Requests similar to 'Report from consultant on libraries in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences' (page 6)

GCSE Admissions Policy
Response by University of Cambridge to [Name Removed] on .

Withdrawn by the requester

Further to your request for information, please find attached the University’s response. Regards, Freedom of Information Office University of Cambrid...
Renumeration Committee
Response by University of Cambridge to Bruce Beckles on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Beckles, Further to your recent request for information, please find enclosed the University's response. Regards, FOI Team University of...
Dear Mr Kandel, Further to our below email, we can now clarify, with regard to question 4 of your request, that the "number of [confirmed] students wh...
LLM Enrollment from SAARC
Response by University of Cambridge to James McElneny on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Mr McElneny, Thank you for your email. The breakdown, prepared on the same basis as before, is attached. Regards, Freedom of Information Office...
Academic journals costs & use
Response by University of Bath to Steve Carufel on .


Dear Mr Carufel     The University’s response is attached.     Yours sincerely     D Bean       -----------------------------...
Further to your request for information, please find attached the University’s response. Regards, Freedom of Information Office University of Cambri...
Correspondence about CASP
Response by University of Cambridge to Oliver Banks on .


Further to your request for information, please find attached the University’s response. Regards, Freedom of Information Office University of Cambrid...
Applications from China
Response by University of Cambridge to ShuiBing Chen on .


Further to your request for information, please find attached the University’s response. Regards, Freedom of Information Office University of Cambrid...
Dear Dr Murray-Rust, Further to your request for information, please find attached the University’s response. Regards, FOI Team Freedom of Informati...
College Rules and Guidance
Response by Magdalene College, Cambridge to M Mash on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Mash I am responding to your FOI request of 15 June. I will deal with your points in the order you raise them. I am attaching electronic copie...
Further to your request for information, please find attached the University’s response. Regards, Freedom of Information Office University of Cambri...
Psychological and behavioural sciences admissions
Response by University of Cambridge to Chie on .

Partially successful

Further to your request for information, please find attached the University’s response. Regards, Freedom of Information Office University of Cambri...
Further to your request for information, please find attached the University’s response. Regards, Freedom of Information Office University of Cambri...
Dear Mr Walker, Please find attached a response to your email of 10th November. Please accept my apologies for any perceived delay in this reply; as...
Further to your request for information, please find attached the University’s response. Regards, Freedom of Information Office University of Cambri...
Further to your request for information, please find attached the University’s response. Regards, Information Compliance Office University of Cambrid...
Economics Reapplicants
Response by University of Cambridge to John Smith on .

Awaiting classification

Further to your request for information, please find attached the University’s response. Regards, Freedom of Information Office University of Cambrid...
Dear Mr Spooner This email is to acknowledge receipt of your Freedom of Information request. Your reference number is FOI-2008-50. We will aim to res...
Internal Audit report
Response by University of Cambridge to Julian King on .


Dear Mr King, Further to your Freedom of Information request, please find enclosed the University's response. Kind Regards, FOI Team -------------...
Dear Ms Snook, This is to acknowledge receipt of your Freedom of Information request. Your reference number is FOI-2010-16. We will respond on or befo...
Regent House Ballot: Grace 3 of 15 June 2011
Response by University of Cambridge to [Name Removed] on .

Partially successful

Dear Dr [Name Removed] This is to acknowledge receipt of your request for information. Your reference number is FOI-2011-288. We will respond on or be...
Voting Procedures in Regent House, 2011
Response by University of Cambridge to [Name Removed] on .

Partially successful

Dear Dr Oppitz-Trotman This is to acknowledge receipt of your request for information. Your reference number is FOI-2012-30. We will respond on or bef...
22 November 2011: Willetts Protest
Response by University of Cambridge to [Name Removed] on .


Dear Dr Oppitz-Trotman, This is to acknowledge receipt of your request for information. Your reference number is FOI-2012-48. We will respond on or be...
Dear Dr Oppitz-Trotman, This is to acknowledge receipt of your request for information. Your reference number is FOI-2012-97. We will respond on or be...
Procedures of the Court of Discipline in 2012
Response by University of Cambridge to [Name Removed] on .

Partially successful

Dear Dr Oppitz-Trotman, This is to acknowledge receipt of your request for information. Your reference number is FOI-2012-85. We will respond on or be...