Request for information: RE Public-Private Partnership between the British Government and GW Pharmaceutical, formaly trading as Tradechrome
Dear Duchy of Lancaster,
Dear Duchy of Lancaster,
I am writing to seek information regarding the period between 1992 and 1997, specifically related to Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), government-funded Research and Development (R&D), and any agreements involving cannabis and cannabinoids.
It is my understanding that in 1991, John Major signed PPP guidance, designating the Duchy of Lancaster with responsibilities over PPPs and government-funded R&D. Lord William Waldegrave, serving as the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster between 1992 and 1994, played a significant role during this time.
I am particularly interested in any records or correspondence pertaining to cannabis, cannabinoids, GW Pharmaceuticals, and Tradechrome. Additionally, I request information related to any correspondence from Lord William Waldegrave during this period. Furthermore, any documentation referencing Dr. Geoffrey Guy would be of great interest.
The focus of this request is to obtain a clearer understanding of potential government agreements during this timeframe.
Yours faithfully,
Cefyn Jones
Dear Duchy of Lancaster,
I am writing to follow up on a Freedom of Information request submitted nearly one year ago and to seek an update on its status.
For clarity, I would like to refine the question within the original request. Specifically, I am requesting a list of all Public Private Partnerships and Government R&D projects that were commissioned or negotiated by Lord William Waldegrave and The Duchy of Lancaster between 1991 and 1998.
I understand that Lord Waldegrave served as Chancellor for the Duchy from 1992 to 1994, but I am also aware of his broader involvement in Government R&D leadership beyond that period.
Thank you for your attention to this request. I look forward to your response.
Yours sincerely,
Cefyn Jones
Dear Cefyn,
Thank you for your email.
The Duchy is not subject to the Freedom of Information legislation but in practice endeavours to assist with inquiries where possible and appropriate.
We do not appear to have the request from 2023 you refer to. Please would you resend it, and we will review it in tandem with your refined request. You should note that the Duchy will not have any knowledge of Lord Waldegrave’s involvement in any matter unconnected with his role as Chancellor of the Duchy.
With best wishes,
Lancaster Office: 01524 237 310
London Office: 020 7269 1700
Website: <>
The London Office Has Moved
New Address: Burleigh House, 355-359 Strand, London WC2R 0HS
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Dear Robyn,
Thank you for your response.
The email I sent in 2023 was through this email address (whatdotheyknow), and I've copy and pasted it below.
"Dear Duchy of Lancaster,
I am writing to seek information regarding the period between 1992 and 1997, specifically related to Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), government-funded Research and Development (R&D), and any agreements involving cannabis and cannabinoids.
It is my understanding that in 1991, John Major signed PPP guidance, designating the Duchy of Lancaster with responsibilities over PPPs and government-funded R&D. Lord William Waldegrave, serving as the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster between 1992 and 1994, played a significant role during this time.
I am particularly interested in any records or correspondence pertaining to cannabis, cannabinoids, GW Pharmaceuticals, and Titanite Ltd. Additionally, I request information related to any correspondence from Lord William Waldegrave during this period. Furthermore, any documentation referencing Dr. Geoffrey Guy would be of great interest.
The focus of this request is to obtain a clearer understanding of potential government agreements during this timeframe."
Yours sincerely,
Cefyn Jones
Dear Cefyn,
Thank you for your email and for providing your initial enquiry for context.
Lord Waldegrave was Chancellor of the Duchy from 10 April 1992 to 20 July 1994. Confusingly, the Chancellor is not a political appointment even though in recent times the Chancellor has also been a member of the Cabinet. Accordingly, the Duchy has no involvement in Government or policy matters and does not have any of the documents relating to the matters you refer to.
You may already have done so, but can I suggest inquiries of Hansard, the National Records Office and UK Parliament Research Services?
With best wishes,
Lancaster Office: 01524 237 310
London Office: 020 7269 1700
Website: <>
The London Office Has Moved
New Address: Burleigh House, 355-359 Strand, London WC2R 0HS
< address]/Briefcase/DuchyLogoBH.jpg>
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