Our Reference: FOI/2021/1933
Dear Simon
Thank you for your email requesting data pertaining to raw water charges
data and the derived indi...
I have seen the terms of reference of the Inflation Tripartite Group: http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/guide-method/user-guidance/prices/cpi-and-rpi/tripartit...
Many ONS statistics will be derived by calculating the mean of data points. Can you please tell me what type of mean is used in which sections of the O...
Can you please release all methodology papers, guides or manuals about consumer price inflation (to include both CPI and RPI) that were published by ON...
Dear FOI Requests,
Thanks for your reply.
I draw your attention to large sections of the 2010 Budget, for example:
"1.106 The Government will us...
Assessment report no 79 on inflation figures, published December 2010, concluded: "... the statistics are readily accessible, produced according to sou...
Please can you let me have any (internal or published) documents (including letters and emails) that note, discuss or list the different actual or pote...
Orginally sent 13th December 2011
Our Reference: FOI01309/Briscoe/QE1
Dear Mr Briscoe,
Thank you for your email requesting information for all co...
Our Reference: FOI/2021/1920
Dear Simon
Thank you for your email requesting data pertaining to copies of the
content of the statements and...
Our Reference: FOI01285/Briscoe/QE1
Thank you for your email requesting information correspondence relating to
the ONS website that was relaunched i...
Our Reference: FOI01285/Briscoe/QE1
Thank you for your email requesting information correspondence relating to
the ONS website that was relaunched i...
Our Reference: FOI/2023/5003
Dear Simon
Thank you for your email requesting data pertaining to the cost of
developing HCIs.
I am wri...
Our Reference: FOI01261/Briscoe/QE2
Dear Mr Briscoe,
Apologies for the delay in responding to your Freedom of Information
request of 25 August 201...
Para 3.22 of UKSA assessment report no 79, said that the ONS does not provide any additional information detailing how inflation indices should be used...
The Governor was quoted this week as saying that the RPI was "meritless". Can you please let me see the documents that he will have seen that allowed h...
Dear Alice
We write in response to your request for information.
We have responded below your requests:
01.Can you please provide me...
Dear Simon Briscoe,
Thank you for your information request, received on 10/12/2013
In your request, yo...
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am a PhD research student at King's College London and I need to calculate the cost of a pre-defined list of goods and services,...
Very often documents on the ONS and UKSA website have no date on them. When it comes to methodology and process documents this renders them near to use...
Dear Dr Parker
Please see attached the response in relation to your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
We trust this...
Dear Neil,
With reference to your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act, please find attached the information you requested, wh...
Dear Brian
Thank you for your enquiry. I have attached the papers for the September 2012 Sport Wales Audit Committee meeting. The minutes of the meeti...
Dear Ms Davis,
Many thanks for your email below. Please find attached our response and
the supporting documents.
Please do not hesitat...
<<EFI 877 response letter V0_1.pdf>> <<RFI 877 Explanation note.pdf>>
<<2007-05-10 10 May 2007 Board Agenda vFINAL.pdf>> <<2007-05-10
Minutes of 10 M...
Dear Mr Richards,
Please see attached, I have resent the sub committee minutes and other
documents mentioned in the minutes of the board meeti...