaedics
Clinical Director:
Service Manager:
Clinical Director:
Service Manager:
Clinical Director:
Service Manager:
Clinical Director:
Service Manager:
Clinical Director:
Service Manager:

3. Has the Trust utilised the services of an Insourcing Company (utilising Insourced clinical staff within Trust facilities to undertake additional activity) – within the Financial Year 2021/2022 and 2022/23 if you have them?

4. Which specialties has the Trust utilised Insourcing for within the Financial Year 2021/2022 and 2022/23 (if you have them) and the spend in each of those specialties?

5. Which specialties has the Trust utilised Outsourcing for within the Financial Year 2021/2022 and 2022/23 and the spend in each of those specialties?

Yours faithfully,

Carol Pawlak

FOI NHCFT Freedom of Information,

Thank You for your email. Please note that at present we are experiencing
a high number of requests. 


If you are making a new Freedom of Information request, Northumbria
Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust can confirm receipt of your request and
that this will be shortly processed. You should expect to receive a
response within the next 20 working days. If we require any further
information from you, will be in touch shortly.


If you have already submitted a request and have a query relating to this
or a response we have provided we will endeavour to get back to you within
the next 48 hours. 



Kind regards,






FOI Officer, 1st Floor, Cobalt Business Exchange & Conference Centre,
Cobalt Park Way, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE28 9NZ

Tel: 0191 607 3618

E-mail: [1][email address]  



There is a lot of useful published FOI information on our internet site
please visit:



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Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. https://www.northumbria.nhs.uk/about-us/...

FOI NHCFT Freedom of Information,

1 Attachment

[1]Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Freedom of Information Request
Please see the attached Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
response to your information request.
This e-mail address is always monitored during working hours. E-mails sent
to individual’s e-mail addresses may not be processed promptly. If you
have any questions about this process please contact Information
Governance at:
Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Digital Services
Northumbria Healthcare Manufacturing and Innovation Hub,
Avenue Road,
Seaton Delaval,
Whitley Bay,
NE25 0QJ
Or via e-mail at: [2][email address]
Please note that the information provided is the property of Northumbria
Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and subject to Intellectual Property and
Database Rights.   Any commercial application or use of this
information may be subject to the provisions of the Re-use of Public
Sector Information Regulations 2005. This means that if you wish to re-use
the information provided for commercial purposes for any reason you must
ask us for permission to do so.
Thank You
FOI Officer, Digital Services, Northumbria Healthcare Manufacturing and
Innovation Hub, Avenue Road, Seaton Delaval, Whitley Bay, NE25 0QJ
Tel: 0191 607 3609
E-mail: [3][email address]  
There is a lot of useful published FOI information on our internet site
please visit:
The information contained in this e-mail is confidential, and is intended
solely for the addressee(s).
Access, disclosure, copying or distribution by anyone other than the
addressee(s) is prohibited, and may be unlawful.

Northumbria Email is accredited to the DCB1596 Secure Email standard for
health and care organisations, to enable safe email communications with
NHS.net and *gov.uk email addresses, and other DCB1596 accredited NHS

The information in this e-mail is completely confidential and may be
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this e-mail by anyone else is unauthorised. If you are not the intended
recipient any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or
omitted to be taken in reliance on it is prohibited and may be unlawful.
The information contained in this e-mail may be subject to public
disclosure under the NHS Code of Openness or the Freedom of Information
Act 2000. We may monitor any emails sent or received by us, or on our
behalf. If we do, this will be in line with relevant law and our own


Visible links
1. file:///C:\DOCUME~1\csrwy\LOCALS~1\Temp\msohtml1\03\clip_image001.jpg
2. mailto:[email address]
3. mailto:[email address]
4. https://www.northumbria.nhs.uk/about-us/...

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Carol please sign in and let everyone know.