Request for all businesses in Hertfordshire

Hertfordshire County Council did not have the information requested.

Dear Hertfordshire County Council,

I would like to request the following information.

A database of all businesses operating within the county of Hertfordshire.

This should include:

1. Names
2. Addresses
3. Telephone numbers
4. Email addresses

Also a database of all restaurants/takeaways within the county of Hertfordshire, containing the same as above.

Companies House only has registered offices/business names.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Allen

Information Governance, Hertfordshire County Council

Dear Mr Allen


Reference number: FOI/RAP/01/19/16918


On 29^th January 2019 we received the following request for information
from you:-


A database of all businesses operating within the county of Hertfordshire.


This should include:

1. Names

2. Addresses

3. Telephone numbers

4. Email addresses


Also a database of all restaurants/takeaways within the county of
Hertfordshire, containing the same as above.


Companies House only has registered offices/business names.


Our Response


Your request for information has been considered under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 I can confirm that Hertfordshire County Council  does
not hold the information you have requested, and can respond as follows:-


The Council does not hold this information, alternative sources of
information might be:-

·         Some of this information may be held by the District and Borough
Councils, contact details for which can be found at
They are responsible for business rates and for food hygiene

·         Your local library may include reference media (paper and
online) that includes the information you want.  Hertfordshire Libraries
can be contacted via the following link

·         The Food Standards Agency publishes a searchable database of
food hygiene ratings which can be searched by Local Authority


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, quoting
the reference above. To find out more about Freedom of Information, please
visit [4]


If you are unhappy with the way the County Council has handled your
request for information you may request an internal review of the request.
This will be carried out by a member of the County Council Legal Services
Team, who has had no prior involvement with the request. Requests for an
internal review should be sent to the Information Governance Unit at the
address above.


If you are unhappy with the outcome of the internal review you are
entitled to ask the Information Commissioner to investigate your
complaint. You should write to: FOI/EIR Complaints Resolution, Information
Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9


Yours sincerely


Ingrid Howard

Information Access Practitioner

Information Access Team

Hertfordshire County Council

Postal Point CHN 320

County Hall,

Hertford, SG13 8DQ

01992 555848 (25848) 

Email: [5][Hertfordshire County Council request email]



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of Hertfordshire County Council unless explicitly stated. Please be aware
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intercepted and read by the council. Interception will only occur to
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Visible links
5. mailto:[Hertfordshire County Council request email]