Request for information about a charity that has been removed from the register

The request was partially successful.

Dear Charity Commission for England and Wales,
Charity Number 205572 - United Charities Houghton Conquest
Please can I have the following information:
Last submitted accounts & returns
List of Trustees
Contact details
The Charity's Constitution

Yours faithfully,
Gill Wiggs
Houghton Conquest Parish Council

FOI Requests, Charity Commission for England and Wales

Thank you for submitting your Freedom of Information (FOI) request to the
Charity Commission. We will respond within 20 working days.
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This is an automated email. Please do not reply to this email.
On track to meet your filing deadline? Charities have ten months from
their financial year end to file their Annual Return and Accounts. Find
out more at [2] Remember to file on time and
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Kenneth Rogers, Charity Commission for England and Wales

Dear Ms Wiggs


Thank you for your email of 14 November 2014, in connection with the above
charity and a request for information assessed as falling within the
framework of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.


Within that framework I can confirm that the Commission holds some
information relevant to your request and can advise as follows:


(i) This charity was removed from the Central Register on 19 August 2009
as having ceased to exist, its governing document was not a Constitution
but a Scheme of the Commission dated 4 June 1915.  A copy of that Scheme
is attached for reference.


(ii) The charity's last reported annual income was £463.00 and its
reported expenditure £0.00, meaning that it was below the threshold at
which it was required to submit accounts to the Commission.  Instead it
simply submitted its annual income/expenditure as part of its Annual
Returns, the last Annual Return being that for the year 2005.  I have not
supplied a copy of that document because due to the requirements of the
Data Protection Act 1998 we would be obliged to redact the names/addresses
and other personal data relating to its trustees at that time, having done
so there would be no remaining information in the Return other than the
pre-printed information on the form - in effect a blank 2005 Annual Return
Form with the figures £463.00 and £0.00 handwritten in two spaces.  If you
would still like a copy of the blank form, which is in a now obsolete
format unused for many years, I would be happy to supply this on receipt
of your confirmation.


(iii) We no longer hold the details of the charity's trustees/contact at
the time of its removal from the Central Register.  In accordance with our
normal retention policies that information was destroyed five years after
the date of the charity's removal.  You will however note from the copy
Scheme that the ex-officio position was held by the Rector for the Parish
and it may be that the Church maintains some record of who that may have
been at the time.


As this is all the information we hold this response must in part be
considered a Refusal Response within the framework of the 2000 Act - as we
can not supply information we no longer hold.


If you are dissatisfied with this response to your request you can in the
first instance register a complaint with our Business Assurance Unit using
the same central email address of [1][email address].  If still
dissatisfied following their response, you can contact the Information
Commissioners office at [2]


Ken Rogers

FC Casework Team - Charity Commission for England and Wales

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Kenneth Rogers, Charity Commission for England and Wales

1 Attachment

Apologies - Scheme attachment encountered error and is attached to this
supplemental response.

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