Request for information about your communications team
Dear Leeds City Council,
I request the following information.
1. What minimum qualifications are required to be a communications manager in your organisation (based on your existing job specs)
2. May I request a copy of the job specification for the position of communications officer
3. How many people work in the communications team & what is the composition, eg one manager and five officers, three managers and ten officers, five managers, five officers and five assistants etc etc
4. May I request a breakdown of the job roles and respective salaries for all posts within the communications team
Yours faithfully,
T Thomas
Dear T Thomas
Freedom of information request Ref 16460 : Information about the communications team
Thank you for your request for the above information which we received 5, May 2016. We will respond to your request in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000, or the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.
We have passed your request onto Saleem Aziz, Information Governance Officer, Corporate Information Governance, cc[Leeds City Council request email] who will arrange a response within the appropriate statutory time limit.
Please remember to quote reference number FOI 16460 in any future communications.
Yours sincerely
Kristin Lea
Information Governance Support Officer
Corporate Information Governance
Business Improvement (incorporating Corporate and Central IM&T)
Strategy and Improvement
t: 0113 39 52732
e: [Leeds City Council request email]
e: [email address]
Leeds City Council, Civic Hall, Calverley Street, Leeds, LS1 1UR
“Information is everyone’s business and responsibility.”
Dear T Thomas,
Freedom of Information Request (Ref: 16460)
I refer to the above and your request dated 5, May 2016. I have contacted
the relevant services and now provide a response to the following request
Information about the communications team.
1. What minimum qualifications are required to be a communications
manager in your organisation (based on your existing job specs)
The communications and marketing service is in the process of
restructuring and refreshing all job descriptions. There is no longer a
job titled communications manager but there is a communications and
marketing business partner post. All roles in the team are expected to
meet communications and marketing competencies as set out in the
Government Communications Service competency framework. Business partners
are expected to meet and demonstrate higher level competencies.
2. May I request a copy of the job specification for the position of
communications officer
The current job description for the post of communications officer dates
from 2011 and like all job descriptions within the service is under
review. The 2011 job description is attached.
3. How many people work in the communications team & what is the
composition, eg one manager and five officers, three managers and ten
officers, five managers, five officers and
five assistants etc etc
The structure chart for the communications and marketing service is
attached. Not all posts are currently filled.
4. May I request a breakdown of the job roles and respective salaries
for all posts within the communications team
The council’s current pay scales can be found at:
I trust that this response is satisfactory. If however you are
dissatisfied with this response you have a right to appeal to an
independent officer within Corporate Information Governance. They will
re-examine your request and assess whether we have adhered to the
requirements of the act. Should you wish to follow this course of action
please address your concerns in writing to Saleem Aziz, Corporate
Information Governance, 2nd Floor West, Civic Hall, Leeds, LS1 1UR or by
emailing cc[Leeds City Council request email].
You also have a right under Section 50 of the Freedom of Information Act
to ask the Information Commissioner to decide whether we have met with our
obligations under the act. The Commissioner has however made it clear
that he expects all applicants to exhaust internal appeals procedures
prior to making such an application. Should you wish to contact the
Commissioner’s office then you can write to the following address:
Office of the Information Commissioner,
Wycliffe House,
Water Lane,
SK9 5AF.
You may also contact the Commissioner via his website at [2]
I trust that this is self-explanatory. If you have any queries please
contact me on 0113 39 52734, or by return email.
Yours sincerely,
Saleem Aziz
Information Governance Officer
t: 0113 39 52734
e: [3]cc[Leeds City Council request email]
e: [4][email address]
w: [5]
Corporate Information Governance, Business Improvement (incorporating
Corporate and Central IM&T),
Information is everyone’s business and responsibility.”
You can’t miss it! The 2016 EU referendum – make sure you’re registered to
vote by 7 June. Visit [6]
Visible links
2. blocked::UrlBlockedError.aspx UrlBlockedError.aspx
3. mailto:cc[Leeds City Council request email]
4. mailto:[email address]
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