We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are mr allen please sign in and let everyone know.

Request for Businesses Operating in Stevenage

We're waiting for mr allen to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear Stevenage Borough Council,

I would like to request the following information.

A database of all businesses operating within the county of Hertfordshire.

This should include:

1. Business name
2. Addresses
3. Telephone numbers
4. Email addresses

Companies House only has registered offices/business names and I was referred to you by 'whatdotheyknow'.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Allen

FOI, Stevenage Borough Council

Dear Mr Allen

Thank you for your email.

We can only provide information relating to Stevenage. In addition, we would not have contact details for all the businesses because they are not obliged to provide this information for our records.

Do you still wish us to provide any information for you?

Kind regards

Thomas Sloan
Customer Insight Advisor
Corporate Projects, Customer Services & Technology

Stevenage Borough Council | Daneshill House | Danestrete | Stevenage | SG1 1HN
S 01438 242242
[email address]

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Our Privacy Policy has been updated to reflect changes to data protection legislation and can be viewed at www.stevenage.gov.uk/privacy-policy

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Dear Thomas,

Thank you for your quick response.

My apologies, I meant Stevenage, not Hertfordshire.

Are you able to provide me with all businesses that operate within Stevenage and the email addresses of these? I appreciate that not all will have contact details but what you might have may be good for me to use.

In addition to this, a spreadsheet of food establishments would be good too. I've been on the Food Standards website and the like but can only obtain one establishment at a time.

Yours sincerely,

mr allen

FOI, Stevenage Borough Council

Dear Mr Allen

Thank you for your recent request for information, which is now being handled in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Your reference number, should you wish to note it, is 25391. The Council will provide you with the information requested by 10 April 2019, unless there is a legitimate reason preventing its release.

If the Council is unable to provide the information, you will be informed of the reasons in writing.

Yours sincerely

Thomas Sloan
Customer Insight Advisor
Corporate Projects, Customer Services & Technology

Stevenage Borough Council | Daneshill House | Danestrete | Stevenage | SG1 1HN
S 01438 242242
[email address]

Follow us on Twitter - http://twitter.com/stevenagebc
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Our Privacy Policy has been updated to reflect changes to data protection legislation and can be viewed at www.stevenage.gov.uk/privacy-policy

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FOI, Stevenage Borough Council


You will find the information we are able to provide on our website below:


Kind regards

Thomas Sloan
Customer Insight Advisor
Corporate Projects, Customer Services & Technology

Stevenage Borough Council | Daneshill House | Danestrete | Stevenage | SG1 1HN
S 01438 242242
[email address]

Follow us on Twitter - http://twitter.com/stevenagebc
Like us on Facebook - http://facebook.com/sbc

Our Privacy Policy has been updated to reflect changes to data protection legislation and can be viewed at www.stevenage.gov.uk/privacy-policy

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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are mr allen please sign in and let everyone know.