Dear Ms Otte
Reference number: FOI/RAP/07/19/17815
On 18^th July 2019 Hertfordshire County Council received the following
request for info...
Request for Information - 2015/11698 - FOI Responses July
I refer to your request for information received on 14/08/2015. Please
see below, along w...
Dear Lady Fleming
Reference number: FOI/RAP/02/19/16950
On 4^th February 2019 we received the following request for information
from you:-
Dear Mr Laws,
Thank you for your further email.
The Inspector Handbook was archived in 2011 and the Inspector Training Manual was first published in...
Dear A Bell,
Re: Freedom of Information Request – FOI 13494
I am writing regarding your request for information, which was received on
Dear Madam
Re: Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request - SMFOI2020/21
- 0567
Thank you for your request for information which was r...
I would like to request the following information.
A database of all businesses operating within the county of Hertfordshire.
This should include:...
Awaiting classification
Dear Adaeze Ejike
Reference number: FOI/RAP/10/21/21554
On 12^th October 2021 Hertfordshire County Council received the following
Dear Mr Keogh
I am in receipt of your request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 submitted on 24 April 2011.
Section 10(1...
Dear Madam
Re: Environmental Information Regulations 2004 request - SMFOI2020/21
- 0568
Thank you for your request for information which was r...
Dear Mr Pounds,
Please find attached HMRC's response to your information request.
Yours sincerely
Teresa Chance
FOI Policy Adviser
Central Policy...
Dear Mr Myles,
Freedom of Information Request Reference No: 2014010001197
I write in connection with your request for information which was receive...
Dear Derek
Re: Freedom of Information Request ref: FOI_1175283
We have considered your request under the terms of the Freedom of
Dear Matthew Driscoll
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request of 18^th October request
a copy of Inspector’s Training Manual (ITM) and...
Dear Mr Cheshire
Further to my email below, please find attached the planning application
Kind regards
The FOI Team
Dear Aqib
Further to my previous e-mail, please find attached the third and final part of the Inspector Training Manual.
Chris Pritchard
Planning In...
Dear Mr Hiscox,
Further to my first email, please see attached part 3 of the ITM, for your information.
Kind regards,
Matt Dunkley-Roberts
Mr Woodward
Thank you for your request for information. Please find our response
You asked for the following information:
Dear Mr Keenan
Please find attached a response to your FOI request.
Yours sincerely
Pheng Lay (Ms)
Information Management Officer
Phone: 0208...
Part 3
Local Plan Examinations
Revised NPPF
What’s new in this version
Updated 27 August 2019 to refl...
Kevin Plummer
Customer Quality Team | The Planning Inspectorate | 3H Eagle Wing
Temple Quay House | 2 The Square | Temple Quay | Bristol BS...
Dear Hal Donck,
Following your further question regarding the scoring rationale, we can
confirm that the service area has now resp...
Yours sincerely
Bob Palmer
Customer Team Manager
Putting the customer at the heart of everything we do.
Email: [1][email address] ...
Dear Jon Reardon Smith
Thank you for your e-mail, requesting information from the Planning
Please find a response attac...
Dear Paul Benson
Re: Freedom of Information Act 2000
Environmental Information Regulations 2004
Reference No: 19920249
Thank you for your request fo...