Relevant Persons (Subject Access Modification) (Social Work) Order (2000)

Northamptonshire County Council did not have the information requested.

Dear Northamptonshire County Council

2)Please identify all job/employment roles (including local education authority) within Northamptonshire which are considered “relevant persons” by Northamptonshire County Council for the purposes of the (Subject Access Modification) (Social Work) Order (2000)

Yours faithfully,

Richard Newton

Freedom of Information,

I am writing to acknowledge your request for information dated 9th October 2014.

Our team is dealing with your request and we will be in contact with you soon. If you have any queries about this email, please contact me.

Kind regards

Gillian Hollowell
Senior Freedom of Information/Data Protection Officer
Business Intelligence and Performance Improvement
Northamptonshire County Council
Room 223
County Hall
Northampton NN1 1ED
Tel: 01604 367407
Fax: 01604 367004
[email address]

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Freedom of Information,

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Newton



There is no rigid test which can be applied or definition available which

can provide to you which is used to identify what job/employment role/s

be considered "relevant persons" by Northamptonshire County Council (NCC)
in a



Each SAR would be unique to it own set of circumstances and disclosures of

third party would be on a case-by-case basis.  We follow the Data
Protection 1998 Subject access code of Practice guidance issued by ICO.



Kind regards


Gillian Hollowell

Senior Freedom of Information/Data Protection Officer

Business Intelligence and Performance Improvement

Northamptonshire County Council

Room 223

County Hall

Northampton NN1 1ED

Tel: 01604 367407
Fax: 01604 367004

[1][email address]


[3]NEW Wordle alternative

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Dear Freedom of Information,

Thanks Gillian for he confirmation and reply. I see that you indicate that you follow guidance from the ICO only - can you please confirm my understanding from your reply that Northamptonshire County Council does not follow the guidance issued by the Dept of Health "Data protection Act 1998 - Guidance to social services"

Yours sincerely,

Richard Newton

Freedom of Information,

Dear Mr Newton

Our response in relation to your posed question stands. Not withstanding this, whilst we have indicated that we follow the Subject Access Code of Practice guidance issued by ICO, we also advised that each SAR would be unique to it own set of circumstances and disclosures of a third party information would be on a case-by-case basis. NCC does not record or hold a policy detailing guidance which should be followed when dealing with a subject access request. Ultimately, we would refer to source legislation, being the DPA 1998 if we had any queries in relation to the application of the same we would seek guidance from our Legal team.

We should also take this opportunity to advise you that we have looked at the document which your urn refers to dated 2000 and I feel that in my opinion this is a somewhat dated reference document as it makes reference to the responsibilities of the Data protection commissioner (DPC) formerly the Data Protection Registrar now known as the Information Commissioners Office.

SARs will be requested by a variety of individuals from the organisations which may hold information in relation to them; I am sure there are many different guidance documents published by various organisation as to how they feel the process should be conducted. However, as previously stated a request comes with its own unique set of circumstances and therefore one set of guidance may not always be suitable and the content of the information will dictate what elements of investigation and application of any guidance is deemed suitable for that particular case.

As a result this is why ultimately the source legislation being the DPA 1998 will underpin and dictate how a request is handled.

If this does not resolve the issue to your complete satisfaction, you have the right to apply to the information Commissioner for a decision at the following address:

Information Commissioner
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF

Kind regards

Gillian Hollowell
Senior Freedom of Information/Data Protection Officer
Business Intelligence and Performance Improvement
Northamptonshire County Council
Room 223
County Hall
Northampton NN1 1ED
Tel: 01604 367407
Fax: 01604 367004
[email address]

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