Requests similar to 'Request for information - Grammar school admissions'

Grammar School admissions data
Request sent to The Buckinghamshire Grammar Schools by Fran Abrams on .

Partially successful

Dear Buckinghamshire Grammar Schools, I am writing with a request for information, which is as follows: I’d like the information for entrance tests...
I am writing with a request for information, which is as follows: I'd like the information for entrance tests for admission into year 7 of each sele...
Request for information - Grammar school admissions
Request sent to Medway Council by Fran Abrams on .


I am writing with a request for information, which is as follows: I'd like the information for entrance tests for admission into year 7 of each sele...
Grammar School admissions data
Request sent to Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council by Fran Abrams on .

Partially successful

Dear Sir or Madam I am writing with a request for information, which is as follows: I'd like the information for entrance tests for admission int...
Grammar School admissions data
Request sent to Gloucestershire County Council by Fran Abrams on .


I am writing with a request for information, which is as follows: I’d like the information for entrance tests for admission into year 7 of each select...
Grammar School admissions data
Request sent to North Yorkshire Council by Fran Abrams on .

Partially successful

Dear North Yorkshire County Council, I am writing with a request for information, which is as follows: I’d like the information for entrance tests f...
Request for information - Grammar school admissions
Request sent to Warwickshire County Council by Fran Abrams on .

Partially successful

I am writing with a request for information, which is as follows: I’d like the information for entrance tests for admission into year 7 of selective s...
Dear Fran Abrams,   Thank you for email requesting information. You asked:   Dear Consortium of Selective Schools in Essex,   I am writing...
Grammar School admissions data
Request sent to Bexley Borough Council by Fran Abrams on .

Partially successful

I am writing with a request for information, which is as follows: I’d like the information for entrance tests for admission into year 7 of each school...
Dear Ms Bartley  Thank you for your e-mail of 18^th November 2019 requesting information regarding our application to the SSEF to build a satellite...
Determine Admissions Arrangements Burnham Grammar.
Response by Buckinghamshire Council to James Coombs on .

Partially successful

Information request Our reference: 5478337 ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Dear James Coombs   Thank...
Mrs R Light Personnel/PA to HT/EHT Barton Court Academy Trust 01227 4646600 Selective schools expansion fund Information for appli...
Essex Secondary School Admissions
Response by Essex County Council to Ines on .

Information not held

Good afternoon,   Thank you for your request for information. Please find our response to your request on the accompanying document(s)   I tru...
Pupil Premium offers
Response by Bournemouth School for Girls to James Coombs on .


Dear Mr Coombs   Thank you for your email of 15^th October.  In answer to your questions  1.  The census returns do not do a breakdown by year gr...
Admission information request
Response by Altrincham Grammar School for Girls to KS on .

Partially successful

Further to your FOI request, I have attached the Admissions Policy 2020. Please look at the oversubscription criteria (Point 4) where it outlines how o...
Pupil Premium offers
Response by Bournemouth School to James Coombs on .


Dear Mr Coombs,   With regards to your Freedom of Information request as detailed below, please see the attached response and support information....
Business Studies and Economic Results
Response by Bournemouth School to Max Warner on .


Dear Mr Warner and Mr Wright Further to your Freedom of Information request dated 10th November 2015 for examination results I attach a range of docum...
Southend on Sea Secondary School Admissions
Response by Southend-on-Sea City Council to Ines on .

Partially successful

Dear Dr I Lee,   Re: Freedom of Information Request – FOI 13499   I am writing regarding your request for information, which was received on 1...
Information request Our reference: 880735 Children’s Services TRANSFER TO SECONDARY SCHOOLS 2015 Online admissions:
Computer Science Failure to Make Offer
Response by University of Cambridge to [Name Removed] on .


Further to your request for information, please find attached the University’s response. Regards, Information Compliance Office University of Cambrid...
Dear Mr Thompson I am writing in response to your Freedom of Information Request (FOI 8045) dated 21st May 2019. Please find attached the Council's...
information for schools in Epping Forest
Response by Essex County Council to Mr T Matthews on .

Awaiting classification

Good Morning/Afternoon, Please find attached our response to your request for information. I trust that this information satisfies your request. Ho...
TBGS 11+ "local review"
Response by Buckinghamshire Council to James Coombs on .


Information request Our reference: 7957037 ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Dear James,   Thank you fo...
Council Owned Assets Inventory
Response by West Northamptonshire Council to Jordan Parker on .

Awaiting classification

Good afternoon Please see attached response to your request Kind regards Tracey Gilkes Information Governance Officer Information Governance...
Dear Ms Abdullah, Please find the University's response to request attached. Yours sincerely, FOI Oxford Information Compliance Team Vice Chanc...