Dear Sir
Freedom of Information request - Bloom Procurement Services Ltd and NEPRO
(Services) Ltd.
Please find attached our response to the above r...
Dear Sir
Freedom of Information request - Potential conflict of interest in 2015
award of contract to NEPRO LTD.
Please find attached our response...
Thank you for your request dated 9 February 2017 under the Freedom of
Information Act. We received your request on 9 February 2017 and will
respond i...
Dear Mr Marsh
Thank you for your FOI on 21st March which has been passed onto Keith Lamb, who is the Fleet Specialist who will reply within the 20 wor...
Dear Mr Orr,
Please find attached response to the Freedom of Information request
submitted 22^nd October.
Kind regards,
Governance T...
Dear Mr Orr,
Please find attached response to your Freedom of Information request
submitted 25^th January.
Kind regards,
Dear Mr Orr,
Please find attached response to the Freedom of Information request
submitted 19^th November.
Kind regards,
Dear Mr Brown,
Please find attached NEPO's response to your Freedom of Information
request regarding the NEPRO3 Supplier Variations request.
Dear Mrs Franklin,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information enquiry on 4^th December 2019.
This request has been passed on to Michael Murray w...
Dear Mrs Franklin,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information enquiry on 9^th December 2019.
This request has been passed on to Steven Widdowfie...
Dear Johan
Thank you for your email of 11th August, the content of which was a
Freedom of Information request.
The solution in question wa...
Dear Francis Llyod,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information enquiry on 3rd September. A
response will be forwarded to you within 20 working d...
Dear M Pearce.
Thank you for your recent correspondence to NEPO. NEPO acknowledges your
request and will be in contact once an update is availa...
Dear Mrs Franklin
Please find attached the response to your Freedom of Information re...
Dear Mr Capstick,
Please see attached response to your freedom of information request to
Many thanks
North East P...
Dear Mr Spring,
Please find attached the response to your recent FOI request.
Kind regards
Graham Kelly
Market Engagement and eProcu...
Dear Harriet Simmonds
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request as detailed above.
Please find attached our response to your request
Dear Dominic,
I am writing in response to your request for information, under the terms
of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
The details we req...
Dear Ms Clare White
Please find attached my response to your request
<<responseFOI 3459_RV_GREATERTHAN_30000.xls>>
If you are unhappy with our re...
Dear Miss Stone
Please see attached response to your recent freedom of information
Kind regards
Sharon Hol...
Please find attached a response to your request
Fiona Brown
Head of Transactional Services
Commercial and Corporate Services...
Dear Ms Davis.
The information requested on 8^th May 2009 under the Freedom of
Information Act is provided in the attached spreadsheet.
We have no...
Dear Mr Patel
FOI request
As requested, see attached creditor payments for financial year April
2009/March 2010 and from April 2010 to 30 November...
Good Morning,
Please find attached our response to the Freedom of Information request
you recently made.
Many thanks and kind regards
Dear Chloe Parkinson
Please find attached our response to your Freedom of Information request
in relation to Agency
Kind regards