're:information on PCI DSS compliance for securing credit card
Dear Forest of Dean District Council,
• Go to the list of authorities and select ‘Local Council’
• Go to the name of the council you want to request the info from and fill in a headline which is this: Information re PCI DSS compliance for securing credit card data
• Then scroll down to the request itself and enter these questions:
• Does your organisation store or process any credit card data or other sensitive personal data?
• Are you currently PCI compliant and if so at which level?
• Have you ever failed a PCI assessment test in the last 3 years, if so how many times and why?
• During your last PCI assessment how many areas did your PCI auditor identify as in need of remediation?
• How much budget did you spend in the last 12 months on reaching/maintaining PCI Compliance?
• How much did your organisation spend on refreshments such as tea, coffee and biscuits in the last year?
• Has your organisation suffered any data breaches of personal data in the last 12 months when credit card data was leaked?
• Which of those breaches did you self-detect and how many were you notified of by third parties such as banks, police authorities etc
Yours faithfully,
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Dear Caroline,
Further to your request, please find response below:
Does your organisation store or process any credit card data or
other sensitive personal data? No
• Are you currently PCI compliant and if so at which level? Yes –
Level 4
• Have you ever failed a PCI assessment test in the last 3 years,
if so how many times and why? No
• During your last PCI assessment how many areas did your PCI
auditor identify as in need of remediation? None
• How much budget did you spend in the last 12 months on
reaching/maintaining PCI Compliance? Please see
• How much did your organisation spend on refreshments such as tea,
coffee and biscuits in the last year? Please see
• Has your organisation suffered any data breaches of personal data
in the last 12 months when credit card data was leaked? No
• Which of those breaches did you self-detect and how many were you
notified of by third parties such as banks, police authorities etc
Kind Regards
Tracey Griffiths
Assistant Legal Executive
Tel: 01594 812513
Fax: 01594 812470
E-mail: [3][email address]
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