Repalcement bridleway bridge over railway at Aristotle Lane, Oxford
Dear Oxford City Council,
Please provide me with copies of all documents in your possession that are concerned with or relate to the Aristotle Lane Bridge Replacement Scheme that have been generated or modified during this calendar year.
"Documents", as used in the previous paragraph includes letters, reports, pre-application submissions, meeting minutes and notes, drawings, emails, telephone notes and GRIP4 Forms. This list should not be taken as being exclusive.
In the event that you believe any of this information is statutorily exempt information please list the exempted information and provide your reasons for the exemption(s).
Yours faithfully,
Ian Salisbury
Good morning
Thank you for your email below. Your request was received on 11th April 2014 and you will receive a response within 20 working days, as required under the Freedom of Information Act.
Yours faithfully
Celia Robinson
Interim PA
On behalf of Mike Newman
Corporate Secretariat Manager
Oxford City Council
St.Aldate’s Chambers, 109-113, St.Aldate’s
Dear Oxford City Council,
Just a reminder to say that it is my understanding that by law I will have your reply to my request today.
Yours faithfully,
Ian Salisbury
Dear Oxford City Council,
By law, you should normally have responded promptly to my request, and by 13 May. Please now expedite your reply.
Yours faithfully,
Ian Salisbury
Dear Mr Salisbury
Thank you for your emails in respect of the above FOI request. You will
be sent the substantive response as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely
Michael Newman
Corporate Secretariat Manager
Michael Newman
Corporate Secretariat Manager
Chief Executive’s Office
St Aldate’s Chambers
St Aldate’s
Dear Mr Newman,
As the information I have requested is overdue by more that a week, I would be grateful if you would now kindly inform me when it will be sent.
Yours faithfully,
Ian Salisbury
Dear Mr Salisbury
Thank you for your email below. I apologize for the continuing delay. The information that you have requested is being collated and I will send it to you as soon as I can.
Yours sincerely
Michael Newman
Corporate Secretariat Manager
Oxford City Council
St Aldate’s Chambers
109-113 St Aldate’s
Oxford OX1 1DS
Dear Mr Newnham,
The information that I have asked for is now seriously delayed. I appreciate that you have told me that the information is being collated and I appreciate that.
I would nevertheless be grateful if you would now send it, whether or not it has been collated.
If during the collation period, items have been redacted or removed, you will of course as part of your duties be informing me of that fact and identifying the information that has been either redacted or removed.
You will notice that I have refrained from asking for the matter to be reviewed. I have done that becasue you have been kind enough to apprise me of the delay. But any grace period is now at an end and if I do not receive the information requested I shall apply to have the matter resolved by the Information Commissioner.
Yours sincerely,
Ian Salisbury
Dear Mr Newman,
I refer to my email of 30 May, and would be grateful to have your response please by return.
Yours faithfully,
Ian Salisbury
Dear Mr Salisbury
Thank you for your email below. I can now respond to your FOI request
received on 11^th April 2014. I apologize for the lengthy delay.
The attached PDF provides the information that you are seeking. Some
personal data has been redacted in accordance with S40 of the Freedom of
Information Act 2000.
If you disagree with any part of the response to your request, you are
entitled to ask the Council for an internal review of the decision(s)
made. You may do this by writing to the Monitoring Officer, by either
email – [email address] – or by post to Monitoring Officer, Oxford
City Council, St Aldate’s Chambers, St Aldate’s, Oxford, OX1 1DS. After
the result of the internal review, if you remain dissatisfied, you may ask
the Information Commissioner to intervene on your behalf. You may do this
by writing to the Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.
Yours sincerely
Michael Newman
Corporate Secretariat Manager
Oxford City Council
St Aldate’s Chambers
109-113 St Aldate’s
Oxford OX1 1DS
Dear Oxford City Council,
I have received some, but not all of the information that I requested on 10 April. The information was supplied late. I have been given no indication whether the material that has been requested but not provided is within the Council's possession, and the information that has been provided is so heavily redacted that in most instances the identities of the sending and the receiving organisations have been obliterated.
Please therefore undertake the following review:
1. Please reissue the issued information with redactions only as permitted by the exemptions of Part II of the Freedom of Information Act. Please be aware that S.40 of that Act ("the Act") permits only the redaction of "personal data of which the applicant is the data subject".
2. Please confirm or deny under s.1(1)(a) of the Act whether you hold the remainder of the information that I have requested.
3. Please provide the information requested that has yet to be provided.
I would respectfully draw your attention to the Code of Practice which you may find at and remind you that you should provide this information quickly.
As an indication of the scope of what I have requested, which is indicative and not to be taken as being exhaustive, it should include correspondence between the City Council and Natural England; the City Council and Network Rail; internal correspondence of the City Council, City Council officers' meeting notes; correspondence (or the lack of it) between the City Council and Oxfordshire County Council; correspondence between the City Council and all other so-called stakeholders including the governors and staff of St Philip and St James First School, local residents and their representatives, the Friends of the Trap Grounds, the Trap Ground Allotment Association and the Freemen of the City.
Yours faithfully,
Ian Salisbury
Dear Oxford City Council,
I refer to the request that I made on 3 June 2014 for a review of the information which the City Council provided on that day in response to my initial inquiry of 10 April 2014.
My I please remind you that by the very latest, I should have your reply to my request for a review by Tuesday 1 July 2014.
Yours faithfully,
Ian Salisbury
Dear Oxford City Council,
I have not received either acknowledgment or substantive reply to the Request for Review that I have made, despite the reminder that I sent on 24 June. Accordingly I have referred the matter to the Information Commissioner.
Yours faithfully,
Ian Salisbury
Dear Mr Salisbury
I refer to your email below. I apologize for the delay in replying to
your previous correspondence. I have been informed that the information
that you were sent with my email of 3^rd June is everything that City
Development hold in respect of the matter. I confirm that the information
redacted is personal data, which is exempt from disclosure under section
40 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
I am asking the Regeneration and Major Projects team whether it holds any
further data that would be covered by your request. I will contact you
further once I have its response.
I will forward your correspondence to the Monitoring Officer to consider
the case as an internal review.
Yours sincerely
Michael Newman
Corporate Secretariat Manager
Oxford City Council
St Aldate’s Chambers
109-113 St Aldate’s
Oxford OX1 1DS
Dear Mr Salisbury
I refer to my email of 2^nd July 2014 and the subsequent discussion I had
with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) about your request. I
confirm that I have processed your request under the Environmental
Information Regulations.
I attach a copy of the documentation that you were sent previously but
with the names of the organizations now included. Also attached are the
documents from the Regeneration and Major Projects team’s file, which were
not included in my original response of 3^rd June 2014. I apologize for
the fact that they were excluded initially and for the subsequent delay in
providing them, which was due to the time taken to check the file. The
PDF that contains an individual page is the same as the first page the
part 1 file, except that names (where appropriate) and organizations have
not been redacted.
Personal data has been redacted in accordance with Regulation 13(1) of the
Environmental Information Regulations.
I am informed that there are no other documents on file that relate to the
Council’s dealings with regard to Aristotle Lane Railway Bridge.
If you remain dissatisfied, you can refer the matter back to the lCO.
Yours sincerely
Michael Newman
Corporate Secretariat Manager
Michael Newman
Corporate Secretariat Manager
Chief Executive’s Office
St Aldate’s Chambers
St Aldate’s
Telephone 01865 252140
This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended
for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. All
sent to or from Oxford City Council may be subject to recording and/or
monitoring in
accordance with relevant legislation. If you have received this email in
error please
notify the author by return email.
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Ian Salisbury left an annotation ()
The Information Commissioner has informed me that the Guidance that I referred to in my email of 4 June has been withdrawn. It is replaced with this entry on page 52 of the ICO "Guide to Freedom of Information":
• ensure the procedure is triggered whenever a requester expresses dissatisfaction with the outcome;
• make sure it is a straightforward, single-stage process;
• make a fresh decision based on all the available evidence that is relevant to the date of the request, not just a review of the first decision;
• ensure the review is done by someone who did not deal with the request, where possible, and preferably by a more senior member of staff; and
• ensure the review takes no longer than 20 working days in most cases, or 40 in exceptional circumstances.