Request for Examination Schedule Information
Dear University College London,
I am writing to request information regarding the main summer examination schedule for the 2023/2024 academic year. Specifically, I would like to know the examination dates for all Level 5 and Level 6 courses in the Mathematics and Statistics Departments.
Your assistance in providing this information would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Yours faithfully,
Shuyi Jiang
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Dear Shuyi,
Thank you for your request for information.
In order to proceed with your request below, we need clarification, and
this is mentioned below.
Please provide the requested clarification within 20 working days of this
********FOI Request*****************************************************
I am writing to request information regarding the main summer examination
schedule for the 2023/2024 academic year. Specifically, I would like to
know the examination dates for all Level 5 and Level 6 courses in the
Mathematics and Statistics Departments.
Your assistance in providing this information would be greatly
Thank you in advance for your help.
********Clarification Sought
Dear Finance.FOI Requests,
May I request the examination dates for the following courses?
MATH0017 Measure Theory
MATH0018 Functional Analysis
MATH0019 Multivariable Analysis
MATH0020 Differential Geometry
MATH0021 Homological Algebra
MATH0022 Galois Theory
MATH0023 Algebraic Topology
MATH0025 Mathematics for General Relativity
MATH0026 Biomathematics
MATH0027 Mathematical Methods 5
MATH0028 Combinatorial Optimisation
MATH0029 Graph Theory and Combinatorics
MATH0030 Mathematical Ecology
MATH0031 Financial Mathematics
MATH0033 Numerical Methods
MATH0034 Number Theory
MATH0037 Logic
MATH0053 Algebra 4: Groups and Rings
MATH0056 Mathematical Methods 4
MATH0069 Probability
MATH0073 Representation Theory
MATH0102 Applied Stochastic Methods
STAT0005 Probability and Statistics II
STAT0007 Introduction to Applied Probability
STAT0010 Forecasting
STAT0018 Stochastic Methods in Finance II
STAT0020 Quantitative Operational Risk Modelling
Yours sincerely,
Shuyi Jiang
Dear Shuyi,
Thank you for your request for information made under the Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) 2000.
We confirm that we hold the information of the description specified in
your request; please see our response below and the attached document.
Your request
I am writing to request information regarding the main summer examination
schedule for the 2023/2024 academic year. Specifically, I would like to
know the examination dates for Level 5 and Level 6 courses in the
Mathematics and Statistics Departments. May I request the examination
dates for the following courses?
MATH0017 Measure Theory
MATH0018 Functional Analysis
MATH0019 Multivariable Analysis
MATH0020 Differential Geometry
MATH0021 Homological Algebra
MATH0022 Galois Theory
MATH0023 Algebraic Topology
MATH0025 Mathematics for General Relativity
MATH0026 Biomathematics
MATH0027 Mathematical Methods 5
MATH0028 Combinatorial Optimisation
MATH0029 Graph Theory and Combinatorics
MATH0030 Mathematical Ecology
MATH0031 Financial Mathematics
MATH0033 Numerical Methods
MATH0034 Number Theory
MATH0037 Logic
MATH0053 Algebra 4: Groups and Rings
MATH0056 Mathematical Methods 4
MATH0069 Probability
MATH0073 Representation Theory
MATH0102 Applied Stochastic Methods
STAT0005 Probability and Statistics II
STAT0007 Introduction to Applied Probability
STAT0010 Forecasting
STAT0018 Stochastic Methods in Finance II
STAT0020 Quantitative Operational Risk Modelling
Your assistance in providing this information would be greatly
Our response
The table attached shows the examination dates for Level 5 and Level 6
courses in the Mathematics and Statistics Departments for the 2023/24
academic year.
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Kinde regards,
Gladys Mandangu
Data Protection and Freedom of Information Administrator
Data Protection Office
Office of the General Counsel
University College London
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