Reports Against Serving Officers

The request was partially successful.

Rachael Venables

Dear Hertfordshire Constabulary,

I wish to know the number of reports you have received of alleged crimes by serving officers in the past three years (1st May 2019 to 30th April 2022)?

For each report please list:
1. The alleged offence
2. Rank of the officer accused
3. Whether the offence was investigated
4. The outcome (accusation proven or not, any criminal proceedings, disciplinary actions taken, and whether they are still serving?)

Yours faithfully,

Rachael Venables

R Freedom of Information Act team,

Good afternoon,
With reference to the above Freedom of Information request, please be advised we are still in the process of conducting searches within the Constabulary and as result our response will be delayed. Please rest assured that your request is being dealt with expeditiously and a response will be despatched as soon as practicable.

Hertfordshire Constabulary apologises for the delay.

Kind regards
Jo Atkins
Information Rights Office

show quoted sections

FOI Team,

1 Attachment

Dear Rachael Venables,

I am writing in response to your request for information, received 23rd

Yours sincerely,
Joanne Atkins

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College of Policing
Barred list figures
Police officers

Total police officer dismissals

Table 2: Regular police officers placed on the barred list between 15 December 2017 and 31 March 2022

Hertfordshire - Total 30

Table 7: Special Constabulary officers placed on the barred list by force per reporting periods (15 December 2017 to 31 March 2022)

Hertfordshire - Total 1

Table 12: Police staff placed on the barred list by force per reporting periods (15 December 2017 to 31 March 2022)

Hertfordshire - Total 13

Dismissed police officers can apply for name to be removed from barred list

Barred List/Advisory List requests:

Herts Live

'The police force which investigated serial rapist David Carrick has had 16 of its own involved in a sexual assault allegation since 2013. In addition to the 16 officers or staff involved, Hertfordshire Constabulary knows about 21 separate allegations of sexual assault or rape involving its current employees between January 2013 to January 2023 , according to a Freedom of Information request by the LDRS.'

Watford Observer

'There were 17 Hertfordshire officers dismissed since 2018 for crimes and misconduct including sexual offences.'

Misconduct hearings:

Search the Barred List

James Ford

'FORD was convicted of rape and other serious sexual offences, of a child under 13 and of destroying evidence from his own phone.'

Michael Grigg

'GRIGG was convicted on the 15th December 2019 of 2 offences of penitrative sexual activity with a girl under 16'

Ben Pitelen

'Officer had possession of indecent images of children, his devices showed internet search history of similar nature, a note of websites known for child abuse images and evidence of sexualised conversations about children. Officer failed to report or deal properly with a member of public who displayed concerning behaviour and had a clear sexual interest in children. Whilst on duty in uniform the Officer posed for a photo with a member of public who was semi-naked and using a sex toy.'

Stuart Cheek

'Mr Cheek has received criminal convictions for three offences, namely two counts of possession of extreme pornography and one count of computer misuse. He has been sentenced to a total of 12 months imprisonment at Cambridge Crown Court.'

Jamie Negrello

'Jamie Negrello pleaded guilty to coercive controlling behavior against his (estranged) wife.'

Nicholas Musto

'Convicted of criminal offence of MIPO'

Welwyn Hatfield Times - Nicholas Musto

"Jailed ‘predatory’ Herts police officer officially kicked out of force"

Lee Preece

'Officer breached integrity as he abused his position as a police officer to engage with a vulnerable victim of domestic violence whom he met in the course of his duty . His actions caused damage to both his reputation and that of policing. He failed to carry out his duties and obligations attending the home address to pursue a friendship. The matter had a significant impact on the victim.'

The Comet - Lee Preece

'Letchworth PC admits gross misconduct after hounding victim'

Matthew Glaysher

'Found guilty for having extreme pornographic images on his phone'

Mohamed Huzair

'Between 20th June 2020 and 11th July 2020 PC Huzair investigated theft of a motor vehicle. PC Huzair subsequently dealt with a female member of the public as a suspect, then no further actioned her for the criminal case. PC Huzair then continued to have inappropriate sexual contact with the female via snapchat on his personal mobile phone, and met up with her whilst on duty as a police officer for a non policing purpose.'

Jack Smith

'sent a video of himself masturbating in uniform on Police premises also received an indecent image of a person who he believed to be under 17'

Fahamida Miah

'Ms Miah received an Adverse Judicial Finding after giving witness evidence at an appeal hearing in Crown Court. The Judge found that she had given “unconvincing, artificial and obviously false evidence” and that she was “determined to mislead” the court.'

Stephen Dalton

'The officer was dismissed for discreditable conduct and excessive use of force after assaulting a detainee whilst they were handcuffed.'

Warren Potter

'Whilst dealing with a suspect put one foot on his head and kicked him in the head with his other foot'

Jamie Woolf

'Whilst off duty on a night out assaulted a friend causing injuries amounting to battery and received a caution'

Anthony Martin

'Used police systems for non-policing purpose to search for personal details of a person known to him. This material was then shared. Abused his position in relation to dealing with a member of the public who had requested the officer to park his vehicle more considerately'

Graeme Edwards (Sergeant)

'Officer used his control over a junior officer, whilst in a relationship with her, and told her to lie to PSD about her evidence in a GM Investigation against himself. He admitted during the Hearing to his own dishonesty and Gross Misconduct.'

Ricki Vaughan

'It was found that PS Vaughan had:

• Used his position by forming and/or attempting to form relationships with members of the public who he met through his work.
• Failed to treat colleagues and/or members of the public with courtesy and respect.
• Had behaved in a discriminatory way towards colleagues.
• Had regularly spoken about women in a disrespectful way.'

Michael Zdan

'Whilst A/Insp subjected a PS on his shift to inappropriate behaviour over a period of time, referring to her as ferret, kicking the back of her legs, pushing cake into her face and after seizing a firarm at an address and outside the premises held the firearm to her head.'

Mark Crompton

'Dismissed after taking an explicit photo of a member of public posing with a uniformed colleague whilst on duty, and was present when further explict photos were taken and failed to challenge the colleagues behaviour.'

Mark Williams

'Racist and Homphobic messages being sent to other officers in a team group'

Torson Sharp

'SHARP posted inappropriate comments on Facebook which were sexist racial and discrimatory'

Beresford Joy

'JOY contraveened a red traffic light, driving outside his driving grade. Failed to report to supervisor having been previously warned to do so. Repeated pattern of behaviour. JOY asked another officer to lie in his statement stating the light was green.'

Giuseppe Catalanotto

"Breached 3 is Integrity only - On 14th March 2019 the officer was in plain clothes and unmarked vehicle stopped vehicle travelling at excess speed in Herne Road, Bushey. Male driver admitted to having had an alcoholic drink or two but wasn't breathalysed. The drivers keys were confiscated by the officers and the driver returned home as he lived on the road that he had been stopped on.

The officers took the keys back to Borehamwood police station where they weren't booked into the property system. They were left on a desk and the following day PC SHAHID spoke to another officer informing him that they had seized the keys from somebody trying to get into a vehicle and they needed to be returned when the driver came into collect them."

George Aspinall

'Was convicted of drink driving offence on 29/07/2020'

Alasdair Macphail

'Was arrested after driving and arriving late to work. Alcohol was suspected and he provided a positive breat test. Was convicted at magistrates court for driving whilst over the prescribed limit'

Watford Observer - Musa Khalek

Herts police officer sacked for ‘lying’ about jury service

'“PC Khalek lied to his supervisor for personal gain, that is to avoid police work for a period of two weeks.”'

Hertfordshire Mercury - Sergeant Tom Daly

'"Despite having a ‘playful’ sex life, on two occasions PS Daly went far too far, once asphyxiating her to the point she passed out, and on another occasion punching her to the face causing bruising and constituting the assault in Edinburgh.'


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Latest 'sexual conduct' stats now available:

Latest Barred List figures published 3/11/23.

College of Policing figures:

Table 1: Regular police officers (excluding members of the Special Constabulary) placed on the barred list between 1 April 2022 and 31 March 2023

Hertfordshire - Total 11

Table 1: Regular officers placed on the barred list between 1 April 2021 and 31 March 2022

Hertfordshire - Total 12

Hertfordshire Tables 6 and 11:

In 2022/23 0 special constables (also 0 the year before) and 4 staff (3 the year before) were added.

All police forces:

Table 5: Categories of dismissal for regular police officers placed on the barred list between 1 April 2022 and 31 March 2023


Abuse of position for sexual purpose 28 (31 the year before).

Inappropriate communications 34 (7 the year before).

Sexual offences or misconduct - 51 (33 the year before).

Some new categories have been added such as grooming, soliciting, indecent images of children and witness intimidation.

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The Independent 3/2/24:

'Allegations of police sexual harassment and assault have soared by almost 50 per cent since the rape and murder of Sarah Everard by a serving police officer, The Independent can reveal.'

The Guardian 30/1/24:

Number of police officers guilty of crimes in England and Wales soars

Official Statistics

Police misconduct, England and Wales: year ending 31 March 2023

Published 30 January 2024

The year ending 31 March 2023 data shows that in the 43 territorial police forces in England and Wales:

a total of 51,605 police complaints, involving 42,854 identifiable police officers, were finalised; these complaints involved 120,243 allegations

Table 2.1: Outcome for police officers referred to misconduct proceedings, cases finalised year ending 31 March 2023, England and Wales


Hearing - 98
Accelerated hearing - 112


Hearing - 70
Accelerated hearing - 65

Table 2.2: Outcomes at proceedings for allegations involving police staff, in England and Wales, cases finalised year ending 31 March 2023


DISMISSAL - 87 (Hearing)

(The term ‘police staff’ throughout this report includes civilian staff, Police Community Support Officers (PSCOs) and designated officers. It does not include contractors or police support volunteers.)

Police misconduct England and Wales: year ending 31 March 2023: data tables

Table PC1: Number of police complaint cases, identifiable individuals subject to complaint and allegations, by worker type, English regions and Wales, cases finalised in the year ending 31 March 2023

Number of identifiable individuals subject to a complaint

Hertfordshire - 510 officers and 63 staff

Other forces:

Avon and Somerset - 1,181 officers and 257 staff....Bedfordshire - 344 officers and 29 staff.....Cambridgeshire - 451 officers and 41 staff.....Cheshire - 381 officers and 49 staff.....City of London - 56 officers and 7 staff.....Cleveland - 781 officers and 153 staff.....Cumbria - 425 officers and 19 staff.....Derbyshire 717 officers and 126 staff.....Devon and Cornwall - 892 officers and 119 staff.....Dorset - 372 officers and 72 staff.....Durham - 521 officers and 95 staff.....Dyfed-Powys 454 officers and 60 staff.....Essex - 1,623 officers and 144 staff.....Gloucestershire - 492 officers and 85 staff.....Greater Manchester - 1,748 officers and 189 staff.....Gwent - 390 officers and 47 staff.....Hampshire - 1391 officers and 472 staff.....Humberside - 822 officers and 114 staff.....Kent - 1,463 officers and 216 staff.....Lancashire - 899 officers and 160 staff.....Leicestershire - 958 officers and 160 (same as Lancs.) staff.....Lincolnshire - 446 officers and 55 staff......Merseyside - 1,078 officers and 128 staff.....Met. - 8,359 officers and 661 staff.....Norfolk - 590 officers and 50 staff.....Northumbria - 1024 officers and 113 staff.....North Yorkshire - 325 officers and 30 staff.....North Wales 361 officers and 42 staff.....Northamptonshire - 552 officers and 67 staff.....Nottinghamshire - 985 officers and 164 staff.....South Yorkshire - 1,177 officers and 176 staff......South Wales 1,241 officers and 182 staff.....Staffordshire - 868 officers and 162 staff.....Suffolk - 437 officers and 47 staff.....Surrey - 860 officers and 172 staff.....Sussex - 1,308 officers and 317 staff.....Thames Valley - 1,668 officers and 278 staff.....Warwickshire - 396 officers and 51 staff.....West Midlands - 2,041 officers and 320 staff.....West Mercia 620 officers and 54 staff.....West Yorkshire 1,144 officers and 116 staff.....Wiltshire - 503 officers and 112 staff


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Craig Baker - Barred List

'The Special Constabulary Officer resigned whilst under investigation. The force continued with a hearing and it was found that had they remained serving they would have been dismissed for breaching the standard of professional behaviour relating to Discreditable Conduct after it was found he had committed a sexual offence against a child prior to joining the Force and was subsequently convicted and sentenced to a term of imprisonment.'

Mark Coleman - Barred List

'The Officer breached the standards of professional behaviour in relation to dealing with a victim of crime and subsequent conversations with the supervisor.'

Christopher Kelly - Barred List

'The officer was dismissed for breaching the standards of professional behviour relating to Discreditable Conduct and Authority Respect & Courtesy after using sexualised and mysogynistic statements towards female colleagues.'

Inspector Philip Moss - Barred List

'The Police Officer Resigned whilst under investigation. The force continued with a hearing and it was found that had they remained serving they would have been dismissed for breaching the standards of professional behaviour relating to Authority / Respect and Courtesy and Discreditable Conduct after sending abusive and offensive text messages to a previous partner and their associate.'

Hemel Today 25/1/24 - Philip Moss

'Hertfordshire detective banned from force after sending "avalanche of abusive messages" to woman'

William Owen - Barred List

'The Police Officer resigned whilst under investigation. The force continued with a hearing and it was found that had they remained serving they would have been dismissed for breaching the standards of professional behaviour relating to Authority / Respect and Courtesy, Use of Force, and Discreditable Conduct after it was proven that the former officer threw punches and deployed his PAVA spray in an attempt to detain a member of public'.

Gary Pugsley - Barred List

'The Police Officer retired whilst under investigation. The force continued with a hearing and it was found that had they remained serving they would have been dismissed for breaching the standards of professional behaviour relating to Honesty and Integrity, Authority / Respect and Courtesy, Confidentiality, and Discreditable Conduct. The former officer abused his position by accessing police systems and sending unwanted and distressing communications to female members of the public'.

The Herts Advertiser 22/4/24 - Gary Pugsley

'A Hertfordshire Police misconduct panel, which met on April 19, found that former PC Gary Pugsley had committed an “abuse of position for sexual purposes” after he sent notes to two people.

The former constable told his neighbour, known as “Ms B” , that he was “not a weirdo” because he worked at Hertfordshire Constabulary.

Former PC Pugsley told the other, “Ms A”, he could be her “forever someone” before he accused her of antisocial behaviour in a complaint to his own force.'

Christopher Thompson - Barred List

'The officer was dismissed for discreditable conduct after forwarding viral text messages that were racist, sexist and homophobic.'

Herts Live 25/1/22 - Christopher Thompson

'A police constable has been sacked after 21 years of service after it was found he had sent "racist, sexist, homophobic and discriminatory" text messages.'

Dominic Van-der-Linden - Barred List

'The officer breached the standards of professional behaviour in relation to dealing with a victim of crime and subsequent conversation with their supervisor.'

Tom Witherspoon - Barred List

'The officer resigned whilst under investigation. The force continued with a hearing and had he remained serving would have been dismissed for breaching the standards of professional behaviour relating to Authority, Respect & Courtesy, Challenging & Reporting Improper Conduct and Discreditable Conduct after using excessive force during an arrest, sending inappropriate messages and sexually assaulting a female colleague.'

Welwyn and Hatfield Times 31/7/24 - Tom Witherspoon

"Former Herts police officer was 'predatory sex pest'"

Watford Observer 3/11/23 - Mark Coleman and Dominic Van-der-Linden

Police officers guilty of gross misconduct after stabbing

The Comet 4/4/24 - PC One and PC Two

A police officer who allegedly told his junior colleague “I can’t go home like this” while in a state of arousal would have been dismissed had he not already resigned from Hertfordshire Constabulary.Two police officers, only referred to as PC One and PC Two, have both left the force after engaging in sexual activity on police premises. In a misconduct process which ended earlier this year, decision-makers agreed the officers could remain anonymous.

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Andrew Wild - Barred List

'The Police Officer was dismissed for breaching the standards of professional behaviour relating to Authority / Respect and Courtesy and Discreditable Conduct after the subject was found guilty at Crown Court on 3 counts of Sexual Assault.'

Misconduct hearing - PC 373 Andrew Wild

'Taking culpability, responsibility for the proven conduct lies entirely at PC Wild’s door. He was not invited, asked, or otherwise encouraged to touch, slap, or grab these three women in the way he did. He chose to do so alone. He has committed sexual assaults on each of these three women, colleagues of his. He has since received criminal convictions for each of these three incidents before a Crown Court. They are sexual offences and by their very nature serious...

In terms of aggravating factors there have been three victims in this case in a short period of time. The behaviour has been repeated and very similar on each occasion. PC Wild is considerably older than each of these three women, of much longer police service and should have been far more respectful of them. I have no doubt that they would have found the sexual assaults on them very disempowering, particularly from someone so much older and more experienced in policing. I commend them for coming forward to report his behaviour.'

Mark Logan - Barred List

'The Police Officer retired whilst under investigation. The force continued with a hearing and it was found that had they remained serving they would have been dismissed for breaching the standards of professional behaviour relating to Honesty and Integrity, Orders and Instructions and Discreditable Conduct after it was proven that the officer had been working in an alternative employment on his rest days and also whist being off on sick leave without seeking permission and therefore in breach of Business Interest Policy.'

Misconduct hearing - Former Police Constable 1984 Mark Logan

'11.6 The Panel were of the view that there was a contradiction at the heart of the explanations that PC Logan had given about his secondary employment. In his interview he accepted that he needed to declare the work as a business interest when the policy was pointed out to him. PC Logan also said that he had previously declared working in the exotic fish business in 2017 and so was fully aware of the Business Interest policy and procedure. He did not declare his work with the Cadet Reserve as he believed there was “nothing to declare” in relation to this as it was voluntary work. It is inconsistent to accept that a money-making business that he was involved in should be declared (exotic fish business interest) but not his secondary employment earning £15 per hour with the Ambulance service.

11.10 The Panel concluded PC Logan`s knowledge at the time was such that he deliberately failed to seek and obtain permission to work. There is evidence that he was aware of the policy and his explanations do not ring true. Accordingly, the Panel find that PC Logan acted dishonestly and is in breach of the Standard of Honesty & Integrity.'

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Bailey Webb - Barred List

'The Police Officer was dismissed for breaching the standards of professional behaviour relating to Authority / Respect and Courtesy, Equality and Diversity and Discreditable Conduct after it was proven that whilst off duty on a night out, they showed a lack of respect towards both male and female colleagues, and displayed behaviours that were inappropriate and misogynistic.'

Misconduct hearing - Bailey Webb

'After being told that PC A had eaten the limes intended to accompany a round of tequila drinks, you said to her, “I MIGHT JUST PUNCH YOU IN THE VAGINA”. Your remark amounted to unwanted conduct of a sexual nature (and / or was misogynistic) so as to breach the standard of Equality and Diversity, show a lack of Respect and Courtesy to your colleague, and amount to Discreditable Conduct.

Proven for the following reasons...

 After the conversation about limes, you walked behind PC A (towards the bar) and tapped her on the bottom 2 or 3 (sic) Your actions amounted to unwanted conduct of a sexual nature (and / or were misogynistic)...

Proven for the following reasons...

Finally, whilst outside Pergola, towards the end of the evening, you said to PC A

“I’M NOT GOING TO LIE I’VE WANTED TO S**G YOU ALL NIGHT”. Your remark amounted to unwanted conduct of a sexual nature (and / or was misogynistic)...

Proven for the following reasons...'

Sergeant Luke Gilmour - Barred List

'The Police Officer resigned whilst under investigation. The force continued with a hearing and it was found that had they remained serving they would have been dismissed for breaching the standards of professional behaviour relating to Authority / Respect and Courtesy and Discreditable Conduct after it was proven the former officer assaulted a colleague in a sexual manner.'

Misconduct hearing - Sergeant Luke Gilmour

'10 a) There was malign intent in the form of the sexual gratification of Mr Gilmour;
b) Although the touching of Officer A’s bottom and the lifting of her top took place in the course of a single evening/early morning, the full scope of the acts of misconduct the Panel has found were carried out across a period of time on that evening, and indeed showed escalation as the night wore The Panel therefore considered that there was aggravation in this case due to the fact that the behaviour was sustained over a period of time;
c) This case involved the unwanted and non-consensual sexual touching of a junior female officer. Any form of violence against women and girls may have a serious and harmful impact and, whether on or off duty, is therefore an aggravating feature and it is imperative that policing makes it clear that misconduct of this nature is wholly unacceptable;
d) Mr Gilmour continued his unwanted behaviour, in particular the lifting up of Officer A’s jumper, after Officer A had made it patently clear that it was unwelcome and inappropriate and he had realised, or should have realised, that his behaviour was improper;
e) The Panel also considered that the scale and depth of national concern about the treatment of women by the police service is a further and separate aggravating feature of this case....'

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Cory Kattenhorn - Barred List

'The Police Officer resigned whilst under investigation. The force continued with a hearing and it was found that had they remained serving they would have been dismissed for breaching the standards of professional behaviour relating to Authority / Respect and Courtesy, Use of Force and Discreditable Conduct after it was proven the former officer used an excessive amount of force whilst detaining a suspect who was compliant and using unacceptable language.'

Misconduct hearing pub. 4/10/24 - Cory Kattenhorn

'4) At the time you approached Mr A, he was seated on the path with his arms up, open palmed, in a gesture of surrender. You pointed a Taser at Mr A. You shouted at him words including: (5) “Get on your f*****g front” (6) “On your front, stop f*****g around, c**t” (7) “Put your arm behind your back or I’ll f*****g break it”.

5) Mr A protested, but he showed no aggression or hostility. Mr A was by then face-down on the floor, with several Police officers around him, including officers armed with Taser. Mr A was showing a measure of compliance with commands. Any level of threat posed to you at this time was therefore relatively low.

6) Nevertheless, seconds after commanding Mr A to put his arm behind his back, while holding Mr A’s left arm with your free hand, and while holding a torch in your fist, you used your fist to punch Mr A twice to the head. This caused a cut to Mr A’s head, with a trail of blood reaching the area of his ear as a result. While you were punching Mr A, you said: (7) “Stop it then, you silly f****r”.

7) You continued to swear at Mr A, saying: (8) “F*****g listen, f*****g listen then, you silly c**t”.

66. He [PS Murphy] told the panel that in all his 19 years, this was one of the worse cases of “Red Mist” that he had ever seen. He explained Red Mist was a tunnel vision where the officer was unable to adapt and where the officer’s emotions took over.
88. In respect of the language used by the officer in allegations 3 (1)-(3) it did not accept the officer’s account that the swearing used was to achieve ‘vocal dominance’. The panel found that the words used were inappropriate, and that the officer was acting aggressively, in a manner which was unwarranted. As such, he was not attempting to deescalate the situation which is a requirement before resorting to the use of force. His behaviour by his use of the extreme swearing was gratuitous.

94. In respect of charge 13, the panel finds that PC Kattenhorn marked the BWV as non-evidential and did not complete the Use of Force form until 30 days after the incident occurred as set out in allegation 14.

123. In respect of Culpability, it accepted that PC Kattenhorn’s behaviour was intentional and deliberate but not planned.'

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Misconduct hearing pub. 29/11/24 - Sergeant Peter Glover (reduction in rank)

'With regard to the disproportionate and inappropriate level of force used in the three punches to the head, the Panel has considered whether any of the Standards of Professional Behaviour suggested have been engaged, and find that the Use of Force and Authority, Respect and Courtesy were breached, but the Standard relating to Orders and Instructions was not engaged in this particular allegation.'