Request for information about iGCSE Art and Design marking process
Dear University of Cambridge,
I would request that you provide the following in regard to the Art and Design iGCSE 0400 (2017-2019) broken down unto exam sitting:
Mark scheme or other marking methodology for Component 3 of the Art and Design iGCSE.
Total of grades awarded for each type of entry for Component 1 (e.g's number of A's for fine art entries, number of B's for sculpture).
Number of markers for each sitting, average time spent on each marking and enquiry, a breakdown of qualification of markers.
Number of enquiries requested for this syllabus, number of entries, appeals and number of grades changed as well as the same for iGCSE Maths, iGCSE English Literature and iGCSE Chemistry.
Yours faithfully,
Dear Karen Kirby
Please find attached a request for clarification following your Freedom of
Information request. I have also attached the 2017-2019 syllabus document,
referenced in the first attachment.
Please note, in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, that the
20 working day response period will not start until a satisfactory reply
constituting a valid request is received.
Your sincerely
Freedom of Information Team
Cambridge Assessment International Education
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Dear FOI Requests,
Thank you for your prompt reply. I will address each point in turn below:
1. Please supply information for all 3 sittings for the time period selected.
1b, The syllabus is broken down into 6 broad areas of study:
"painting and related media..." etc.
As each of these has specific syllabus content I have assumed that markers would need to allocate the work against one of these categories for assessment. I would like the breakdown according to these categories please.
1c, The range of qualifications acceptable to mark this syllabus would suffice please.
1d, Would you please confirm what information is readily exportable in relation to enquiries within the cost limit? I assume that total number of enquiries for the syllabus is readily available?
Yours sincerely,
Dear Karen Kirby
Thank you for responding to our initial request for clarification. We are
satisfied that we understand questions 1a, 1b and 1c, however
clarification is still required for question 1d. Please refer to the
attached document.
Your sincerely
Freedom of Information Team
Cambridge Assessment International Education
The Triangle Building, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge, CB2 8EA
Cambridge Assessment International Education prepares school students for
life, helping them develop an informed curiosity and a lasting passion for
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Dear University of Cambridge,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of University of Cambridge's handling of my FOI request 'Request for information about iGCSE Art and Design marking process'.
I have yet to receive any of the requested information.
I would like to add further clarification to the request:
In relation to the information about examiners - would you please update this as follows:
For the marker for Component 3 of the 2019 Art and Design iGCSE (November), I would like the marking history with CIE, recent marking grade and qualifications.
To update the request in regards to appeals - would you please provide only the number and success rate of enquiries or appeals for the same syllabus for all sittings in 2018 and 2019.
I hope this clarification is of assistance and I look forward to receipt of all requested information promptly.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Dear Karen Kirby
Please find attached a response to your Freedom of Information request.
Your sincerely
Freedom of Information Team
Cambridge Assessment International Education
The Triangle Building, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge, CB2 8EA
Cambridge Assessment International Education prepares school students for
life, helping them develop an informed curiosity and a lasting passion for
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Dear Karen
Please find attached a letter confirming the points discussed yesterday 8
April in relation to your Freedom of Information request.
Your sincerely
Freedom of Information Team
Cambridge Assessment International Education
The Triangle Building, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge, CB2 8EA
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life, helping them develop an informed curiosity and a lasting passion for
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Dear FOI Requests,
Thank you for your letter and I apologise for my delays responding. I can confirm that the request is correctly outlined.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Karen
Please find attached a response to your Freedom of Information request.
Yours sincerely
Freedom of Information Team
Cambridge Assessment International Education
The Triangle Building, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge, CB2 8EA
Cambridge Assessment International Education prepares school students for
life, helping them develop an informed curiosity and a lasting passion for
learning. We are part of the University of Cambridge.
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