Request for Detailed Information on Course

rui zhang made this Freedom of Information request to University College London Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

The request was successful.

Dear University College London,

I am writing to make an information request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 regarding specific undergraduate and postgraduate courses offered by UCL. The details requested pertain to the following courses:

CELL0004 Clocks, Sleep and Biological Time
CELL0005 Advanced Investigative Project in Cell and Developmental Biology
CELL0012 Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
CELL0013 Functional Genetics of Model Systems
CELL0014 Dynamic Biological Systems
CELL0015 Mitochondrial Biology, Bioenergetics and Metabolism in Human Disease
CELL0016 Advanced Molecular Cell Biology
CELL0017 Interdisciplinary Cell Biology
CELL0022 Advanced Practical Cell Biology
CELL0024 Tissue Biology

For each of the above courses, please provide the following information for the most recent academic year available:

1. The average score of students enrolled in the course.
2. The total number of students enrolled in the course.
3. The number of students who received third-class honors.
4. The number of students who received lower second-class honors.
5. The number of students who received upper second-class honors.
6. The number of students who received first-class honors.
7. A detailed breakdown of the assessment methods employed for each course, including but not limited to, closed book exams, online Moodle tests, practical assessments, coursework, or any other forms of evaluation.

I understand that under the Act, I should be entitled to a response within 20 working days of your receipt of this request.

If you need any clarification of this request, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to your response.

Yours faithfully,

rui zhang

Finance.FOI Requests, University College London

If you have submitted a Freedom of Information request please accept this
email as acknowledgement that your request has been received. You should
expect a response from us within 20 working days. 
For details on how we use your personal information, please see UCL's
general privacy
notice: [1]
Data Protection Office
Office of General Counsel 


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Dear University College London,

Any updates?

Yours faithfully,

rui zhang

Finance.FOI Requests, University College London

1 Attachment

Dear Rui


Thank you for your request made under the Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA) 2000.


We confirm that we hold some of the information of the description
specified in your request; please see our response below and the attached


Your request and our response


I am writing to make an information request under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 regarding specific undergraduate and postgraduate
courses offered by UCL. The details requested pertain to the following


BIOC0015 BIOC0016 BIOC0017 Cancer BIOC0023 BIOC0029 BIOS0025 PHAR0019
Molecular Computational Biology Specialist Specialist Education Pharmacology
Mechanisms in and Systems Research Project Research Research Project of
Human Disease Biology   in Multi-Omics Project in in the Inflammation
and and Data Science Protein Biosciences
Biotechnology Structure and  
BIOC0020 BIOC0021 BIOC0030 Advanced BIOC0033 Membrane BIOC0034 Life BIOS0040 Advanced PHAR0027 Drug
Molecular Advanced Molecular Biology Trafficking and in extreme statistics and Design and
Mechanisms of Investigative of Protein Mechanisms of environments Machine Learning Development
Gene Expression Project in Regulatory Disease for Biosciences (extended)
and Regulation Molecular Networks
ANAT0007 ANAT0010 ANAT0012 Molecular ANAT0013 Pain ANAT0014 CELL0001 PHOL0006
Forensic Advanced Basis of Neuroesthetics Mechanisms of Respiration
Osteology and Anatomy Neuropsychiatric Development in Health and
Anthropology Disorders Disease
ANAT0015 ANAT0024 ANAT0025 Form and ANAT0026 Cancer: BIOC0014 CELL0002 PHOL0007
Advanced Birth Function of the Insights from Mechanisms of Mechanisms of Heart and
Research Project Defects: Vertebrate Head: Embryonic Molecular Development Circulation
in Cell and Basic An Integrative Development Machines (Extended)
Developmental Research to Anatomical  
Biology Clinical Approach
BIOC0038 BIOL0018 BIOL0019 Advanced BIOL0020Sex, BIOL0021 CELL0003 Cellular PHOL0008 Cell
Advanced Advanced Research Project Genes and Advanced Human and Developmental Signalling in
Techniques in Investigative in Biological Evolution Genetics Neurobiology Health and
Experimental Project in Sciences Disease
Biochemistry Biological
BIOL0022 Biology BIOL0025 BIOL0027 Diseases BIOL0032 Species BIOL0033 CELL0004 Clocks, PHOL0009 The
of Ageing Regulatory of Ageing Conservation and Molecular Sleep and Cellular
Genomics and Biodiversity Evolution Biological Time Basis of
Evolution Brain

BIOL0042 Plant BIOL0048 BIOL0058 Core BIOL0059 Genetics BIOL0061 CELL0005 Advanced PHOL0013
Evolution and Behavioural skills Y3: and Society Collaborative Investigative Advanced
Ecology Ecology for Advanced Paper and Project in the Project in Cell Investigative
the Seminar Discussion Biological and Developmental Project in
Anthropocene Sciences Biology Physiology
CELL0012 Stem CELL0013 CELL0014 Dynamic CELL0015 CELL0016 CELL0017 PHOL0014
Cells and Functional Biological Systems Mitochondrial Advanced Interdisciplinary Advanced
Regenerative Genetics of Biology, Molecular Cell Cell Biology Research
Medicine Model Systems Bioenergetics and Biology Project in
Metabolism in Physiology
Human Disease
CELL0022 CELL0024 CELL0025 Tissue CELL0026 Cancer: INIM0004 INIM0006 PSYC0030
Advanced Tissue and Developmental Cause to Cure Mathematical Immunology in Human
Practical Cell Biology Biomechanics Modelling in Health and Learning and
Biology Biomedicine Disease Memory
INIM0010 INIM0011 The INIM0012 Viruses INIM0013 INIM0015 INIM0030 PSYC0031
Cellular Immunological and Disease Microbial Evolution and Immunodeficiency Cognitive
Pathology Basis of Pathogenesis Infectious and Therapeutics Neuroscience
Autoimmune Diseases
Disease -
Models to
INIM0031 The INIM0034 NEUR0001 Advanced NEUR0002 Advanced NEUR0009 NEUR0010 PSYC0032 The
Immune System, Molecular Research Project Investigative Metabolic Neurobiology of Brain in
Cancer, and its Virology in Neuroscience Project in Neuroscience Brain Injury and Action
Treatment Neuroscience Disease Extended
NEUR0011 NEUR0012 NEUR0014 Neural NEUR0015 The NEUR0016 NEUR0017 Visual PHOL0014
Neurobiology of Neurobiology Basis of Control of Neural Neuroscience Advanced
Brain Injury and of Brain Motivation and Movement Computation: Research
Disease I Injury and Learning Models of Project in
Disease II Brain Function Physiology

NEUR0019 NEUR0020 NEUR0022 PHAR0010 PHAR0011 PHAR0012 Receptor PSYC0030
Foundations of Integrative Scientific Neuropharmacology Molecular Mechanisms Human
Neuroinformatics Systems Thinking for Pharmacology Learning and
Neuroscience Real-World Memory
PHAR0013 PHAR0014 Drug PHAR0015 PHAR0016 Advanced PHAR0017 PHAR0018 Synaptic  
Pharmacology of Design and Psychopharmacology Investigative Advanced Pharmacology
Inflammation Development Project in Research
(Extended) Pharmacology Project in


For each of the above courses, please provide the following information
for the past 3 academic year available:


1. The average score of students enrolled in the course.

2. The total number of students enrolled in the course.

3. The number of students who received third-class honors.

4. The number of students who received lower second-class honors.

5. The number of students who received upper second-class honors.

6. The number of students who received first-class honors.

7. A detailed breakdown of the assessment methods employed for each
course, including but not limited to, closed book exams, online Moodle
tests, practical assessments, coursework, or any other forms of


Before answering each of your specific questions, I should explain that
whilst your request refers to information about ‘courses’, you have
provided us with a list of module codes and names, not courses. With this
in mind, the information that we have provided relates to the modules
listed in the table above. I will now answer each of your questions in


In relation to questions 1 and 2, please see the table attached which
shows the number of students and respective marks awarded (<40, 40-50,
50-60, 60-70, 70<) and the average mark for the academic years 2020-21,
2021-22 and 2022-23. The figures listed under each score range show the
number of students that attained that mark. For example, under the <40
column, with regards to the module code `ANAT0010’, for the year 2020-21
this shows that less than 5 students achieved a score of 40% or less.
Equally, for the same module and year, less than 5 students achieved a
score of 70% or more.


As you can see, we are unable to disclose the total number of students
enrolled or the exact number of students where 5 or fewer students
enrolled in a course. This is because to provide the exact numbers may
inadvertently lead to the identification of these individuals. Whilst
there are no personally-identifiable details within the data being
withheld, that data, when combined with other data that may already be
available in the public domain, could be used by ‘motivated intruders’ and
other knowledgeable third parties to identify the individuals concerned.
Linking together separate strands of data available in this way can
indirectly lead to an individual being identified which would breach the
first data protection principle. Further, these individuals would have no
expectation that their identities, by virtue of disclosing this type of
information, would be made known to the wider public and it would be
considered unfair to do so. As this data would be likely to become
personal data, this information is exempt from disclosure and has been
withheld under section 40(2) of the FOIA by virtue of s40(3A)(a). Section
40(2) of the FOIA allows a public authority to withhold information under
the FOIA where (i) the requested information is personal data relating to
someone other than the requester and (ii) its disclosure would breach any
of the data protection principles.


It is for these reasons that this information is exempt under section
40(2) of the Act. As the section 40(2) exemption is absolute, there is no
need to conduct a public interest test.


In relation to questions 3, 4, 5 and 6, please note that individual
modules are not equivalent to, and do not constitute, a degree level
qualification which means students are not awarded a first-class honour,
2:1, 2:2 etc upon individual module completion. Depending on the choices
made by each student, as part of their degree, they select several
different modules to complete (which may include those that you have
listed) the total of which will make up their degree. With this in mind,
it means that UCL does not hold information on the number of students who
attained a 1:1, 2:1, 2:2, 3 for each of the modules requested.


In relation to question 7, information about the assessment methods used
for each of the modules listed can be found on our website via the
following link: [1]


You are free to use any information supplied for your own use, including
for non-commercial research purposes. The information may also be used for
the purposes of news reporting. However, any other type of re-use, for
example by publishing or issuing copies to the public, will require the
permission of the copyright owner.


If you have any queries or concerns, please contact me using the details
provided in this letter and including the request reference number. If you
are unhappy with our response to your request and wish to make a complaint
or request a review of our decision, please email
[2][email address]. Emails should include the words ‘Internal
Review’ in the subject and be marked ‘For the Attention of the
Vice-President (Operations)’. Alternatively, please write to:


Vice-President (Operations)
University College London
Gower Street


Please note that complaints and requests for internal review received more
than two months after the initial decision will not be handled.


If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you may
apply directly to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) by using the
following web address: [3] or by writing to
the ICO at the following address:


Wycliffe House
Water Lane

0303 123 1113



You should do this within two months of our final decision. Further
information on the FOIA is available on the ICO’s website:


Kind regards,


Fawwaz Noibi

Data Protection and Freedom of Information Administrator

Data Protection Office

Office of the General Counsel

University College London


Tel:        020 3108 6389 (ext. 56389)

Email:    [6][email address]


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