Request for information regarding roadworks

Chichester City Council did not have the information requested.

Dear Chichester City Council,

I am writing to request information regarding the number of roadworks instances that have taken place within your council locality.

Specifically I would like the number of instances of roadworks that have occurred from 1st January 2021 to present. If possible, I would also request the cost of these roadworks during this time period.

I am happy to clarify this request if necessary. Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

Jamie Dixon

Rodney Duggua, Chichester City Council

Dear Jamie,

Thank you for your email.

This information is not held by Chichester City Council which is the Parish Council for the City of Chichester.

May I suggest that you direct your enquiry to West Sussex County Council who are the highways authority.

With best wishes.

Rodney Duggua

Rodney Duggua RD BA(Hons)
Town Clerk
Chichester City Council
The Council House
North Street
PO19 1LQ

Tel 01243 788502

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