Re:Non-metric prices

The request was partially successful.

Dave Stephens, Butcher

Dear Covent Garden Market Authority,

Is the council aware that 'David Johnson,' is, in fact a member of the pressure group UK Metric Association?

He has written to numerous councils, nearly 200. I urge you to keep his agenda in mind, and defer instead to the wishes of your constituents instead of veiled threats disguised as F.O.I. 'requests.'

Why abandon the square foot, 660x66 of which constitute an acre, used for hundreds of years? The use of the acre goes back a millennium, at least. The use of the foot and square foot to back to the time of the Roman Empire and Christ. It should take more than an email to cast aside millennia of history.

Yours faithfully,

Dave Stephens, Butcher
Web Relations Officer, A.R.M.

Kathryn Holden, Covent Garden Market Authority

1 Attachment

Dear Dave

I have forwarded your email to the appropriate departments.

Best wishes

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