Request for Information on Affordable Housing August 2023

The request was successful.

Dear South Holland District Council,

I am writing to make an open request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I am a local democracy reporter investigating the state of affordable housing in Lincolnshire.

I have been asked by several council press offices across the county to submit this as an FOI so I am hoping you can help.

Please provide the following information:

1) Definition of "Affordable":
* How does your council define "affordable housing"?

* Is it based on a percentage of the median income, a fixed price range, or another metric?

2) Price Breakdown:
* What is the average price of an affordable home in your district?
* Are there different tiers or categories of affordable housing in your district?
* If so, can you provide a price breakdown for each?
3) Housing Numbers:
* How many affordable homes are currently available in your district?
* How many affordable homes have been built in the last five years?
* Are there any upcoming projects or initiatives aimed at increasing the number of affordable homes?
4) Challenges and Solutions:
* What are the primary challenges your district faces in providing affordable housing?
* What initiatives or strategies has the council implemented or is planning to implement to address these challenges?
5) Additional Information:
* Is there any other data, insights, or information you believe would be relevant to our investigation?
* What is the council doing to support people getting on the housing ladder? What's the council's view and is it a priority?

If my request is denied in whole or in part, I ask that you justify all deletions by reference to specific exemptions of the act. I will also expect you to release all non-exempt material. I reserve the right to appeal your decision to withhold any information or to charge excessive fees.

I would prefer to receive the information electronically, but if that is not possible, please let me know ahead of time.

I understand that under the act, you are required to respond to my request within 20 working days. I would be grateful if you could confirm in writing that you have received this request.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Yours faithfully,

Daniel Jaines

I have had this response:

Fri, 1 Sept, 15:44
to [email address]

Good afternoon

Thank you for your information access request received on the 8/8/23 where you asked for information regarding the state of affordable housing across our districts.

Under Section 1(1)(a) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 we can confirm that South Holland District Council does hold the information specified in your request.

Please see below and attached in response to this FOI request.

1) Definition of "Affordable":

• How does your council define "affordable housing"?

• Is it based on a percentage of the median income, a fixed price range, or another metric?

Please see Annex 2 of the National Planning Policy Framework

2) Price Breakdown:

• What is the average price of an affordable home in your district? - Please see attached report

• Are there different tiers or categories of affordable housing in your district? - Please see response to question 1

• If so, can you provide a price breakdown for each? - Please see attached report

3) Housing Numbers:

• How many affordable homes are currently available in your district? - This depends on what is meant by available. There are approx. 5200 rented affordable properties in the district.

Available social housing in South Holland District Council can be applied for by the following link

Before you apply you will need to use the Housing Register evidence checklist (PDF) [138KB] (opens new window)(opens new tab) to make sure you have all the correct documentation to support your application.

• How many affordable homes have been built in the last five years? – South Holland District Council - 622

• Are there any upcoming projects or initiatives aimed at increasing the number of affordable homes? - The council works closely with the planning department, Registered Providers (Housing Associations), Homes England and other partners to deliver new affordable homes in the district both through Planning Policy contributions and all affordable housing schemes. There are a number of all affordable housing schemes currently under development in the borough..

4) Challenges and Solutions:

• What are the primary challenges your district faces in providing affordable housing? -

Identifying Registered Providers able to acquire affordable properties from S106 planning contributions if the number of affordable properties is below 10-15.

Viability of sites.

• What initiatives or strategies has the council implemented or is planning to implement to address these challenges?

We continue to seek new Registered Providers to work with who are interested in these properties.

We continue to work with partners to address viability issues.

5) Additional Information:

• Is there any other data, insights, or information you believe would be relevant to our investigation?


• What is the council doing to support people getting on the housing ladder? What's the council's view and is it a priority?

Yes it is a priority – Activities from the South East Lincs Councils Partnerships Annual Delivery Plan 2023/24 -

• Maintain support for Affordable Housing delivery across the Partnership including exploring new delivery

• models and partners as well as direct delivery

• Focused activity to prevent homelessness across the sub-region

• Delivery against Lincolnshire’s Homelessness Strategy

We trust that the information above completes your request in full. If we can be of any further assistance please contact us [email address]

If you have any queries or concerns or are not happy with the information that you have been provided with or if you are not happy with the way that your request has been handled you may request an internal review. Please contact the Freedom of Information Team at:

Freedom of Information Team

Council Offices

Priory Road



PE11 2XE

[email address]