Request for governing document of charity 1190599
Dear Charity Commission for England and Wales,
I would a copy of the governing document for the Nonesuch Rowing Foundation - charity number 1190599
Yours faithfully,
L Evans
Dear L Evans
Re: The Nonesuch Rowing Foundation (1190599)
Please find attached the above charity's governing document, as requested.
The enclosed copy of the charity’s governing document is being provided
under s.38(4) of the Charites Act 2011.
The Charity Commission is required to make copies or particulars of the
governing documents of any registered charity, as supplied to the
Commission, open to public inspection. It does so by making copies
available on request. These documents are provided as supplied and will
not be edited by the Commission. The Commission cannot therefore guarantee
the accuracy of the information and cannot accept responsibility for the
consequences of any person relying on it as an accurate statement of a
charity governing document.
Yours sincerely
Jaime Wilkie
Customer Service
w: [1]
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